Session 139 Report Report in Embril | World Anvil

Session 139 Report

General Summary

On the morning of June 17, 500 AV, Titta Morco sent a message to Thomes Bolen, inviting him to the meeting that evening. Selia Roselyn Maxwell then used Greater Teleport to take a group of them to visit Beus Pran, inviting him to the meeting as well. For the rest of the day, Selia continued to work on magic items while the rest of the party prepared for that evening.   When all the guests arrived that night they all went into the dining room where Belpher Burrows, Patch, and Astri served hors d’oeuvres. Titta explained to the guests what Haymin’s Heroes had learned about the Doom Bringers’ plot in Rowadin. They spoke briefly about the Great Beast, the Doom Bringers’ ultimate goal, and how Haymin’s Heroes had witnessed the monster within Clades’ Wrath. They related how they had been spying upon the Doom Bringers with Scry and learned how they would employ elemental monoliths, demons, and kuo-toas on Valorous Day. They discussed the locations on the map Auren Sylynn had seen, and how Doom Bringer agents planned on striking there.   Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone cast Miracle to cast Scry and showed all the guests the Doom Bringers they had been watching. Captain Holcot recognized one of the men, but did not know him by name. After watching them for a while, they returned to the dining room for dinner and to continue their discussion.   Captain Holcot began making plans for where he would deploy the city guard. His men would watch the Doom Bringer house and would be responsible for thwarting their attempt to kidnap the three young maidens. Haymin’s Heroes would be responsible for combatting the most significant threats, namely the elemental monoliths and the demons. Lady Dyora Albyn conferred with Amanaxis and Beus Pran about enlisting aid from the Guild of Mystic Arts as well as the local temples. Spellcasters would use a system of magical flares to signal specific dangers. Arnell Devons shared that his people would be in the city helping to defend it as well. Thomes Bolen took note of what was known about the Doom Bringer plot for Valorous Day in Rowadin and how it might relate to what the cult might try in Kainan. Titta gave him a holy symbol of the Elder Elemental Eye, explaining how they had used Locate Object to find more of them throughout Rowadin, establishing their first breakthrough lead. Thomes praised their ingenuity and would try that same tactic in Kainan.   When the meeting was over, the guests departed, but Haymin’s Heroes and Captain Holcot planned to meet nightly to discuss any new developments. Arnell also promised to keep in touch with the party over the next few days.   On June 18, 500 AV, Selia continued to work on magic items, while the rest of the party spent the day walking through the city, trying to familiarize themselves with all the side streets. They sought to improve their ability to maneuver from one locale to another as quickly as possible to respond to the numerous dangers that would threaten the city on Valorous Day. That evening, when they met with Captain Holcot, they learned the neames of the two Doom Bringers who lived in the house they had been watching. Nesheir Mesk was the priest who seemed in charge. Sim Grask was the other priest in the house. The two men worked at the Bookbinders Collective.   The next day was more of the same. Haymin’s Heroes patrolled the city while the city guard watched the known Doom Bringers. On June 20, 500 AV, Haymin’s Heroes teleported to West Andaria in the afternoon to do some shopping for rare and expensive components. While they were there, they visited a magic shop. Titta, Kyrie, and Pyzar Zim pooled their money for an expensive Wings of Flying cloak for Pyzar, thinking it would be of great benefit if he had the ability to fly at will, especially knowing about the potential threats to Rowadin.   June 21, 500 AV was Valorous Day. After a somewhat restless night of sleep, Haymin’s Heroes awoke early. They prepared their spells and readied their weapons. They went to Rowadin City Guard Hall, where Captain Holcot’s command post would be. It was across the street from Trinity Hall and centrally located in the city. They watched as the city awoke and its citizens emerged to greet the day. The streets grew busier and busier with locals and visitors looking to enjoy the holiday.   At some point in midmorning, a group of guards brought in two men they had arrested. One of those was Sim Grask. The other was a Doom Bringer they did not recognize. The guards aided by a cleric of Iustitia, Goddess of Justice, stopped the attempt to kidnap one of the maidens. One Doom Bringer was killed in the process. Nesheir Mesk escaped.   Selia suggested they interrogate the prisoners while she used Detect Thoughts. Captain Holcot agreed to this and they went inside. Sim Grask resisted her magic at first. But a second attempt at the spell was successful. By this point, though, he was already alerted to the attempt upon his mind and purposely tried to randomize his thoughts, hoping to not give anything away. Titta asked most of the questions, probing the Doom Bringers in an attempt to bring specific details to mind. Unfortunately, they did not know as many specific details as the party had hoped. Much of the Doom Bringer plans were loosely knit. Sim Grask only knew the generalities of it. His part involved kidnapping the maidens and helping Nesheir Mesk with the sacrifices. Now that the kidnappings had been thwarted, he did not know how things would proceed. He did not know where Nesheir had gone or what he would do.   Haymin’s Heroes spent the rest of the morning outside with Captain Holcot. The festivities in the city were in full swing. As noon approached, they saw an outline of the moon in the sky, heading towards the sun. At approximately noon, the sky suddenly became a shade of blue darker. The moon began eclipsing the sun, covering it by a sliver. Haymin’s Heroes cast any last minute spells. As the moon progressed along its path, the sliver it covered grew larger and the sky slightly darker. Then they heard screams coming from the docks to the west.   The party rushed that way and saw a purple flare that signaled the presence of an elemental monolith. When they reached the docks, they saw several men fleeing as a large contingent of kuo-toas chased them. The waters in the bay were turbulent and an enormous water monolith arose from the waves.
The Heart of Embril
Pyzar Zim
Auren Sylynn
Titta Morco
Mogi Delvin
Ladigo Farthon
Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone
Selia Roselyn Maxwell
Report Date
23 Dec 2023


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