
Every now and then, dice rolls may not work in your favor. That’s why Savage Worlds gives players a little control over their hero’s fate.

Using Bennies

Bennies may be spent at any appropriate time and don't incur any sort of penalty. They may only be used on your own character. Here are the ways characters can use their Bennies.

Reroll a Trait

Bennies grant a hero a reroll on any trait, and best of all, you get to keep the best total from all your rolls. The only exception in a Critical Failures which ends the attempt and must be accepted. Such is the price for tempting fate!  

Recover from Shaken

This is instant and may be done at any time, even interrupting another's actions if desired.  

Soak Rolls

Bennies can also be used to prevent Wounds or recover from being Shaken.  

Draw a New Action Card

When the game is in rounds, a character can spend a Benny to get a new ACTION CARD. This occurs after all cards are dealt and Edges or Hinderances like Quick, Level Headed, or Hesitant are resolved. Then the players or the GM may spend Bennies for an additional card as many times as they like and take their choice of all their draws. Edges like Quick or Level Headed do not apply to these additional cards drawn with Bennies. This continues until everyone (GM included) passes. Then the round begins and no further cards may be drawn.  

Reroll Damage

You may spend a Benny to reroll damage. Include any additional dice you may have gained for a Raise on the attack roll.  

Regain Power Points

A character with an Arcane Background can spend a Benny to regain 5 power points.  

Influence the Story

This one is entirely up to the Game Master, who may allow your character to spend a Benny to find an additional clue if you're stuck, come up with some mundane but needed item, or push an NPC into being a bit more agreeable.

Earning Bennies

Players start each game session with three “Bennies” (American slang for “benefits”), represented by tokens (if inperson. Online players will need to keep track of their own). Bennies are discarded at the end of each session—use them or lose them!  


Bennies will be awarded fairly liberally. Here are a few ways to earn these tokens.  
  • Clever actions and stratedgies
  • Roleplaying characters (especially Hindrances)
  • Great feats of heroism
  • Making everyone laugh
  Etc, etc. There are many ways to earn these tokens, so feel free to use them for anything and everything.  


When a player character draws a Joker during combat, all player characters receive a Benny!

GM Bennies

Players are not the only ones who get Bennies. The GM also starts each session with a few in hand. Each NPC Wild Card character (both allie and villains) have 2 Bennies to start with. These characters are not rewarded with any further Bennies unless they draw a Joker.


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