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12-14 Erathisway 4520: The Journey to Oxenhalt

Arkomir writes...
  12 Erathisway 4520
  We leave Ethiss early, saying goodbye to our new friends. Dharra leaves the statue of Leif she carved with Zara before we take our leave and head out. We travel along the Beltway the next town, which is a small town called Rivervale. At Rivervale the road divides north and the market here specialises in herbs and spices. The local herb garden is called The Tranquil Gardens. Dharra collects some herbs for her mother and she finds some herbs here that she has not seen anywhere else. We stay at the Silver Flute Tavern whilst in Rivervale and Dharra performs, by way of paying for the herbs. She kinda balls up her performance, but she manages to get through it. The river that runs through Rivervale is the Thistlebrook River.
  13 Erathisway 4520
  The next day we travel along the Beltway to Emberstone which is a hill town. It too has a market, off to one side of the central intersection of the roads. There are a number of ember coloured stone arches in the centre of town, gifting the town its name. The road down to Oxenhalt comes down off of the one of the arches whilst the Beltway continues along running eastwards. We stay in the Phoenix Hearth Tavern, which has an enormous fire pit. The Tavern is run by a dwarf called Thrain Forgebeard and his wife Jocelyn, the resident bard. Dharra has an in-depth discussion with Jocelyn about all things Cleansing Wave whilst we stay here.
  14 Erathisway 4520
  The next day we head along the southern road down to Oxenhalt. We head off earlier, and take shorter rests as it is a bit of a longer ride to Oxenhalt. By mid afternoon, we crest a rise and head into the forest section that marks Dunkelgrun. As the sun starts setting, we see the outer western wall of Oxenhalt. We stop past and say hello to Jana as we head toward town. She comes out to greet us and meet Katya. She rushes back inside and comes back with our cloaks that she prepared for us. She also grabs the rug she tanned for us and we secure all of that (some in the bag of holding). We arrange to meet up with her at the tavern tonight as well. We wave goodbye and head into Oxenhalt proper. We head into town via Glade Gate and down to the Serpent & Unicorn Tavern. Iago finds us a table and we settle in to relax after travelling. Jana comes in shortly after and joins us at the table. Afbert comes past as well and we tell him that our horses are doing well. We settle in for a meal and Dharra also gets up to play. She has a much better performance and the crowd is very appreciative. Katya and I watch her perform and several folks pop past the table to say or nod hello. A generally relaxing evening transpires. We head upstairs and have a long rest.


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