
Source: Elaris: Sea of Stars
Ability Modifiers +4 Cha, -2 Int
Hit Points 4

Size and Type

Felarids are Small humanoids with the felarid subtype.

Exceptional Vision

Felarids have Low-Light Vision and have Darkvision within 60 feet.

Burst of Speed

Felarids are prone to exceptional bursts of energy at seemingly random times, particularly late at night. A felarid can choose to take a second move action. Once he or she does, he or she cannot do so again until he or she finishes a 10 minute rest to regain stamina.

Frontier Friend

Felarids receive a +2 racial bonus to Athletics, Perception, and Sense Motive.

Friendly Feline

Felarids have an appearance that puts others at ease, making it easy to befriend them, but difficult to frighten them. Felarids receive a +2 racial bonus to Diplomacy, but a -5 racial penalty to Intimidate.

Soothing Purr

Felarids possess a soothing purr that can calm nerves and alleviate tension. Once per day, they can use an action to emit a calming purr, granting themselves and nearby allies within 30 feet a +2 racial bonus to Will saving throws against fear effects for 1 minute.

Alternate Ability Adjustments

Felarids of different cultures and communities possess unique ability adjustments, but felarid genetics have since become so intertwined that these variant adjustments can be found among almost any felarid population. Such felarids have ability score adjustments they use instead of the standard adjustments of +2 Strength, +2 Charisma, and -2 Intelligence.

Grassland Runner

Many Felarids live within the massive bureaucratic cities of their homelands on Elaris, but some still embrace the wild and somewhat feral lifestyle of their past. Such felarids are quick on their feet, but less kindly to strangers. A grassland runner felarid's ability adjustments are +2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, -2 Intelligence.

Great Cat

While most Felarids are barely above 3 feet, some are exceptionally large, standing upwards of 7 feet tall. These felarids are more powerful than others, but often lose much of the kitten-like appearance of the smaller members of their skin. A great cat felarid's ability adjustments are +4 Strength, -2 Intelligence and are Medium instead of Small.


Much like their long-time foe, the Ysoki, felarids that live on low-gravity worlds develop long, lanky bodies. These creatures are far more frail than other felarids, but are quick and make good use of their elongated limbs. A nograv felarid's ability adjustments are +4 Dexterity and -2 Constitution.


The wreechy, having long slept deep within the world of Elaris far from their surface cousins after a long forgotten war, entered the scene of space before even the other felarids. These hairless creatures are spiteful and distrusting of others—particularly other felarids who are often just as untrusting of them. A wreechy felarid's ability adjustments are +2 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom, -2 Constitution.

Alternate Racial Traits

Felarid genetic diversity means cultures or individuals often have unusual traits, such as the following.

Natural Weapons (s)

Some felarids have wickedly sharp retractable claws and have the Natural Weapons universal creature rule.   This replaces soothing purr.

Mystical Whiskers

A select few felarids are blessed with sensitive whiskers that can detect magical energies. Such felarids gain the following spell-like abilities. The caster level for these effects is equal to the felarid’s level.
3/day — detect magic
  This replaces burst of speed.

Ancestral Vengeance

Felarids all have a slight ancestral memory of their battles against those things that would creep into homes and steal food in times now forgetten, but some remember this far better than others. Such felarids gain a +2 racial bonus to attack rolls against a creature with the vermin type or the ysoki subtype.   This replaces soothing purr.

Fierce Feline

Rarely, a felarid is born with a particularly angry expression that never seems to go away. Such felarids gain a +2 racial bonus to Intimidate, but take a -5 racial penalty to Diplomacy.   This replaces friendly feline.
With a childlike appearance and a flick of their ears, the felarids have won their way into the hearts of many a people. Through this, they have forged powerful alliances all throughout the universe and beyond, spreading like wildfire to the furthest reaches of the Drift.

Playing this Race

You Likely...
  • Speak with a friendly and purring tone. You see language as something that needs both voice and body, and you often rub against yourself or those you are speaking to.
  • Have seemingly endless energy as you race through the stars, never passing up a chance to make a new friend.
  • Believe that a stranger is just a friend you haven't yet met, and would rather talk it out than engage in combat.
  • Have a strong connection to your family and friends, willing to lay down your life if it means giving them just one more smile.
  Other Races Probably...
  • See you as over the top in many aspects, but a good friend to have around nonetheless.
  • Value your diplomatic skills and ability to get others to drop their guard around you.
  • Sometimes grow tired with your rampant energy at night when they would much rather be sleeping.
  • Underestimate your ability and fervor due to your size and appearance.

Physical Description

Ranging from just 2½ and 3½ feet tall, felarids resemble bipedal housecats, sporting a majestic coat of fur in numerous different patterns resembling anywhere from traditional housecats to the great cats of the wilderness and everything inbetween. Male felarids are slightly taller and broader than female felarids, but are otherwise very difficult to tell apart outside of fashion and voice.

Home World

Dwelling originally on Elaris, these cat-like people have exploded across the universe with small populations of them showing up almost anywhere—and especially anywhere that the ysoki show up. They still have massive cities on Elaris and planets throughout The Origin System, but their alliances have allowed them to dwell just about anywhere they could want.

Society and Alignment

Felarid society is highly lawful and civilized, and a typical city of the cats is full of numerous bureaucratic offices and helpful officers to keep the peace at any corner. Despite this, the officers are almost never needed due to the inherent good nature of the felarids making it very difficult for them to even take offense, much less purposefully harm or otherwise put off another. The one time that this is not true is when the felarids come into contact with the one race they have been entirely unable to befriend in any capacity—the Ysoki. The felarids despise the ratfolk with ever fiber of their being and will almost always immediately attack them, never wanting to work with such creatures.   Outside of the Ysoki, however, felarids are master diplomats, spreading joy and cheer to even the darkest corners of the universe and establishing footholds among even the most aggressive and anti-social species. The most common felarid alignment is lawful good, though they can easily be tugged toward moral neutrality by loyalty or when backed against a wall by a seemingly never-ending tide of vermin and ysoki.


Exceptionally talented at diplomacy and overly friendly, the felarids integrate themselves into almost any society no matter where they find themselves, and there are rarely all-felarid neighborhoods outside of their own cities due to their willingness to intermingle amongst other species. Within the Origin System, the felarids are friendly with just about anyone, but are sometimes but off by the loanbulara who seem not to appreciate the friendly advances and kitten-like appearances of the felarids to the level that the felarids would prefer. Nonetheless, they retain a peaceful alliance among them. Their greatest allies are the ever-adventurous humans and the highly lawful dur'yeng whom they find they can very easily relate to.


Though felarids for strong bonds with their friend and families, these connects are only one in a vast collection to a felarid. Rarely staying in one place for too long, felarids seek the stars to meet more yet-unmet friends and allies to grow not only their personal group of companions but also to seek alliances for their people as a whole. Their natural aptitude often sees them becoming envoys but mystics are also exceptionally common as felarids enjoy feeling like a part of a greater good.


A felarid is happy to accept a new name but never particularly bonds to a single one, seeing each one as much a way to identify the person giving it as that person sees it as a way to identify the felarid themselves. A gnome may call a felarid Fluffy as a name due to their fur, but the felarid will see that person as “Fluffy” as well and may occasionally call them that or add it to the person’s own name, such as calling them Fluffy-Gelbert instead of just Gelbert.   A felarid's true name is something it keeps to himself or herself, never sharing it with another. This name is only known to the felarid's own family any felarid court that it must take part in. These names are passed down throughout a family, adding a small part each time, though never over 10 parts. Felarid names are often sounds that are entirely imperceptible to many peoples, and as such are impossible for many to pronounce.


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