Session 16 Report Report in Embril | World Anvil

Session 16 Report

General Summary

After speaking with Jenivar Albyn, the party relaxed at the Home Away From Home and joined Captain Brice’s birthday celebration which restarted after the guards finished dealing with the Shadow. Claran came to the inn and brought Pennig and Fisher back. The boy was hailed as a hero by all and spoke with Captain Brice momentarily, agreeing to come to the watch headquarters the next morning to discuss the Gray Wolves and his involvement with them. Auren Sylynn offered to walk Claran home, but the boy brushed the offer away. The rest of the night, Haymin’s Heroes drank and celebrated. Auren and Pyzar Zim, in particular, imbibing too much and regretting it the next morning.   On that next morning, the party visited Astri who had been given a few days off in the wake of the revelation of the Shadow’s identity. She was understandably distraught by the situation and thanked them for their concern. Then when the party returned to the Home away From Home, they learned some terrible news.   Claran Thel was found dead that morning, apparently beaten to death. The Gray Wolves were nowhere to be found and their home appeared abandoned.   On September 26, 496 AV, a funeral was held in the boy’s honor. Many townsfolk came to pay their respects. Numerous flowers were laid upon his grave.   On the following day, training officially began for the majority of the party. Auren trained with Jenivar in the morning and tended to the bar at night, at least until she hired a new bartender. Selia Roselyn Maxwell and Mogi Delvin trained with Quelkin and worked at his shop, at first helping reorganize and catalogue his inventory in between reading. Titta Morco trained with Finch Darvane, a ranger in service to Terra, Goddess of the Land, while Ladigo Farthon trained with Borbis West, a druid of Terra. Both their trainings took them out into the Great Forest surrounding Karavale, where they spent the majority of their time, seeing their friends only sparingly. Pyzar joined the city watch and received combat training under Walker Kalidor. Once his basic training was completed, he was allowed to take shifts and patrols as he continued learning and training with various weapons and armor. Finally, Sinjin Fairchild waited to hear back from the School of the Open Hand in Rowadin, to which Jenivar had written a letter requesting a teacher for him. On October 8, 496 AV, Nemek Tharingar arrived from Rowadin, a junior sensei at the School of the Open Hand, and became Sinjin’s instructor in the martial arts.   Months passed as Haymin’s Heroes continued their training. On December 13, 496 AV, Haymin Stone returned to Karavale and was able to stay in town for a month. He was celebrating the success of one part of his quest in which he admitted to locating one of the artifacts he needed. Now, Mr. King, Haymin’s benefactor, was in possession of two of these artifacts. Three of these unnamed artifacts, plus a map would be required to find the ultimate prize, to which Haymin remained purposely vague, though much of the party speculated that his quest was to find the Heart of Embril. Haymin’s next step would be to locate the map. But he was waiting for confirmation from Mr. King and was given some time off in the meantime. On January 16, 496 AV, Haymin left with some men who came to town, associates of Mr. King who would accompany him on his next journey.   On January 22, 497 AV, Mogi’s 17th birthday, he managed to cast his first cantrip, Prestidigitation. However, when he did so, his body became covered in flames, much like it had one day the previous year. But this time, he felt like he was in control of the magic, at least to some degree. The flames did not harm him, or indeed anything else. Eventually, when the incident ended and the magic faded away, Mogi was left changed in appearance. His red eye had turned gold. His skin took on a faint golden tint, and it had almost a scaly texture if one examined it closely. Quelkin did examine him and was at a loss for any explanation. Mogi did not appear harmed in any way from this incident. But since then, the magic seemed to come to him easier and he began making progress in his training. There was one side-effect, though. Mogi’s appetite seemed to increase greatly.   In March, Haymin’s Heores organized an outing into the forest, just to spend some time together and enjoy a slight change of pace. In April it would be a year since they had met and they reflected on how much their lives had changed in that time.   Over the next several months, they continued to train in their respective adventuring fields. Selia, Ladigo, and Mogi learned how to cast spells. Auren continued learning from Jenivar. Titta helped Finch with hunting and trapping, and tanning and leatherworking. Ladigo worked in the service of Terra among the druid enclave in the Great Forest. Pyzar continued as a member of the city watch. When Mogi felt he had learned as much as he cared to from Quelkin, he joined Pyzar in the city watch, where he could focus on some martial training. In the summer, Nemek returned to the School of the Open Hand in Rowadin, letting Sinjin transition to the next phase of his development, introspection and self-exploration. But he did let him know that he was welcome at the School of the Open Hand any time where he could pursue more advanced training with a more skilled sensei. In the meantime, Sinjin joined the city watch as well to continue some basic combat training and keep himself busy.   On October 10, 497 AV, Haymin finally returned to Karavale. He had found the map he had set off to find, after months of searching through much of the Blood Hills far to the north. He told the party that only the final leg of his quest remained. Once he returned from that, the quest would be complete and he would finally take them all to Rowadin and Heroes for Hire. But he did not need to set out just yet on this next venture. He had a few days to spare, so he offered to take the party on an outing into the forest, towards the High Hills, on a sort of training expedition. Everyone agreed and sought to get the time off from their respective trainers/employers. Once the details were finalized, they agreed to leave the next morning.
The Heart of Embril
Pyzar Zim
Auren Sylynn
Titta Morco
Mogi Delvin
Ladigo Farthon
Selia Roselyn Maxwell
Sinjin Fairchild
Report Date
31 Aug 2020


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