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21-23 Meloragift, 4520: South from Belhaim

Arkomir writes...  

21 Meloragift 4520


After a short rest and a short performance by Dharra we offer to help with the city recovery and rebuild - but we are also on a timeframe. Dharra heads off to find the dwarves and I head off to find Alden and ask about a map of the area. He points me toward the library - and Kezahr. I make my way to the library and find her there - along with Sid. We talk about today's proceedings and then I turn the conversation toward a map of the area. She shows me a large map and I make a small copy with the pieces we need to know for now. I take my leave of Kezahr and head back to meet up with Dharra.


We head out inti the city along the High Street and after a few twist and turns we find our house - The Chandlerveil. We head inside and have a look around. The place was the base for The Manor House crew and has been somewhat ransacked by hobgoblins and by them. We will need to hire someone to look after this for us. On the top level we find the master bedroom. Opening the door it has been defiled with a new sigil - a rough K sigil, maybe somewhat Fey in origin. It also looks similar to the T sigil we have been seeing. Dharra casts a spell and confirms that the letters are Fey, but stylised. We secure the premises and head back to the tower to organise Holly as a caretaker.


We say a few goodbyes and then make our way to collect our horses and head on to Darin's Falls The rebuild and renew of Belhaim is indeed underway. We collect our horses from Dafyd and try to make good time toward Glade's Folly. We get reasonably close and make camp for the night. During the night I wake to hear noise on the road. I make my way to a point where i can see the road. A group of four wagons with a number of orcs, and an ogre (holding a chest) heading north - back toward Belhaim. I wake Dharra and we get ourselves geared up and head up the road to confront these guys.


22 Meloragift 4520

  We get ourselves within range and take our shot at the Ogre, who drops the chest, bellows, turns and runs toward us. As the battle rages on I kill the lead orc but am surrounded by the others, close to dying. Things go a bit slow motion and Ihear a voice in my head. It is quintessentially elven, gentle, yet strong.
I see you... You have my attention...

The battle rages on and we finish off all but one of the Orcs who skitters off into the bush. We investigate the fallen and the wagons. We pocket the following: some orcish weapons, the war chief's battle axe (we will investigate this down the track), a good amount of coin and gems, a shard of Dweomatite and a stained leather bag containing the heart of an animal or something.


We investigate the wagon and find Vaesh Knadder, a male gnome, and Rosie Longriver, a halfling woman. They were captured by these orcs 2-3 days ago just outside of Darin's Falls. We set them free and offer to help them back to Darin's Fall as we are heading that way anyway. We clean up the wagons and head off asking about the healer Lucas as we travel.


23 Meloragift 4520


We start on our way as the sun comes up. Vaesh says we could speak to Gehran Klimmavyst in Darin's Fall, he should be at The Glowing Crucible Tavern. We stop at Glade's Folly for refreshments and to sell of some of the horses and some of the wagons. We gift Vaesh and Rosie the wagon and horses and 200 of the gold we made from the sale (we pocket the rest). We then head on to Darin's Fall, making pretty good time. As the sun starts to set, we are about an hour away from Darin's Fall. but decide to push on for the Fall tonight.


As we make our way into Darin's Fall, we pass through a fortified, rather large wall. Vaesh calls up to the gate and we gain access. The town is mostly inhabited with Gnomish and Dwarven folk, with a smattering of Human and Halflings. We find the The Glowing Crucible Tavern, stow the horses and wagon and head into the bar. I get a table and Dharra heads to the bar to secure lodgings and ask about Gehran. Pretty soon, he makes himself known to us and he tells us that Lukas is not in town but he is close by. Head out the front gate, turn right - there is a path up into the hills, past a split boulder, when you see the totem (an old statue of the head of a dragon - Bahamut), hee should be there. Dharra plays.and I find out some of the history and industry of Darin's Fall. Most of the mining is silver, tin and copper. Darin Argentdelver is one of the Dwarves who founded the city. There may be some armourers in the town as well as a place near the east wall that makes god figurines.

  After Dharra finishes and comes back to the bar, Rosie has a quick chat to her. Vaesh & Rosie will marry and she would like Dharra to bless their union. We pass the night around the table talking, playing cards and toasting Vaesh & Rosie. We then head up for a well earned rest.   During the evening I have a dream:   I see the group of orcs again - but there are more of them. They are heading to Belhaim and grabbing the folk I know and have come to love. The orcs are grabbing folk and smashing them into walls and generally being gruesome and vicious. They also arrive in Oxenhalt and do much the same thing. I picture myself and Dharra on the road - and the orcs are no longer around. I see Kugellux and Kezahr, I see Essa in Oxenhalt, I see Moulten and they are all ok. Because we stood on a road. Because Dharra and I decided to stand on a road


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