Session 115 Report Report in Embril | World Anvil

Session 115 Report

General Summary

On December 30, 499 AV, Haymin’s Heroes traveled to the abandoned mining sites north of the city of York, Kainan. They entered the mines and looked for any signs of the Unseen hiding out in them. Titta Morco cast Speak With Animals to communicate with rats, asking them if they had seen any other people in the mines recently. When the rats revealed they had not, the party headed back to the city.   In York they decided to explore more of the city’s sewers. They spent the majority of the day searching them out. They entered the sewers from three points spread out around the city. They used Speak With Animals each time to communicate with local rats and question them about any people recently visiting the sewers.   In the northeast of the city, the rats told them of a pair of men who came in carrying tools. The rats took them to a spot where the men conducted repairs on a section of wall and a grate. After examining the area and speaking with the rats, the party concluded that it must have been city repair workers.   In the center of the city, the rats told them that three men came in a few days ago, wearing dark clothing. They followed the direction these men travelled. After following their trail, the party ended up close to the Public Forum. These men might have been part of the Unseen, but it was also possible that they might have been from the local thieves’ guild.   The third area of exploration in the sewers was towards the southwest of the city. The search there provided nothing. Even the rats informed them that they had not seen any men there recently.   Haymin’s Heroes cleaned up after being in the sewers for hours then went to a nearby tavern to eat dinner. They discussed their options, realizing that tomorrow was New Year’s Eve. Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone offered to cast Commune to ask Viribus, God of Valor, some questions that might lead them in the right direction. The party came up with a list of yes or no questions then returned to the Three Ales Inn.   They went to one of their rooms and Kyrie cast the spell. They learned that the Black Requiem was being protected by Umbra, Goddess of Shadow. As a result, they received an “unclear” response to several of their questions. Viribus, did confirm that the Black Requiem’s target was York, however. They also learned he possessed the Grimoire of Lost Souls and was in league with devils. Having run out of their original line of questioning, Kyrie proceeded to ask questions about Beldryss’ location. She learned that the Mother of Bones was not in Kainan, Oathendale, or Zamilon.   They then discussed what they would do the next day. Time was running out an they must find the singularity bomb and defeat the Black Requiem by midnight the next day. They came up with a rough plan, and spoke about fighting the Unseen, devils, and undead. They also went back to the sewers and returned to the room they had found the day before. Auren Sylynn used a crowbar to pry a loose brick from the wall. This brick would be helpful in casting Scry Location, a spell Kyrie would have prepared the next day. She planned to use it at some point to look into the room to see if the Black Requiem indeed was going to use it as ground zero for the singularity bomb.   On the morning of December 31, 499 AV, Haymin’s Heroes went to the Public Forum to study the area and search for any signs of doppelgangers and the Unseen.
The Heart of Embril
Pyzar Zim
Auren Sylynn
Titta Morco
Mogi Delvin
Ladigo Farthon
Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone
Selia Roselyn Maxwell
Report Date
03 Mar 2023


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