Mirage Elf

Born under the harsh desert sun of the Kuneirmeru, the mirage elves are an exceptionally hardy people. Unfortunately, while most folk of the Kuneirmeru have taken to teamwork and helping each other out to survive in the early days, the mirage elves had different plans. Early into their explorations, they had found ancient ruins that allowed them to survive easier, keeping themselves from the wretched heat. They helped only their own kind, abandoning the others of the desert. Over time, they manages to adapt to the desert, emulating the natural world around them and gaining the ability to blur their own bodies, giving them their name. They used this to their advantage against others of the desert, raiding traveling caravans and seemingly letting blade and arrow alike pass right through them.   These elven bandit groups, the most famous of which being the Mirage Walkers, are a plague upon the desert, and some settlements even put bounties on their heads. This has only led to stick a larger wedge between the two groups, and thus even kindly mirage elves are given concerned looks and hospitality is kept from them.   The elves that did break off from their initial roots turned to try and aid others of this land, almost as though seeking forgiveness for the crimes of their kinsmen. Even these elves are looked at as a potential threat but given enough time they can certainly incorporate into society. Those that have succeeded on this difficult path often become beloved by their homes, and tend to work as guards or desert wardens.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Aeloria, Aerisil, Alandria, Amaranda, Amarilis, Amarinda, Aravanna, Aravera, Caeloria, Calandra, Elandra, Elarinya, Iskarina, Kalendra, Liraelle, Lirelle, Lireth, Seraphina, Sylvaria, Thalindra, Thandriel, Vaelindra, Valandria, Zephirith, Zephyria

Masculine names

Aerendir, Aerion, Amarion, Amarokir, Aravandor, Aridion, Caladon, Calenon, Elandor, Elandur, Iskandar, Kalendir, Liraelis, Lirion, Nasirion, Qasimir, Rosharnel, Serandil, Silvandor, Sylvaris, Thalindor, Thandoril, Valandor, Zephiron, Zephyrion

Family names

Alimor, Amaril, Anukhet, Arashin, Azura, Ishara, Ishtari, Khareb, Kharimor, Marzuk, Nakhil, Nasrith, Nazira, Qadim, Qalishar, Rahmani, Roshan, Samara, Sashara, Seraphis, Shadiya, Shamsara, Tahmina, Talonai, Zephyrion
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Game Statistics

Custom System
Ability Score Adjustment. +1 Wisdom
Mirage Elf Weapon Proficiency. You gain proficiency witht he scimitar, khopesh, and sling.
Heat Resistance. You gain resistance to Fire damage equal to half your level.
Blurred Form. Once per day, you can use innate magic to blur your body, as per the blur spell.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Mirage Elvish.

5th Edition
To Be Made

4th Edition
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3.5th Edition
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2nd Edition
Ability Score Adjustment. The initial ability scores are modified by a +1 to Dexterity and a +2 to Wisdom, but a -2 to Constitution.
Strength 3 18
Dexterity 7 18
Constitution 3 17
Intelligence 7 18
Wisdom 8 19
Charisma 3 18
Fighter 15
‎ ‎ ‎Paladin
‎ ‎ ‎Ranger 12
‎ ‎ ‎Barbarian
Mage 12
‎ ‎ ‎Specialist
‎ ‎ ‎Warlock 12
Cleric 15
‎ ‎ ‎Druid
‎ ‎ ‎Monk
‎ ‎ ‎Shaman
Thief 12
‎ ‎ ‎Assassin 15
‎ ‎ ‎Bard
Psionicist 10
Special Advantages. Mirage elves get a +1 bonus to attack rolls when using a scimitar, khopesh, or sling.   Mirage elves can cast blur on themselves once per day as though a wizard of their level.   Mirage elves gain a +1 bonus on saving throws versus heat- and fire-based attacks, as the elf’s body is less susceptible to extreme temperatures.   Special Hindrances. None.   Role-Playing Suggestions. Mirage elves of the wild sands are fierce and aggressive, tending to favor hit-and-run tactics. They make decisions quickly and work well with other mirage elves, but no others.   Mirage elves born into a settlement or having found acceptance in one are often far more civilized, learning the ways of the people and acting far more like the Kuneiri humans that live around them.   Languages. Mirage Elvish, Elvish, Kenku, Kuneiri, Common

Pathfinder 2e
To Be Made
Encompassed species


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