Session 143 Report Report in Embril | World Anvil

Session 143 Report

General Summary

On June 22, 500 AV, Haymin’s Heroes helped with repairs around the city. That evening, the party discussed using Commune to speak with Viribus, God of Valor. They had questions about the Great Beast, Asmodeus, God of Sin, and the Black Requiem. The next day, on June 23, 500 AV, Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone cast the spell.   They learned that the Great Beast was not permanently dead, but when it would resurface was unclear. They also learned that the gods of Embril were ready for Asmodeus and did not require the help of Haymin’s Heroes. The rest of the questions revolved around the Black Requiem. He was not in West Andaria, but they were unable to learn his location. More importantly, they asked about his phylactery and after a series of questions learned it was not on this plane. They discussed the results of their questions and decided to cast Commune again.   After several questions, they learned that the phylactery was in a Golden Vault. And worse, the key was in the same Golden Vault. This posed quite a problem as they needed to find a way to somehow enter this Golden Vault. From what they new of the Golden Vault, it was impossible to break into one. They speculated, though, that someone, perhaps the owner of the Golden Vault company, would have a master key. The problem was figuring out who the owner was, and somehow getting that key.   They sought out Amanaxis and spoke with him. Amanxis knew of a few rumors as to who the owner of the Golden Vault was, but did not know for sure. The most popular theories were that the owner was a powerful and wealthy dragon. Of the powerful gold dragons he knew, none of them were the owner, so far as he knew. Another popular theory was that Razcaczar, emperor of Zamilon was the owner. Many considered him the wealthies being on Embril. Haymin’s Heroes decided to speak to Brother Lu about this matter. They resolved to visit Church on Friday.   The rest of that day, and the next, Haymin’s Heroes helped with the cleanup efforts in the city. Then on Friday, June 25, 500 AV, Selia Roselyn Maxwell cast Greater Teleport to take the party to Church, leaving Fisher and Pennig at Heroes for Hire.   They first visited the Grand Cathedral of the Trinity to seek large diamonds to be used as components for Wish or Miracle. Next they went to the Holy Temple of the Mystic Arts to seek a focus component for one of Ladigo Farthon’s new spells. When they were done with these errands, they went to the Temple of Truth.   As soon as they arrived, they were greated by an attendant who led them inside immediately. They were taken into the visiting room where they were greated by Brother Lu. But already inside the room sitting on one of the sofas was the god Asmodeus.   After introductions and when Haymin’s Heroes were comfortable, Brother Lu began speaking. He said that the gods of Embril were unprepared for Asmodeus’ plot. He found a way to summon them to his domain, Nessus, in the Nine Hells of Baator, where he could nullify their divine discorporation. Divine discorporation was the ability for a god’s body to reform in its domain after being killed. This was what made gods immortal. But with this ability nullified, gods would be susceptible to permanent death. Furthermore, Brother Lu told them that the gods of Embril were no match for Asmodeus in the Nine Hells. He would be able to defeat them and kill them.   He had made Asmodeus a proposal which had piqued the god’s interest and would now make the same proposal to Haymin’s Heroes. Asmodeus would spring his trap on the Embrillian gods in three days, at dusk on June 28, 500 AV. If the adventurers were willing to wager their souls, Asmodeus would defend Fortress Nessus with only 66 devils. That was were he kept the Heart of Embril. If the PCs could somehow retrieve it before dusk on June 28, 500 AV, they could save their souls and their gods. Otherwise, Asmodeus would claim their souls and kill the Embrillian gods. As a small consolation Asmodeus would turn Haymin’s Heroes into pit fiends, a great honor among devils. To further complicate matters, Brother Lu told them that Asmodeus prevented teleportation into Nessus, the ninth layer of Hell. The only way in was to somehow reach Cania, the eighth level of Hell, and sail down the River Styx into Nessus. To do that, they would have to survive the fridig cold of Cania, and all the devil on that layer. Then they would have to survive Nessus before reaching Malsheem, the Citadel of Hell, with Fortress Nessus deep within.   Titta Morco accepted the terms immediately. The rest of the party agreed. Asmodeus produced an ornate contract, hundreds of pages thick, and a fabulous golden quill. He signed the contract with a smile and offered it to the party. Brother Lu told them it was safe, stating he had read all 666 pages. Though he did mention that Asmodeus had snuck in a hellfire engine, which was technically legal as it was not a devil, but a construct. Brother Lu informed them that hellfire was so hot that it burned down to the soul, and no level of fire resistance could withstand it. Before Haymin’s Heroes signed the contract, Auren Sylynn asked Asmodeus that should they win, he would give them the contract to keep. Asmodeus agreed. Then Haymin’s Heroes each signed the contract in turn.   With the formalities completed, Asmodeus bid them farewell as he had to prepare the defense of his fortress. Haymin’s Heroes remained for a while speaking with Brother Lu. He told them that event though they were a formidable adventuring party, the best Embril had ever seen, they had no hope of navigating the Nine Hells and surviving. Their only hope was to find a way to teleport directly into Fortress Nessus. But no mortal magic was capable of bypassing Asmodeus’ wards. They asked Brother Lu if he could teleport them in, but he told them he was not in the business of creating portals for mortals to use to traverse all of creation. Haymin’s Heroes decided they would go to Sigil. That was the only place they might find such a portal.   They asked Brother Lu if they could use the portal in his library. He told them they could and they proceeded their immediately. Time was ticking.   In Sigil, they went to straight to Mirin’s Fine Inn and Tavern to ask for Thessalni. After asking around for a couple hours they found the tout. She took them to Tivvum’s Antiquities to see the Curator, the one individual in Sigil who might possess the knowledge of a gate into Fortress Nessus. Unfortunately, even the Curator did not know of one. And he knew of no one else who might.   They asked for places with any connection to the Nine Hells or devils and they learned of the Infernal fire (the Temple of Asmodeus, the Park of the Infernal and the Divine, and the Lower Ward, which was known for numerous portals to the lower planes. The former two were located in Lady’s Ward. They decided to try the Park of the Infernal and the Divine first.   Thessalni led them there. It was a park decorated with both angelic and infernal motifs. The entrance they approached was decorated more in devilish themes. Thessalni stepped into the park and Titta and Pyzar Zim followed. But when Titta and Pyzar passed the gate, they disappeared. Thessalni looked back in surprise. After a pause, Auren and Kyrie stepped in as well, disappearing. The rest of the party followed, leaving Thessalni behind.   Haymin’s Heroes found themselves in a long corridor, the walls and floor made of smooth basalt, decorated with precious metals, rare fabrics, and large gems. They felt a sense of regret and despair and heard the sound of weeping continuously seeping through the walls. Titta cast Planar Tolerance on the entire party and the sense of regret and despair lessened. The corridor before them seemed to go on forever. Behind them there was an ornate golden double-door encrusted with rubies in a pattern that formed Asmodeus’ holy symbol.   Auren opened the doors and outside were countless devils waiting to strike. But something held them back. Auren looked on the ground and saw a small stone. He quickly reached down and snatched it, a souvenir for Belpher Burrows, narrowly avoiding a glaive that struck down on the ground where his hand had been. Pyzar then immediately shut the doors. There was no sound of pursuit. None of the devils reached for the door. They deduced that they were in Fortress Nessus. The devils outside could not enter as they were not part of the 66.   Haymin’s Heroes cast some spells to prepare for what might come next. Then they began down the cooridor in search of the Heart of Embril, Auren taking point some twenty feet ahead to look for traps.
The Heart of Embril
Pyzar Zim
Auren Sylynn
Titta Morco
Mogi Delvin
Ladigo Farthon
Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone
Selia Roselyn Maxwell
Report Date
12 Mar 2024


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