Stout Halfling

Stouts are not as common as their cousins, the Bravehearts, but they are nonetheless a populous and widespread subrace. They are about the same height as Bravehearts, averaging an inch or two below 3’, but much stockier—indeed, a typical Stout weighs half again as much as the average Braveheart! This girth is not all fat, however—Stouts are more muscular than any other halfling and tend to regularly best their kin in the wrestling contest that are a favorite Stoutish entertainment.   Ruddier in complexion than the other subraces, Stouts tend to blush easily when pleased or embarrassed and flush bright red when angry. Their hair color tends to be on the light side, with blonds and sandy reds predominating; their eyes are blue, grey, and green. Unlike Bravehearts and Lithe, male Stouts can grow some facial hair, although not full beards; usually it takes the form of unusually thick sideburns or muttonchops. Moustaches are rare, and the few able to grow them are often inordinately proud of their accomplishment.   Stouts favor sturdy garb, commonly made of well-cured leather. They prefer practicality to appearance, and thus the members of a community tend to dress with an almost drab sameness. However, a Stout will try to make a point of having a brightly colored outfit of exotic material (such as cotton, wool, or, rarely, silk), for use on special occasions. They often wear boots, which are really more like thick moccasins that offer good protection from the rocky or marshy ground typically under Stoutish feet. These halflings tend to segregate themselves from human society more than do Bravehearts, preferring the company of dwarves. Stouts and dwarves mix very readily, and their communities will often be located near to each other. Military and defensive alliances between the two races are common, and prosperous trading is also the norm.   Stoutish villages will generally be in hilly or rocky regions near good fishing waters and well-watered fields. They are the only halflings with any affinity to mining, but they are quite good at it and will often develop a bustling business from the excavation of minerals. Stouts can also be skilled jewelers, stone-masons, builders, smiths, boatmen, and carvers. They are lackluster farmers at best, except where mushrooms are concerned, and as merchants they excel primarily at selling the products of the above trades.   Preferring underground habitation more than any other halfling subrace, a Stout will typically live in a fully-excavated burrow. He or she will have several round, shuttered windows placed in a few walls to let in light and air, but the overall place will be cooler, darker, and somewhat damper than a Braveheart home. The most industrious of halflings, a Stout can accomplish a great deal of work in a short time. They make doughty soldiers, and their infravision (60’ range) gives them a great advantage in night-fighting. They are skilled swimmers and boatmen and have used small, slender canoes with great effect in night attacks against larger vessels.   With a typical life expectancy of more than 130 years, Stouts are not considered adults until they reach 30 years of age. The eldest of the race have been known to exceed two centuries in age.
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Game Statistics

Custom System
Ability Score Adjustment
+1 Constitution
Poison Resistance
You gain resistance to Poison damage equal to 5 + half your level
Racial Skills
You gain a +2 Racial bonus to Dungeoneering checks
You can speak, read, and write Stout Halfling


5th Edition
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4th Edition
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3.5th Edition
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2nd Edition
Ability Score Adjustment
The initial ability scores are modified by a +1 to Dexterity and Constitution, but a -1 to Strength.
Strength 5 17
Dexterity 8 19
Constitution 10 19
Intelligence 6 18
Wisdom 3 18
Charisma 5 18
Fighter 9
‎ ‎ ‎Paladin
‎ ‎ ‎Ranger
‎ ‎ ‎Barbarian
‎ ‎ ‎Specialist
‎ ‎ ‎Warlock 6
Cleric 8
‎ ‎ ‎Druid
‎ ‎ ‎Monk
‎ ‎ ‎Shaman
Thief 15
‎ ‎ ‎Assassin 15
‎ ‎ ‎Bard
Psionicist 12
Special Advantages
Stout halflings are miners of great skill. While underground, they can detect the following information within 10 feet of the particular phenomenon (but they can determine their approximate depth below the surface at any time).
Detect grade or slope in passage1-5 on 1d6
Detect new tunnel/passage construction1-5 on 1d6
Detect sliding/shifting walls or rooms1-4 on 1d6
Detect stonework traps, pits, and deadfalls1-3 on 1d6
Determine approximate depth underground1-3 on 1d6

A halfling’s stout blood grants you infravision that enables them to see up to 30 feet in the dark.

Stout halflings, like their dwarven cousins, are highly resistant to magic and poison. A gnome gains a +1 bonus for every 3½ points of Constitution score to save against wands, staves, rods, spells, and poison. See the below chart for quick reference.
Constitution ScoreSaving Throw Bonus
Special Hindrances
Stout halflings suffer a -1 penalty on reaction rolls from elves because of the halfling’s close friendship with dwarves.
Role-Playing Suggestions
Stout halflings are friends of the dwarves and carry many of their ideals shaping them into goodly folk.

Stout halflings are brave and hardy, often getting along very well with Braveheart halflings.
Stout Halfling, Halfling, Dwarven, Shield Dwarf, Gold Dwarf, Crimson Dwarf, Frost Dwarf, Common


Pathfinder 2e
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Encompassed species


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