
Asteroid Sprouting Life

Source: Elaris: Sea of Stars
Artox-1 is a massive asteroid within The Grand Ring, currently undergoing a remarkable transformation under the care of a red dragon xenodruid named Elangrisor. What was once a barren rock is slowly becoming a verdant oasis, thanks to the combined efforts of Elangrisor, her Kobold assistants, a Khizar named Acacia, and many voidtouched Voluxi that Acacia helped to save and return.


Artox-1 is one of the largest asteroids in the Grand Ring, characterized by its rugged terrain and diverse microclimates. The surface features craggy mountains, deep valleys, and expansive plains. These varied landscapes provide a range of environments for the developing ecosystems, each uniquely adapted to the conditions found on the asteroid.


Mountains of Elangrisor

These towering peaks are named after the red dragon xenodruid overseeing the asteroid's revival. The mountains are rich in minerals and home to hardy plant species that can withstand the harsh conditions. Streams and small rivers run through these mountains, fed by the asteroid's internal water reserves that were originally fed through these mountains by Elangrisor.

The Verdant Valley

Nestled byween the Mountains of Elangrisor, the Verdant Valley is the heart of the revival project. This area is lush with newly planted vegetation, including trees, shrubs, and a variety of flowering plants. The vally benefits from a controlled microclimate, arefully managed by Elangrisor and her team. Acacia lives within this valley, overseeing the plantlife here.

Kobold Caves

Small, cultivated areas tended by the kobolds lace throughout the Mountains, serving as a home for the kobolds and those who prefer less sunlight. Lush fields of mushrooms and similar hardy plants that don't need much light live within this region.


There are no settlements on Artox-1 at this time.


Artox-1 only recently began to be worked on by Elangrisor, only going back a few years at most. As such, most of its history is lost to the Gap from when it was likely part of a planet.


The primary residents of Artox-1 are voluxi, aiding Elangrisor in her revival of the planet. All fauna on the world are employed by Elangrisor, while much of the fauna is beginning to grow and spread on its own.


With so few people on the asteroid, there is no true society on Artox-1.

Conflicts and Threats

Environmental Stability

Maintaining a stable environment on an asteroid with no natural atmosphere is a significant challenge. Elangrisor and her team must constantly monitor and adjust the conditions to ensure the survival of the introduced species.

External Threats

The Grand Ring is not without its dangers. Pirates, rogues, miners, and other factions might see Artox-1 as a valuable target, either for its resources or to disrupt the revival efforts.
Asteroid (Planetoid)
Thin (Artificial)
Year Length (OST)
3/4 years
Day Length (OST)
18 hours
Elangrisor, Kobold, Voluxi
Alternative Name(s)
The Verdant Asteroid
Location under
Characters in Location


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