Wolf Folk

The Wolf Folk are the most aggressive of the Beast Folk. They love to demonstrate their Physical abilities. They're just like the Orcs and Dwarves, who enjoy combat. Although they are combat-oriented, they also have a lighthearted side. The Wolf Folk prefer to live in civilizations with a hierarchy that is embedded in their nature, with some people born as leaders and others as followers. It is something about their personalities that causes some people to have inherent leadership instincts and others to have follower instincts. As a result, they tend to interact in a unique way that differs from other sentient species and even the Beast Folk.

So, you have two options: Wolf Folks, any of them who don't appear to have a story or any leadership at all, you're going to talk to them like nothing. The difficulty stems from those who are natural leaders or expect respect and are offended by familiarity when first meeting them. It could potentially be someone who leads a team of day workers. So be cautious when you encounter Wolf Folk.

by Valcin (Marc ZIpper)

Basic Information


Wolf Folk is a bipedal creature with thick fur all over its body. Their triangle ears protruded from the top of their heads. On their head, they have two eyes with diamond shape pupils, a big nose, and a long snout with sharp teeth. Two arms and ten fingers with sharp nails. With two legs, two small feet, and 10 toes. Finally, they have a Long fluffy tail on the lower back.

Biological Traits

    Wolf Folk

    Type Humanoid (Wolf)
    Ability Score Modifier Dex+2 Wis+2 Int-2
    Size medium
    Speed 30FT
    Language Wolf Folk begins to play speaking Common and Beast Folk which is a mix of sound and growl. Wolf Folk with high Intelligence scores can choose any languages they want (except secret languages, such as Druidic).

    • Wolf Hide: has a +2 Natural defense
    • Sprinter: Wolf folk gain a +10-foot racial bonus to their speed when using the charge, run, or withdraw actions
    • Scent: Wolf folk have a strong sense of smell and hearing, use the skill to survive for any tracking using scent or noise.
    • Natural Weapons (Ex): In her natural form, a Wolf Folk has a bite attack that deals 1d4 points of damage
    • Gift of Darkness: +5 Damage Resistance to magical Dark and +5 weakness damage from magical Light

Genetics and Reproduction

A male and a female member of that species are what conceive a new Cubs. 8 months after the male fertilizes the female, a Wolf Folk Cubs is born.

Growth Rate & Stages

As one of the youngest life span species, Wolf Folk are considered infants between the ages of zero and 5 years, during which time they were completely dependent on their parents for food and care. They gradually pick up mobility and world awareness. They usually start with lighter color fur by their seventh year it will change or stay what color it is.

The next stage is kids(Puppyies) who learn, play, and grow between the ages of 5 and 14. Although kids are not as dependent on their parents at this point, they are still present to meet the majority of their needs. However, young kids are inquisitive and beginning to understand others and themselves. People have a saying that a young child always hears and retains. My favorite saying from my friends at the bar is “Kids are just little people who become truth drunks”.

Between the ages of 15 and 27, their bodies begin to evolve and develop into adults, which is referred to as the teenage years. Their physical body begins to gain figure, height, weight, claws, and muscles. In most situations, this is also where natural magic develops. In most circumstances, they will also begin to establish their identity and become less reliant on their parents.

From the ages of 27 to 229, they are in their adulthood, their bodies have matured, and they have a good sense of what their natural magic will do. It will continue to develop as they age, but in most cases, it has a set of talents.

From 230 to roughly 277 years of age, they are elders; their bodies have gradually begun to slow down and become weaker, as have their magical talents if they are not kept up with. Their body does get that much weaker and it keeps them in fighting condition like Orc. Other people regard them as wise because they have lived a lengthy life for a Wolf Folk. This is the Wolf Folk life cycle.

Ecology and Habitats

They don't care where they live. They will be able to survive in most places and make it their home.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Wolf Folk are omnivores, but they love to eat meat more than vegetables. For some reason they like raw or liting cook.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Wolf Folk has various sensory systems, and we will identify the five most important ones. First and foremost, they can see up to 2 miles of amazing detail. Because their eyes can only take in so much information, Following that is hearing from 25Hz to 80kHz. They sense hear aloud them hear good distance and with some taking can identify where or what it is. With that, Wolf Folk can use their scents of smell very well. It can pick up a million different smells, They can use their sense of smell for miles away and tack down what they want. They are thought to second best sense of smell of the sentient creatures. They possessed the sense of touch to help them identify their bodies and things in the world, both good and harmful. This sense tells them what has wounded them or helps them feel at ease. Finally, Wolf Folk is able to taste the five basic categories of sweet, sour, salty, bitter, and umami.
Natural Magic
Wolf Folk have a natural resistance to Dark Magic and a weakness to Light Magic. 80% use Dark Magic
Genetic Ancestor(s)
277 years
Average Height
'5" to 6" ft
Average Weight
140lb to 260lb
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The body fur coat has a range of white, black, brown, grey, and rare orange. Their Eye Color ranges from shades of yellow, brown, Blue, deep greens, and rare red

Cover image: by Marc Zipper (Valcin)


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