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Royal House of Goldfire

The ancient House Goldfire can claim nobility for centuries prior to the founding of the kingdom. They are widely believed to be the primary instigators of the War of the Gift, and in the year 1 King Llyn Goldfire became the first of the current dynasty.


Current Monarch

  The sitting monarch is the head of House Goldfire, and makes major decisions for the rest of the family, including when nesting partnerships occur and with whom. However, the majority of day-to-day governance is rarely brought to the attention of the King or Queen.  

Monarchs Decam

  Any living Kings or Queens Decam living in residence at Goldfire Castle will typically oversee much of the daily life of the family; arranging hunts and other expeditions, receiving guests, entertaining visitors to the castle, and overseeing hospitality while the current monarch deals with matters of importance in the realm.  

Prince and Princess Ranks

  The various other members of House Goldfire are given the title Prince or Princess and are arranged into ranks according to their perceived closeness to the throne. The named heir is always addressed as the First Prince or First Princess, however other ranks can change depending on who is in favor with the current monarch or resident monarchs decam at any given time. There may be an astounding number of ranked princes or princesses at any given time, although they may not all reside in Goldfire Castle.



  Prior to the founding of the Kingdom of Aētheli, House Goldfire resided near the Sunspire in what is now Sunspear in the southern portion of the kingdom. The records of this time period are closely guarded by the Goldfires, and when history is taught to the populace it typically begins with the founding of the kingdom.   In the year 14BF (Before Founding), Lord Llyn Goldfire provoked the War of the Gift, which raged for fourteen long years before he enacted the Ritual of the Gift and was able to muster a large enough force to exple the other divine beasts from the central portion of the continent. After declaring himself king, Llyn Goldfire began construction of Goldfire Castle on a rise near the southern shore of the Great Glass Lake.  

Rule of Aētheli

  Since King Llyn, five of the nine monarchs of the kingdom have been Goldfires, although only three are still living and two remain active in the kingdom. One, King Soren Goldfire, was forcibly removed from the throne when his rule turned to tyranny. They are regarded by the populace as just rulers despite their eccentricities who have seen to the welfare of the kingdom.


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