The Grand Ring

The Grand Ring is a colossal belt of asteroids that circles within the Origin System, believed to be remnants of a shattered planet or several planets. This mysterious cataclysm occured during the Gap, leaving the methods of this destrction obscured by time and lost history. The Grand Ring is a place of both desolation and life, where barren space rocks coexist with small, thriving ecosystems. It is a region of great interest for explorers, scientists, and colonists, each seeking to uncover its secrets and harness its potential.


The Grand Ring stretches across a vast expanse of the Origin System, forming a near-continuous band of asteroids, chunks of ice, technological objects, and everything in between. These objects vary greatly in size and composition, from tiny fragments to massive planetoids. Some are rich in minerals and metals, making them prime targets for mining operations, while others are composed of less valuable materials. The gravitational interactions within the ring create a dynamic environment, with objects occasionally colliding or drifint closer together.

Ecosystems and Habitats

Among the barren rocks, a few asteroids have developed unique ecosystems. These are often the result of deliberate efforts to introduce and sustain life, such as the ongoing projects led by various factions within the Grand Ring.



Artox-1 is one of the largest and most prominent asteroids within the Grand Ring. Under the care of the red dragon xenodruid Elangrisor, Artox-1 is undergoing a tranformation from a desolate rock into a verdant oasis. Elangrisor, with the aid of a few kobolds, a khizar named Acacia, and several voidtouched voluxi, is reviving the asteroid by spreading plant life and creating sustainable habitats. The voluxi, saved and returned to this asteroid by Acacia, play a crucial role in maintaining the balance of this burgeoning ecosystem as Elangrisor cannot be everywhere at once. The dragon's efforts are turning Artox-1 into a symbol of hope and renewal, attracting interest from ecologists and biologists across the system.


In stark contrast to Artox-1, Sufar-7 is a militarized asteroid reformed into a weapons facility. This large asteroid is primarily inhabited by Drow, who have established a formidable stronghold there. The facility is known for its advanced weaponry production, catering to various factions within and beyond the Origin System. Recently, Sufar-7 was thrown into turmoil following the assassination of its matron, allegedly by the Android Abolitionist Front. The matron's use of Android slave labor incited the attack, leaving the drow community in disarray and vulnerable to internal strife and external threats.


The Grand Ring is also home to several massive drydocks—large space stations that serve as hubs of activity and commerce within the asteroid belt. These drydocks are more than just repair and refueling stations; they are bustling cities in their own right.   Each of the four main drydocks—Drydock 1, Drydock 2, Drydock 3, and Drydock 4—houses a significant population, providing all the amenities of a thriving urban center. These drydocks are strategically positioned within the ring to facilitate travel and trade between the asteroids and other parts of the Origin System. They feature markets, residential areas, entertainment venues, and research facilities. The drydocks are governed by a coalition of representatives from various factions, ensuring that all interests are represented in their administration.






The Grand Ring is a melting pot of different cultures and factions, each with its own interests and agendas. The presence of valuable resources and strategic locations makes the ring a hotspot for political intrigue and conflict.   The voluxi are said to be native to the Grand Ring—or rather to one of the planets that became the Grand Ring. Pre-Gap history seems to agree with this notion, and yet there is also information that voluxi had shown up on Elaris pre-Gap, and so it is unclear where they truly came from.



Conflicts and Threats

  • Ecological Factions: Groups dedicated to the preservation and expansion of life within the Grand Ring, such as the followers of Elangrisor and Acacia, work tirelessly to create and maintain sustainable habitats.
  • Militaristic Factions: The drow on Sufar-7 and other militaristic groups maintain a strong presence, using the ring’s strategic location for their operations. The recent upheaval on Sufar-7 has created a power vacuum, leading to potential conflicts and shifts in control.
  • Commercial Interests: Numerous corporations and independent miners exploit the ring's resources, leading to economic rivalries and competition for the richest asteroids.
  • Scientific Communities: Researchers and scientists are drawn to the ring’s unique properties and mysteries, conducting studies on its origins, ecosystems, and the potential for new technologies.
  • Revolutionary Movements: Groups like the Android Abolitionist Front operate within the ring, pushing for social and political changes, often through direct action and sabotage.
Asteroid Ring
Origin System
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