Session 100 Report Report in Embril | World Anvil

Session 100 Report

General Summary

Selia Roselyn Maxwell cast Haste on the party, catching all except for Titta Morco who was too far away. Then Ladigo Farthon cast Crabwalk on Pyzar Zim. Pyzar charged in and attacked the massive stone golem, taking a powerful blow from the creature when he moved within its reach. Auren Sylynn maneuvering to the other side of the golem and attacked it as well. Traegandar rushed towards it and bit at the stone while Mogi Delvin cast Mass Snake’s Swiftness, allowing those around it to take another swing. Romulus Tigris Mun cast Call Lightning Storm. The golem struck with powerful stone fists that left Pyzar severely bruised. Then Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone ran in and cast Heal to keep him in the fight.   The magic spells cast at the golem seemed to deflect off it harmlessly. But the physical attacks chipped away at the construct slowly and they eventually brought it down. The rocks that made up its form fell to the ground in a heap of stones that kicked up dust and debris.   After the battle, Haymin’s Heroes began searching the ruins. They found old coins, of an Andarian minting. There were even a few shreds of tapestries where they could make out what appeared to be a bird symbol on a crest. Auren found a trap door on the floor beneath a pile of rubble. This led to an underground chamber containing an old chest made up of rotted wood. Within this chest was a Tome of Clear Thought. Whatever exits there were from this room were blocked from the structure above collapsing in.   After completing their search, they made camp within the ruined keep, deciding to go home the next day when Selia would have enough Greater Teleport spells available. On September 16, 499 AV, they returned to Rowadin with Romulus and Artemis and introduced them to Haymin Stone, Jenivar Albyn, Belpher Burrows, Patch, and Astri. They discussed their next steps and divided the treasure they had claimed from Rybierith. They also took Rybierith’s head to the taxidermist to create a nice trophy for Dyora Albyn.   It was decided that they would take some time off so that Selia could further enchant some of their weapons and gear, much of it with a focus versus the undead. They researched more about liches and considered what magic would be best suited for their trek to the Black Swamp. Ultimately, they took a whole month off.   They got to know Romulus better during this time. He was from the northern reaches of the Great Forest, near the Serpent Peaks, between Aravess and the Black Swamp. When he was younger, his tribe was slaughtered by fire giants who he believed to be allied with a powerful storm giant in the area. He was later taken in by a druid enclave where he received his training. Romulus one day wishes to avenge the destruction of his tribe and has been trying to grow in strength until he felt he had enough power to go after the fire giants. The entire party offered to help him in this and talked about doing so soon when they ventured north to the Black Swamp in search of the lich. First, though, they planned to seek the lich. Once that situation was resolved, they would search out the fire giants in the Serpent Peaks.   On October 9, 499 AV, the visitors came to Rowadin. Their massive metal ship could be seen hovering over the Great Lake. Haymin’s Heroes spoke with Dyora a couple days later and learned that these visitors are known as the Red Star Alliance. They are meeting with diplomats from the major cities in Velen and working out trades. The Red Star Alliance claims to be seeking raw materials found on the planet and are making deals with the local powers for rights to acquire some of these. Metals, ores, and wood are among some of these. They are also interested in recruiting people from Embril to join their ranks. In return, they are offering to educate the people of Embril in their advanced technologies. Most of Haymin’s Heroes remain skeptical about the Red Star Alliances’ true motive. They believe the visitors might be here looking for something, possibly something on the ship they found beneath Terra’s Wall.   On October 14, 499 AV, they celebrated Belpher’s birthday. They had the event catered so that Belpher did not have to work at all that day. They even gifted him with a rock garden built on the side of the house for Belpher to tend in his spare time.
The Heart of Embril
Pyzar Zim
Auren Sylynn
Titta Morco
Mogi Delvin
Ladigo Farthon
Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone
Selia Roselyn Maxwell
Report Date
15 Sep 2022


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