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Tomb of Dierdre

Currently hidden deep in the frozen flats and glaciers at the northern tip of Vesper is the Tomb of Dierdre. Dierdre, Muse of Tragedy and daughter of Mimir, made this home to honor the inspired heroes who met tragic ends. While it's current location is not where the Temple once stood, it does stand complete, even if obscured and buried deep in the ice.

  In the grand foyer of the Tomb of Dierdre there is a set of stairs leading below to the tomb itself, and standing tall reaching from that lower floor are the heads and torso's of two large statues. As you enter the front door on the right stands a golden depiction of Dierdre herself, tall and mourning, eyes appearing to be weeping and hands outstretched at her sides. To the left stands a large golden statue of Reev, Death's Knight. He who brings the dead with high honor.

  Around this entrance foyer are several inlaid alters. Above each of these reliefs are paintings of the Prime Deities. In each alter stands an empty chalice awaiting sacrifice and prayer. From the front entrance starting counter clockwise you can see the alters of Gaia, Prime Master of The Ground, Chinmayu Prime Master of Life, Raghnall Prime Master of Knowledge and Discovery, Nicolo, Prime Master of Inspiration and Divine Reflection, Calypso, Prime Master of The Veil, Chiwa, Prime Deity of Death, and Abiah, Prime Master of Time and All Father.

  Descending the stairs you reach the bottom level of the tomb with a stream of freezing cold water running through it. Here lie the urns and tombs of dead heroes. Crossing the stepping stones there is an alter of sacrifice, here is where the loved ones would often lay relics of their lost ones in hopes that Dierdre would be inspired by their tragic loss and decide to admit their bodies to this final resting place. There is an inscription on this alter, it reads as follows:
What is the price?
for hope, I'll pray,
for luck, I'll pay,
for life, I'll weigh,
for love, I'll lay,
But will it suffice?

Purpose / Function

As a final resting place for heroes whose reign was cut to short. A place of honorable dead who gave great sacrifices and never lived long enough to reap the rewards of their hard work. It is a place of honor.


The Tomb of Deirdre is guarded by her beloved sirens who protect the tomb from intruders.


The Tomb of Deirdre was a final resting place where Deirdre, the Muse of Tragedy would watch over them so their stories and sacrifice might not be forgotten. Each tomb engraved with a poem or epitaph so that the fallen may be remembered for their sacrifice and greatness, also so their tragic endings would serve as warning for future generations.
Looters who may come to the Tomb and may attempt to steal the dead or offerings left for them would eventually be hunted by Deirdre's sirens who eventually became the guardians of the Tomb.
During the War of Devotion when the Usurper led his allies to war, after the skies were blackened, The Tomb of Deirdre was put into an enchanted sleep, frozen away in hopes that there would be a time to honor the heroes again.


In the past, and maybe now in the present, the Tomb of Dierdre is the only place in the world where the veil is thin enough that placing a direct offering on an alter to a prime deity summons them to you. They can appear and offer to make a contract with the offerer to bargin for information.
Founding Date
Alternative Names
Tomb of Tragic Heroes
Parent Location
Related Report (Primary Locations)

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