Bunny Folk Species in Elema | World Anvil

Bunny Folk

The Bunny Folks are the tallest and the most bouncy of the five Beast Folk. They are regarded as the cutest and least dangerous of the Beasts Folks. This is because they lack sharp claws, Tees, and other potentially threatening physical characteristics. What they do have now is speed and the ability to jump high. They are also incredibly determined and outgoing beings.

It's unusual to come across an introverted Bunny Folk. They are an emotionally and socially complex species, similar to the Aquadians. They, unlike the Aquadians , are not overcome by their emotions. They are also very determined and concentrated creatures. The expression "work hard and play hard" is derived from other species, yet it accurately describes the Bunny Folks' way of life. That is because they simply as a species have a natural drive or something in them that focuses them on one task.

Bunny Folk are naturally resistant to Dark magic and vulnerable to Light magic. In addition to natural Dark magic. Only approximately 65 percent use Dark magic, with the remainder using a different element. They have the highest proportion of all Beast Folks with a separate form of innate magic in their population. The various varieties of magic appear to have a heritage aspect. So, if one of the parents can heat metal, their child may use flame magic or transform meatal. These are just a few instances, but magic will be similar to their parents.

So have a good time meeting and keeping up with Bunny Folk when you meet them.

Basic Information


Bunny Folk is a bipedal creature with delicate fur all over its body. Their long ears protruded from the top of their heads. On their head, they have two eyes, a little nose, and a mouth. Two arms and ten fingers. With two legs, two lengthy feet, and 10 toes. They have much longer feet than Halfling . Finally, they have a little cotton tail on the lower back.

by Valcin (Marc ZIpper)

Biological Traits

    Bunny Folk

    Type Humanoid (Bunny)
    Ability Score Modifier Dex+2 Charm +2 Con-2
    Size medium
    Speed 40FT
    Language Bunny Folk speaks Common at birth and Best Folk which is mixed sound and growl. Bunny Folk with high Intelligence scores can choose any languages they want (except secret languages, such as Druidic).

    • Bunny‘s Luck (Ex): Once per day when a Bunny folk makes a saving throw, he can roll the saving throw twice and take the better result. He must decide to use this ability before the saving throw is attempted
    • Natural Survival: Bunny folk receive a +2 racial bonus on Perception, Stealth, and Survival, Jump checks
    • Low-Light Vision: Bunny folk have low-light vision allowing them to see twice as far as humans in dim light.
    • Gift of Darknees:+5 Damage Resistance from magical Dark and +5 weakness to damage from magical Light

Genetics and Reproduction

Bunny Folk reproduce in the spring and early summer in the area where they reside. A Bunny Folk kitten is born eight months after the male fertilizes the female. They give birth to 1 to 5 kittens at a time, and it is common for them to give birth to twins more often than it is for only one kitten to be born.

Growth Rate & Stages

As one of the youngest life span species, Bunny Folk are considered infants between the ages of zero and four, during which time they were completely dependent on their parents for food and care. They gradually pick up mobility and world awareness. They also slowly start growing fur and the color becomes in.

The next stage is kids who learn, play, and grow between the ages of 5 and 15. Although kids are not as dependent on their parents at this point, they are still present to meet the majority of their needs. However, young kids are inquisitive and beginning to understand others and themselves. People have a saying that a young child always hears and retains. My favorite saying from my friends at the bar is “Kids are just little people who become truth drunks”.

Between the ages of 15 and 30, their bodies begin to evolve and develop into adults, which is referred to as the teenage years. Their physical body begins to gain figure, height, weight, and muscles. In most situations, this is also where natural magic develops. In most circumstances, they will also begin to establish their identity and become less reliant on their parents.

From the ages of 30 to 84, they are in their adulthood, their bodies have matured, and they have a good sense of what their natural magic will do. It will continue to develop as they age, but in most cases, it has a set of talents.

From 85 to roughly 130 years of age, they are elders; their bodies have gradually begun to slow down and become weaker, as have their magical talents if they are not kept up with. Other people regard them as wise because they have lived a lengthy life for a Bunny Folk. This is the Bunny Folk life cycle.

Ecology and Habitats

Bunny Folk they prefers to reside in areas where they can build up and underground. It appears that many of their kingdoms or civilizations have a top layer and a bottom layer, therefore hills or regions with soft ground are preferred. In addition, good sites to produce and harass fruits and vegetables.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Bunny Folk are omnivores who require a lot of fruits and vegetables. Their bodies do not consume a lot of meat and require more fruits and vegetables. In contrast to most societies, where meat is the main course. Bunny Folk will have some type of vegetable or fruit platter, stew, or anything with a high quantity of plants that will be the main entrée. The meat will be an add-on or a side dish.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

They naturally have average intelligence but when it comes to business they are naturally gifted salesmen.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Bunny Folk has various sensory systems, and we will identify the five most important ones. First and foremost, they can see up to 2 miles of amazing detail. Because their eyes can only take in so much information, their eyes can pull in a great amount of light giving them the ability to see with little light. Following that is hearing from 360Hz to 42kHz. With that, Bunny Folk species have one largest range of hearing in the world. Being able to hear and with some training identify stuff from far distance. Bunny Folk can use their scents of smell very well. It can pick up a million different smells, but it's not as beneficial as other sentient species. Limited in their processing and range. They possessed the sense of touch to help them identify their bodies and things in the world, both good and harmful. This sense tells them what has wounded them or helps them feel at ease. Finally, Bunny Folk is able to taste the five basic categories of sweet, sour, salty, bitter, and umami.
Natural Magic
Bunny Folk have a natural resistance to Dark Magic and a weakness to Light Magic. 65% use Dark Magic
Genetic Ancestor(s)
130 years
Average Height
6ft to 8ft to the ears. Their ear are between 1ft to 1.5ft tall
Average Weight
Average Physique
Bunny folks are naturally very lith and springy. They have slender bodies. they are long limbed.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
the body fur coat has a range of white, black, brown, grey, silver, and copper. Their Hair and Eye Color ranges from shade of white, black, blue, brown, grey, red, orange, lilac, silver, green,  and copper. Most of the time they come in their lighter shade of color

Cover image: by Marc Zipper (Valcin)


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