Wild Elf

Hiding away within the lush ancient forests and jungles of Elaris are the wild elves, living off the land and with it, seeking not to disturb it. These elves are rarely encountered by humans due to their remote homes and inherent dislike and distrust of other races—sometimes including other elves. While they dislike other intelligent visitors, they are noted to be close with most, if not all, of their homeland’s animal life, ranging from the parrots and great cats of the jungles to the ravens and wild dogs of the forests. This close relationship is built on heavy trust and protection of one another. A wild elf, particularly a sylvan elf, will often lay their own life down to save the life of their bonded companion.   Wild elves make it their duty to serve the natural world, and a vast majority of them become druids or rangers, helping protect their woods and the creatures that live within. The most dutiful of these are known as stalkers. These dedicated elves work alongside others, particularly other druids or rangers, in an attempt to keep woodlands as pure and untouched by the hands of humans or any other races as possible. While both sylvan and wood elves can become stalkers, most of them come from sylvan blood.   There are two types of wild elves—the sylvan elves and the wood elves. The sylvan elves are far more common, though this fact wouldn’t be known by outsiders. They keep to themselves in their dim wooded homes, never venturing outside of it unless absolutely necessary. With skin of a deep brown color like the bark of a tree and deep green colored hair and eyes, they are hard to keep track of in their chosen environments. They are far more aggressive than other elves, though never harm those who would not harm them and who do not intrude on their homes. The other type, the wood elves, have coppery colored skin and brown, black, or blond hair, but keep the green eyes of their sylvan cousins. Unlike the sylvan elves, the eyes of the wood elves range between the brightest of emerald greens and the deepest greens of the jungle canopy. These elves are still closely in tune with nature, but travel much further from their homeland and lack the innate hatred of other races that the sylvan elves possess. Due to this, wood half-elves exist, albeit rarely, unlike the total lack of sylvan half-elves.   Many humans believe the sylvan elves are merely a myth designed by other elves to keep expansion at bay and give them a fighting chance if there were to ever be a war between them, but scholars of the race have found traces of sylvan elves, even if almost nobody has seen them and survived the experience. The rumors surrounding the race often make them out to be far more monstrous than they truly are, when in actuality they simply wish to protect their woodland homes from intruders and those that would harm them. The greatest offender of this are the orcs and the giants—ancestral foes of the wild elves. Orcish lumberjacks tear down huge swaths of forest and jungle land to build their machines of war and their temporary encampments which are later left to rot, while giants, excluding jungle giants, have a tendency to tear forests apart just passing through them. Due to this, wild elves dislike all orcs and non-jungle giants, including half-orcs and titanforged.   Much like the dark elves, many believe almost all wood elves are adventurers due to that being the only time they spend much time at all in civilizations and non-elven settlements, disliking how “dead” these places otherwise feel. Unlike the dark elves, however, these elves are often wrongly mistaken for assassins due to their naturally stealthy approach and dislike of having to grow to close to anyonebut their most trusted travel companions.   It is exceptionally rare for a sylvan elf to leave their forested sanctuaries, but there are times when it is necessary. If a group were to defile their homeland, it is not uncommon that a large warband of sylvan elves will gather together, finding where the offenders are resting for the night, and murdering them in their sleep, as well as anyone unlucky enough to be near them, before quietly returning to their homes under the cover of darkness.
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Game Statistics

Custom System
Ability Score Adjustment. +1 Strength Wild Elf Weapon Proficiency. You gain proficiency with spears, longspears, shortbows, and longbows.
Quick of Foot. Your base land speed increases to 35 feet.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Wild Elvish.

5th Edition
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4th Edition
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3.5th Edition
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2nd Edition
Ability Score Adjustment. The initial ability scores are modified by a +1 to Strength and Dexterity, but a -1 to Constitution and Charisma.
Strength 6 19
Dexterity 6 19
Constitution 7 17
Intelligence 8 18
Wisdom 3 18
Charisma 7 17
Fighter 12
‎ ‎ ‎Paladin
‎ ‎ ‎Ranger 16
‎ ‎ ‎Barbarian 10
Mage 15
‎ ‎ ‎Specialist
‎ ‎ ‎Warlock 12
Cleric 12
‎ ‎ ‎Druid 15
‎ ‎ ‎Monk
‎ ‎ ‎Shaman 14
Thief 12
‎ ‎ ‎Assassin 14
‎ ‎ ‎Bard
Psionicist 6
Special Advantages. Wild elves get a +1 bonus to attack rolls when using a spear, shortbow, or longbow.   Wild elves have infravision to a range of 60 feet.   Growing up in the jungle, wild elves become highly tolerant of poisons of all sorts. For every 3½ points of Constitution they have, they save versus poison at a +1. These bonuses are summarized below.
Constitution ScoreSaving Throw Bonus
4-6 +1
7-10 +2
11-13 +3
14-17 +4
18-19 +5
Special Hindrances. Wild elves have a hard time socializing with others, and take a -2 penalty to reaction adjustment with non-wild elves or wild half-elves.   Role-Playing Suggestions. Sylvan elves will not leave their forest sanctuary without an exceptionally good reason, and even then will only travel among other sylvan elves or forest/jungle animals.   Wood elves are light of step and tend to be unnecessarily stealthy, causing some to think them to be assassins or similar low-lives. They take offense to these stereotypes, but rarely challenge them.   Wild elves of both sorts will not harm a woodland unless there is no way to save it, such as it being heavily diseased and not destroying it will spread that blight to other woodlands, thus causing more destruction than is already necessary.   Languages. Wild Elvish, Elvish, Centaur, Pixie, Dryad, Treant, Brownie, Common. Sylvan elves rarely if ever learn Common as they wish to have as little to do with the outside world as possible, but Wood elves often learn it for their travels.

Pathfinder 2e
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