Session 18 Report Report in Embril | World Anvil

Session 18 Report

General Summary

On April 6, 498 AV, Jenivar Albyn made arrangements to sail to Rowadin. They had one day to settle affairs in Karavale before setting off on the 7th. Haymin’s Heroes did so while simultaneously grieving, each in their own way, and consoling Jenivar. In addition, following Selia Roselyn Maxwell’s example, the party stepped in and handled business at the Home Away From Home for their distraught boss and mentor. Titta Morco spent a lot of her time personally tending to Jenivar and observed her staring at the painting of the Emerald Striders for long periods, occasionally fingering the hole over Dyora’s face. Titta, as well, was particularly shaken by the news of Haymin Stone’s death. This meant the loss of a third father figure in her life. At one point, she set off alone to pray at the shrine of Terra in the park. Pyzar Zim noticed her leave and followed her. While she knelt before the shrine, Titta heard Pyzar’s voice in her mind, asking how she was. She answered him and learned he was standing about ten feet behind her. He admitted to Titta how he had learned this one telepathic ability, not completely abandoning his psionic heritage.   On April 7, 498 AV, they all set sail on the Noble Trout, a cargo vessel bound for Rowadin. Jenivar was visibly anxious, not having returned to the city of her birth in over twenty years. During the voyage, Pyzar spoke with the party and brought up their success with the petalars in an effort to get their minds off their sorrows at least momentarily. He focused on how well the team performed, highlighting Ladigo Farthon’s use of an Entangle spell and Titta’s skill with her scimitars. He also revealed to the rest of them his ability to manifest the Mindlink power. Sinjin Fairchild also took this opportunity to thank Pyzar for his tutelage in psionic meditations as he himself also developed some psionic abilities, particularly the ability to briefly walk on walls.   Some of the party also spoke with the crew of the Noble Trout. They asked about Rowadin and about reverie, a drug they had learned about before leaving Karavale from Captain Brice. The crew talked about the size of the city and the presence of the guilds. They also mentioned the prevalence of reverie around the Great Lake. Though it had just recently started becoming a problem in Karavale, it has been around in Luthia and Rowadin for years now.   It was midafternoon on April 9, 498 AV, when the Noble Trout docked in Rowadin. Jenivar drew a deep breath and stepped foot on the docks, leading the party to the Fearless Huntress, the inn at which they would be staying. Jenivar did not take the time or give them the opportunity to sightsee, heading straight for the inn. Once inside, she went straight to the bar to book three rooms for them, one for the women and two for the men to split. When she was done, a man the party recognized from the painting of the Emerald Striders approached her.   Merrywind Onyx greeted Jenivar warmly and invited her and the party to his table. Jenivar introduced Haymin’s Heroes to Merrywind and they spoke for the rest of the day and night about the Emerald Striders and about themselves. Merrywind learned much about them while sharing stories of his adventuring days, putting particular emphasis on Haymin’s exploits.   The next day, Jenivar made sure they made it to Heroes for Hire on time for the memorial. They were greeted by Belpher Burrows, the guildhall’s caretaker. He had them sign into a log book and announced their presence. The pleasant halfling was nonstop motion as he tended to the guests, offering hors d’oeuvres and drinks, while stopping to greet newcomers and announce them.   The party mingled slightly with the many adventurers present as they took in the guildhall for the first time. A priest of Mortem, God of Death, named Myron tended to a makeshift altar at the back of the hall, readying things for the ceremony. An urn rested atop this altar. Eventually, a man named Lewis Cass arrived at the memorial and was greeted by most of the people in the building. He made his way to Jenivar and greeted her, noting how long it had been. In the conversation, he offered Haymin’s Heroes memberships in the League of Extraordinary Treasure Seekers. The party politely declined his offer and learned he was the owner of the guild. When they said they would be staying with Heroes for Hire, he commented that they would enjoy working for him more than for Lady Dyora. Then Lewis asked Jenivar where her sister was.   As if on cue, Belpher Burrows announced Lady Dyora Albyn. She was accompanied by two burly half-orcs, Durik and Naltruum Esdil. When she entered, she immediately dominated the room. Most showed her obvious deference, or at the very least, stepped aside for her and her body guards.   Shortly after she entered, the memorial service officially began. Myron briefly recapped Haymin’s life as an adventurer, highlighting his time with the Emerald Striders, his founding of Heroes for Hire, and then his recent death. Then he asked if anyone would like to come up and say a few words before presenting Haymin’s ashes to Belpher.   The halfling came up and recounted how he first met Haymin. He had been traveling from Thunder Falls, Kainan, tagging along with a pair of merchant wagons, when they were attacked by orcs. Belpher had been taken captive by the orcs and later rescued by Haymin. Haymin took him to Rowadin where Belpher remained, working as caretaker for Heroes for Hire. Then Jenivar spoke, telling of how they had first met. Their party had been put together by the League of Extraordinary Treasure Seekers. His first words to her were a corny pickup line that he claimed he had paid the bard for. Following Jenivar was Merrywind who confirmed he had indeed been paid for the line. Then he began singing Last Breath, putting his phenomenal vocal talent on display. Other friends of Haymin went up and shared anecdotes and words of remembrance. But perhaps the most profound words came from a speech given by Titta in which she eloquently illustrated Haymin’s impact on her life and that of Haymin’s Heroes.   When the memorial service came to a close Lady Dyora approached the group. Merrywind tried to deflect her impact and greeted her. He introduced her to the party and she greeted them politely before addressing Jenivar. Catching her by surprise, Dyora reached in and hugged her sister. They shared a long, tear-filled embrace intermixed with smothered apologies. Merrywind and the party stepped away and gave them room. When the sisters finally composed themselves, Dyora informed Jenivar that they needed to talk. Now.   The sisters began to leave with the half-orcs in tow. Dyora politely bid farewell to Merrywind and Haymin’s Heroes and informed them that a carriage would pick them up at the Fearless Huntress to take them to the reading of the will later that afternoon.   When no one else was left, Haymin’s Heroes remained at Heroes for Hire and helped Belpher Burrows clean up, despite him attempting to decline their offer. Afterwards, they returned to the inn.   At 4:30 pm, three carriages arrived at the Fearless Huntress. A short drive later and they were all at the offices of the Guild of Legal Services. There they were led to a waiting room and offered cheese and wine. Belpher Burrows was already present. Eventually, Jenivar and Dyora arrived with Durik and Naltruum behind them.   At precisely 5:00 pm, the entire group was taken to a room with a mahogany desk and a few rows of chairs. A man who introduced himself as Jervis Helmsworth sat behind the desk in black magistrate robes. Jervis called roll and when he was satisfied that everyone was present, he began reading the will.   To Belpher, Haymin left three rocks in an ornate box. These rocks were from the site of Heroes for Hire before its construction. To Merrywind, he left his memoirs and journals detailing his adventures. To Jenivar, he left his copy of the painting of the Emerald Striders, intact and without a hole marring anyone’s face. Each one received their inheritance gratefully, and with emotional tears.   Then finally, to Haymin’s Heroes, he left ownership of Heroes for Hire, but it came with a stipulation. Haymin owed 10,000 crowns to Lady Dyora Albyn. Haymin’s Heroes have one year from the reading of the will to pay off the debt in full in order to receive the official deed to the property. Failure to repay this debt would result in the deed being handed over to Dyora instead. Jervis Helmsworth then locked the deed in a cabinet behind him and concluded the reading of the last will and testament of Haymin Stone.   As the proceeding concluded, Sinjin approached Jervis and handed him 30 crowns, the first payment towards the debt. Then Auren Sylynn followed suit and paid 70 crowns. Lady Dyora left the room with her bodyguards, but Jenivar remained behind with Merrywind and Belpher. Merrywind offered to pay the debt off for them, claiming that it would be better owed to him than to Dyora. Haymin’s Heroes thanked him for his offer, but declined it. However, if they failed to come up with the entirety of the 10,000 crowns by the time a year passed, they were open to borrowing the rest from him.   Merrywind left, expecting to see them later at the Enchanted Mug where many from the memorial service would be toasting Haymin throughout the night. Jenivar, Belpher, and the party went to Heroes for Hire.   Belpher gave them the full tour. In Haymin’s bedroom, they found the ledger for the guild and some personal effects. Mogi Delvin cast Detect Magic and looked around, but to their surprise, the only thing he discovered was that the rocks Belpher had received had a faint magical aura. Belpher said he knew nothing about them and that Haymin had never mentioned them before. He took them to his room and set the box containing them on a shelf. In his bedroom, were hundreds of rocks that the halfling had collected over the years, each one with its own story.   Afterwards, Titta asked Jenivar what her business with Dyora was, but Jenivar was purposely evasive. Then she bid them farewell, stating that she would be leaving in the morning. She would be spending the night at Dyora’s since they still had much to discuss. After long hugs and sincere words of parting, Jenivar left, heading for her sister’s manor.   Once Belpher was alone with Haymin’s Heroes, he began telling them what had happened the day of Haymin’s death. Haymin had returned to Rowadin on April 3, 498 AV. He appeared on edge and spent the day running around on various errands, including calling on Lady Dyora. He would not tell Belpher anything about the quest, other than that it was complicated. That night, while upstairs in his bedroom, Belpher heard a knock on the door downstairs. When he reached the balcony and looked down, he noticed Haymin had already answered the door. Lady Dyora came in and the two went into the conference room. At least two hours later, Belpher went downstairs to check on them, not having heard her leave. When he entered the room, he found Haymin dead. He ran out and got the authorities who came and inspected the scene. They noticed no signs of foul play, but took the body away to be inspected by the Guild of Funeral Services. The next day, Belpher learned that they had determined his death to be natural causes. He was also informed that due to a grievous error, Haymin’s remains had been cremated. Belpher took all his information to Captain Gildar Holcot and claimed that Lady Dyora had murdered Haymin. Captain Holcot said that it was not possible as Lady Dyora was away on diplomatic matters in Luthia. Belpher left disappointed, and to further confuse matters, the attendant at the Guild of Funeral Services responsible for accidentally cremating Haymin’s remains was found hanged that night with a suicide note. For the time being, Belpher dropped matter, believing Captain Holcot and the city guard to be under Lady Dyora’s influence.   Later, Haymin’s Heroes took to studying the guild’s ledger while Belpher prepared dinner for them. Between regular expenses, maintenance, Belpher’s wages, taxes, and cost of living expenses, they realized just how expensive running the guild would be. And to top it all off, they had to profit at least 10,000 crowns after all bills were paid by April 10, next year. It seemed a rather daunting prospect. After some discussion, they decided to go to the Enchanted Mug to have some drinks and begin making connections, learning rumors, and with any luck, find a paying adventure or quest.   But as they were about to leave, there was a knock on the door. It turned out to be Dyora Albyn, but without her bodyguards. She asked them if they had found a map at Heroes for Hire and claimed that it was very important. They told her they had not, but then Titta asked if that is what she was looking for when she came to see Haymin on the night of his death. After a pause, Dyora said she was not there that night, having been away on diplomatic duty in Luthia.   After she left, the party began searching the guild house everywhere for the map. Mogi inspected the rocks Belpher had receive and noticed that they were each engraved with a numeral on the bottom: I, II, III. They took the rocks around the house, searching for anywhere they might fit.   After an hour of searching, they gave up and decided to pay Lady Dyora a visit. Before they did so, however, they had Belpher put the ornate box back on the shelf in his room, only switching the rocks with others on the shelf, so as not to draw attention to the enchanted ones. Auren set some minor alarms on each exterior door, as well as the doors to Belpher’s and Haymin’s bedrooms. These alarms were just a strand of hair attached to the door that would break when opened. That way, when they returned, they could tell if anyone had entered.   At Lady Dyora’s manor, they were greeted by her butler. Due to who they were and their relationship to Jenivar, they were allowed in at the late hour. Inside they found Durik and Naltruum sitting and reading, something none of them expected to find the half-orcs doing. Jenivar and Dyora came down and Titta asked them if Dyora had been with Jenivar the whole time. When they answered that she had been, Haymin’s Heroes told them what had happened earlier at Heroes for Hire. They also speculated as to what Dyora and Jenivar’s business was that they were discussing. Dyora admitted that she suspected foul play in Haymin’s death and that she was looking into it. She told the party to let it be for now. Haymin hid this map well enough so as not to be found so easily. But he would have expected them to find it at some point. There is perhaps something they are missing that will make itself apparent at a later date. She also told them to keep thoughts of this out of their minds in case mindreading magics are used. For now, their efforts should be focused on earning the official ownership of the guild by paying off the debt.   After leaving Dyora’s, they finally went to the Enchanted Mug. There, they spent some time with Merrywind, drinking and enjoying themselves. In addition, Auren and Ladigo listened to some of the talk of the town, learning rumors about the Black Glove Society, Rowadin’s thieves’ guild, making some deal with the Unseen. They also heard of tribes of orcs, goblins, and gnolls operating to the southwest as well as attacking travelers on the road to Luthia.   After a long day, the party decided not to stay too long at the Enchanted Mug. They left after an hour. Titta invited Merrywind to stay the night at Heroes for Hire and he accepted the invitation. When they returned to the house, they found the alarms on one of the backdoors, as well as Belpher’s and Haymin’s bedrooms tripped. After a search, they decided that nothing was missing and everyone selected which room was theirs and went to bed. Haymin’s room was left unclaimed.   Later that night, Titta came into Pyzar’s bedroom looking for a shoulder to cry on. After thirty minutes or so, she thanked him, kissed him on the cheek, and returned to her bedroom.
The Heart of Embril
Pyzar Zim
Auren Sylynn
Titta Morco
Mogi Delvin
Ladigo Farthon
Selia Roselyn Maxwell
Sinjin Fairchild
Report Date
16 Sep 2020


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