Session 14 Report Report in Embril | World Anvil

Session 14 Report

General Summary

On July 14, 496 AV, news of an overnight raid on a dockside warehouse began to circulate around Karavale. Stolen goods were confiscated, three men were arrested, two were killed, and the owner of the warehouse was taken in for questioning. Information from the two men who had attacked Jenivar Albyn days earlier, had been pivotal in making this operation possible. This sting spelled a great victory for Captain Brice and the Karavale city watch.   However, on the morning of the 16th, Captain Brice confirmed that the same two men who had attacked Jenivar were found dead in their jail cells. Allegedly, there were no witnesses, and no explanation for how it had happened.   That day, Haymin’s Heroes set out for a walk south, a training expedition for themselves and the two cubs. They stuck to the forested area between the lakeshore and the road. They hunted and gathered lunch, ate their meal, and sparred amongst each other out in the wilderness. While they were sparring, a group of three approached, drawn to the noise.   In the conversation that followed, Haymin’s Heroes learned that these three were agents of the Vigil of the Weather Eye. The two older adventurers were named Braith and Asha. The younger man was named Arnell. They were searching for the remains of the man who had washed up on shore the week before. The party showed the agents of the Vigil to the spot where they had found the body. Afterwards, they directed them to Captain Brice and the watch.   Later in the day, Haymin’s Heroes conversed with Asha, Braith, and Arnell at the Home Away From Home. The visitors had found what they were looking for and recovered their associate’s pin. As they spoke, Titta Morco asked them if they recognized the symbol of the purple slit with the four elements beneath it. Braith informed the party that this symbol was used by the Doom Bringers, an evil cult whose agenda involved chaos, death, and destruction. The purple slit symbolizes the Eye, the being, possibly a god, that the Doom Bringers serve. Little is known about their overall purpose, but they are a dangerous organization, often employing the use of demons, devils, and elementals. Titta and the others did their best to deflect Braith and Asha’s questions as they tried to learn where Haymin’s Heroes had learned of this symbol. In the end, the agents of the Vigil seemed content with Titta’s story that this person with an heirloom ring bearing the symbol had moved on south. Braith and company would be heading in that direction the following morning, on the trail of the Doom Bringers their fallen associate had been investigating.   The 17th was the Celebration of the Gods, and Titta’s birthday. They visited the park in the morning and paid respects to the shrines of the nature gods, predominantly Terra, Goddess of the Land. There, they found Borbis West tending to the shrines for the holiday. He heard the story of how they met Fisher and Pennig and gave them some quick lessons on how to better communicate with their animal friends. From there, they went to the docks and hired a boat to sail on the lake. They did some fishing and returned to shore hours later with several fresh fish. In the evening, their meal was comprised of some of the fish they caught. In addition, Jenivar surprised Titta with a cake that Olo had baked at the request of Selia Roselyn Maxwell while the bard on stage sang Happy Birthday. The rest of the evening was full of music, dancing, and drinks.   The next day, the holiday was over and the crowds at the inn and in town began to dwindle back to normal levels. The party returned to their usual routine of keeping themselves entertained with sparring, reading, and training their animals. Days passed as events in Karavale lulled. Of note, however, the romance between Astri and Gellir seemed to be blossoming, and the couple went on a date one evening after Astri had asked Selia to cover her shift for her.   On August 1, 496 AV, Haymin Stone returned to Karavale on a short break from his adventure. His birthday was August 2nd and he wanted to celebrate with Jenivar and the party. He remained in town until Midsummer, before setting out once again on his mysterious quest. But while in town, the party shared their most recent stories with him, engaged in training sessions, spoke of the attack on Jenivar, and discussed the Doom Bringers.   On August 6th, the day after Haymin left, talk in town turned to a missing caravan that was expected to arrive a week ago from Rowadin. Then two days later, on August 8, 496 AV, Marak Quinaro and three other Red Sashes walked into the Home Away From Home.
The Heart of Embril
Pyzar Zim
Auren Sylynn
Titta Morco
Mogi Delvin
Ladigo Farthon
Selia Roselyn Maxwell
Sinjin Fairchild
Report Date
18 Aug 2020


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