Session 2.9
General Summary
Per the advice of Lord Greenleaf, the party hurriedly left the city of Faerun for fear of retribution from the Reach, an assassins guild that the group had accidentally interfered with by deciding to help Lord Greenleaf. Prior to vacating the city proper, Priestess Luna had noticed an injured unmasked elven woman close to the road being tended to by an older Elven couple. The priestess decided to investigate being followed closely by Rhorn and Fannti. Unsurprisingly the party's presence had uneased the three elves, who then retreated back towards their home. However in wanting to avoid further confrontation, the party decided to leave it alone for the time being and resumed travels.
The last leg of your journey to Hecht was fill with non-stop rain, however, on the fourth day the party had encountered an old acquaintance, an Aasimar bard by the name of Galt Horizonwalker who was in captivity with the group for spreading propaganda in his college campus. He states that since the druid rescued the party, a handful of the refugees also escaped.
One instance involved a Republic rescue operation
The second involved pardons by the warden(An offer that the party had also received).
Galt described hearing news of the party's exploits in Labrie while he was in hiding while in Hecht, and decided to verify the news himself. Another reason is that he had heard of reports of another Federation refugee camp within the Forest of Secrets that he believes his professor has been taken to, and it was on the way to Labrie. On the flip side, the group informed him that they were in search of family members and friends which brought the party to Hecht in search of a Lieutenant Pawsright who is related to the Mayor of Labrie. Galt familiar with the name escorted the group into the city.
After making the Lieutenant's acquaintance Rhorn cashed in Mayor Goldemane's favor by asking for the location of his family. After half a day and a full nights sleep he returned and divulged that the Rhorn’s family along with a few other villagers of Peche was in an old fortification to the northeast of the city nestled in the Bloodstone Hills.
Not wasting anymore time the group headed towards the hills and followed tracks off the main road had located a singular fortification, similar to the one that had housed the party for almost a year. However, it was difficult to confirm their friends and family’s whereabouts, and scouting would be difficult, because there is no cover between the top of the four hills it rests in between, and the actual fortification itself. But with the prospect the family and friends so close at hand the party planned their next move.
Rewards Granted
*Bought: +1 Shortbow
Report Date
02 Mar 2023
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