Session 131 Report Report in Embril | World Anvil

Session 131 Report

General Summary

Haymin’s Heroes approached the Lucky Leviathan. Titta Morco called out to the ship asking to speak to the captain. A sailor approached the gang plank and asked Titta what they wanted. After a bit of discourse, she eventually said they wanted passage to seek out the lich, Beldryss. The sailor called out to a deckhand to summon the captain. Captain Dax Trevian came over and introduced himself. When Titta told him they were there to seek out the lich and that they were sent by Brother Lu, the captain invited them onboard and took them to the ship’s office to discuss business.   Captain Trevian poured them some drinks and he told them his story. He was part of the Twin Sabers with his brother, Jax Trevian, captain of the Kraken’s Kiss. They were sailing in the Pirate Isles when they were hit by a storm. Their ships got separated in the storm. Eventually, the Lucky Leviathan came upon the Kraken’s Kiss once again, but the ship sat broken upon the rocks, sinking, and set upon by a black ship. The Lucky Leviathan came to their aid, but were boarded by some undead creatures they couldn’t recognize. In addition, there were some humanoids that look like they could have been human, but had bladed armor patches grafted to their flesh. These creatures were ferocious and quick, fighting with a frenzy. A few undead and one of these monstrous humanoids killed over half of the Lucky Leviathan’s crew. Captain Trevian was forced to flee. On the black ship and looting the Kraken’s Kiss he noted a skeletal warrior resembling a death knight, and other humanoids the size of ogres, but armored and even more frightening. Lucky to survive, the Lucky Leviathan sailed away and headed to Church. There, Captain Trevian waited in line to speak with Brother Lu. When he finally spoke with the angel, he learned that he and his crew had no chance of defeating the Black Ship or the lich which it served. But if he waited long enough, perhaps a powerful adventuring that could would seek out him and his ship.   Haymin’s Heroes told him they wanted to destroy the lich and they agreed to help Captain Trevian seek revenge for the death of his brother and their fallen crewmates and friends. They would seek out and destroy the Black Ship and then find the island where the lich, Beldryss, resided. However, Captain Trevian would not risk any of his crew against the lich. Titta told him once they found the island, he could simply drop Haymin’s Heroes off and sail away. The party could find their own way home from there after destroying Beldryss.   Once everything was agreed, Haymin’s Heroes were introduced to the crew of the ship and shown their quarters deep in the ship’s hold. The crew began preparing the ship for the journey and they sailed away from Church later that afternoon. Haymin’s Heroes watched the crew at work. It was clear that the crew was thin, but they did their best to rotate schedules to make sure there was a sufficient watch to keep the ship sailing. The party spoke with the captain about how they could help and brought up certain spells they could use to make the journey easier. Some of the party even leanred some of the jobs the deckhands were performing.   The next morning, on May 24, 500 AV, Ladigo Farthon cast Control Weather and made sure there were favorable winds all day. The ship reached the city of Aslux, Tenthell, on the morning of May 25, 500 AV. The crew of the Lucky Leviathan was looking forward to this stop. They spoke highly of the pleasure dens in Aslux and were eager for a release after the tragedy they had recently faced. While the crew pursued their pleasures, Captain Trevian and the quartermaster, Kaarlo, showed Haymin’s Heroes around the city, taking them to one of the large market squares where they could purchase some components for spells. Amongst the party there was a feeling of unease as they noted the slaves in the city and recalled how they could have ended up here had they not been rescued by Haymin Stone years ago.   They did not stay long in Aslux and set sail again that afternoon. Late at night on the next day, they arrived in Shole, another Tenthite city. The party slept in until the morning while some of the crew visited the pleasure dens for some more fun. Haymin’s Heroes ventured into the city only briefly after waking in the morning, just looking for a stone on the beach to gift to Belpher Burrows for his collection. Then midmorning on May 27, 500 AV, they set sail again.   On June 1, 500 AV, the ship reached Brightsands on the Namarak Coast. They visited Bahamut’s Sanctuary, a local temple to Bahamut, God of Good Dragons. Traegandar turned into his dragon form when he visited the temple, much to the joy of the faithful there. Auren Sylynn made a significant donation and told the clergy there of their quest to defeat a lich in the Pirate Isles. He asked them for a blessing on the ship. A priest visited the Lucky Leviathan and blessed it, also gifting Auren two vials of holy water. Selia Roselyn Maxwell also cast Mass Fly on some of the crew, including Captain Trevian, so they could experience flying.   After a short excursion in Bright Sands, they were on sea once again. Late afternoon on June 6, 500 AV, the ship docked in Pearl. There were several ships docked in the pirate town. Captain Trevian wondered aloud if there was a meeting of the pirate captains. When they disembarked, a fellow ship captain walked by and spoke with him, sharing condolensces for the loss of his brother. This captain also noted the size of the Lucky Leviathan’s crew and asked about the adventurers. When Captain Trevian told him it was business, told him he hoped they were not hired to go after the Black Ship, as the pirates were turning to Port Scale for help. Captain Trevien responded that it would be too high a price. The other captain confirmed there was a meeting of the captains scheduled for the next day to put the matter to a vote. Before he walked away, he warned Captain Trevian not to muddy the waters.
The Heart of Embril
Pyzar Zim
Auren Sylynn
Titta Morco
Mogi Delvin
Ladigo Farthon
Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone
Selia Roselyn Maxwell
Report Date
07 Oct 2023


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