Tundra Felarid

Tundra felarids are a hardy and resilient subrace of felarids, adapted to the frigid environments of the far north. Bearing a striking resemblance to lynxes, these felarids are among the largest of their kinds, their robust bodies and thick fur coats designed to withstand the harsh conditions of the tundra and arctic. Their distinctive ear tufts and wide feet set them apart from other felarids, making them easily recognizable in their icy habitats.   Tundra felarids stand between 2½ and 3¼ feet tall, making them the largest of all felarids. Their bodies are stocky and muscular, built to endure the cold and navigate through deep snow. They are covered in a dense layer of fur, which provides excellent insulation against the freezing temperatures. The fur is typically a mix of white, gray, and brown, offering camouflage in their snowy environments.   Their large, wide feet are adapted to walking on snow, preventing them from sinking and allowing them to move swiftly across the frozen landscape. The ears of tundra felarids are adorned with signature tufts, which serve both a sensory function and as a distinguishing feature. Their eyes are typically blue, amber, or white, with a piercing gaze that can spot prey from a great distance.   Tundra felarids live in close-knit communities known as clowders, which are characterized by strong familial bonds and cooperative living. These clowders are often led by the most experienced and wise elders, whose knowledge of survival in the tundra is invaluable. Leadership is respected and decisions are made through consensus, ensuring the well-being of the entire group.   Their homes are typically constructed from ice and snow, creating well-insulated shelters that protect them from the elements. These igloo-like structures are often temporary, as tundra felarids are semi-nomadic, moving in search of food and resources as needed. Their lifestyle requires them to be resourceful and adaptable, capable of making the most out of their harsh environment.   Tundra Felarids are known for their stoic and resilient nature. They are brave and determined, with a strong sense of duty to their clowder. Their calm demeanor and strategic thinking make them excellent leaders and protectors. Despite their serious nature, they enjoy play and often engage in snow games and contests of strength and endurance.   Highly perceptive, tundra felarids are skilled hunters and scouts. They are adept at tracking prey through the snow and have an intimate knowledge of the tundra's dangers and resources. Their agility and strength make them formidable opponents, capable of taking down much larger prey.   Their thick fur and insulating shelters allow them to thrive in the freezing temperatures, while their communal lifestyle ensures that all members of the clowder are cared for. They store food during times of abundance, ensuring that they can survive the harshest winters.


The names of tundra felarids are often based on survival skills, helping pass down stories through their very names. Sample names include Leaves-no-Pawprints, Scrambles-through-Underbrush, Crawls-on-Ice, and Sleeps-through-Snowstorms.
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Game Mechanics

Custom System
To be made

5th Edition
Ability Score Adjustment
Your Wisdom score increases by 2, but your Intelligence score is reduced by 2.
You have resistance to cold damage
Wide Feet
You count as weighing only half as much for the purposes of walking across fragile materials such as ice or snow. Additionally, you ignore nonmagical difficult terrain caused by such materials

4th Edition
To be made

3.5th Edition
To be made

2nd Edition
Ability Score Adjustment
Your Wisdom score increases by 1, but your Intelligence score decreases by 1

Strength 4 18
Dexterity 6 19
Constitution 6 18
Intelligence 3 16
Wisdom 6 19
Charisma 6 18
Fighter 10
‎ ‎ ‎Paladin
‎ ‎ ‎Ranger 16
‎ ‎ ‎Barbarian
Mage 10
‎ ‎ ‎Specialist
‎ ‎ ‎Warlock 10
Cleric 14
‎ ‎ ‎Druid 10
‎ ‎ ‎Monk
‎ ‎ ‎Shaman 10
Thief 10
‎ ‎ ‎Assassin 10
‎ ‎ ‎Bard
Special Advantages
You count as weighing half as much for the purposes of walking across fragile materials such as ice or snow. Additionally, tundra felarids are not slowed by snow, ice, or similar materials.

Tundra felarid get a +2 bonus on saving throws versus cold- and ice-based attacks, as the felarid's fur makes them less susceptible to extreme temperatures.


Pathfinder 2e
The Tundra Felarids are well-suited to the frigid expanses of Elaris’ icy realms. With their wide, snowshoe-like feet, reminiscent of lynxes, they can navigate effortlessly across frozen landscapes. Their thick, insulating fur coats protect them from the biting cold, allowing them to thrive in the harshest of tundras.   These Felarids are expert hunters and gatherers, skillfully tracking elusive prey and uncovering hidden treasures beneath the icy layers. Tundra Felarids often serve as protectors of their frozen homelands, ensuring the survival of their communities in the face of adversity. The Tundra Felarids are the largest of their kind.   You have a remarkable adaptation to frozen environments from ancestors who inhabited the Fahrym Unions and similar frosty homelands. This grants you cold resistance equal to half your level (minimum 1), and you treat environmental cold effects as if they were one step less extreme (incredible cold becomes extreme, extreme cold becomes severe, and so on).


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