Chapter 15: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Plot points/Scenes

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Grolm 13, 578
pitch-dark noon!
Absolutely the toughest fight that the SNAFU Posse has faced since they came near Purgatory Gulch!
All of this action took place within the span of two minutes -- we have to slow down the film just to take it all in!




From Whippetal Ranch:  
  • Princess Alfredo-Alston
    -- spotted her wife early in the conflict. She turned her mule eastward and raced off for The Girl in the Flowery Poncho at top speed, without a word to the rest of the Posse. Hell Hand Duo Bowser Kotabe and Leather Cobb promptly captivated Princess via their Hell Hand Serenade.
  • Bull Hester
    -- accustomed to being a rough-and-tough Ranch Foreman, he knows his capabilities in a fight whether alone or working in duo. And they are the capabilities of a ranch hand, not a Hell Hand. When an enraged heifer attacks you, you use your better mobility on horseback. You use teamwork with your partner. You use your lasso. You use the fact that she can't see too clearly what is directly in the path of her charge.
    You stay out from in front of the charging beast.
    You turn her, and turn her, and exhaust her until she quits her fussing.
  • Gore Hester
    -- accustomed to being a rough-and-tough Ranch Foreman, she knows her capabilities in a fight whether alone or working in duo. And they are the capabilities of a ranch hand, not a Hell Hand. When an enraged heifer attacks you, you use your brains. You use teamwork with your partner. You distract her with too many targets. You work the terrain against her instincts, set up barriers she will believe to be immovable or painful.
    You keep well away from her head, those dangerous horns.
    You keep watch on your partner and your environment, always looking for a handy opportunity to bind up them legs.



  • Master Farvald Kerner , EvilSeed, the Mail-Ordered Consultant, the Moss Lich. Sent here by his superiors in the secretive organization to further their ends in two ways:
    1. Halt -- indeed, reverse! -- the Outsider invasion. Absolutely prevent it from gaining a pied-à-terre in the northern Longgrass Plains
    2. Acquire useful assets for The Ministry's Mission.
    He remembers previous encounters with SNAFU Guild. He does not remember them fondly. If their actions clearly show improvement in their way of thinking, they need not be crushed into the soil. Otherwise? Blood does, indeed, make the grass grow!
    • Topiary Rex
    • The Dusk Army should contain: EvilSeed finds it noteworthy that only the fastest-moving fraction of the Dusk Army has arrived to his summons. Perhaps the missing Cabbages and Children are delayed because they lack direct oversight from the Servant?
    • One Will-Bound Servant.



Articles under Chapter 15: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Cover image: by CB Ash


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