Session 25 Report Report in Embril | World Anvil

Session 25 Report

General Summary

On the morning of April 24, 498 AV, Haymin’s Heroes explored Rowadin. One of the sites they visited was the School of the Open Hand where Sinjin Fairchild was reunited with Nemek Tharingar whom had helped train him in Karavale. Nemek introduced the party to Virch Holmgard, a sensei at the school. Then he introduced them to Master Sensei Romgar Bellvir. Sinjin learned that Romgar knew his father, Komar, and had trained with him at the Open Hand Monastery in the Haegren Barrens many years ago. It was also revealed that the monastery was no longer in operation, having been torn asunder by an internal conflict. In the aftermath, Romgar migrated to Rowadin where he began his school, keeping the traditions of the Open Hand alive.   Throughout the rest of the day, the party did some shopping, purchasing an Artificer’s Monocle which would be useful in identifying the magical properties of the items they had acquired in the caves. Selia Roselyn Maxwell used the monocle on several of those items learning what each could do.   That afternoon, Titta Morco answered a knock on the door. To her surprise it was the same man whom she had given the coin purse of 100 crowns yesterday in exchange for Atlan. His name was Draven Kreeg. He returned the coin purse, and the 100 crowns, citing that he was convinced to return it. Auren Sylynn stated that “she” made him return it, and Draven agreed that she did. After Draven left, the party hypothesized that the “she” was Lady Dyora Albyn.   After dinner, Pyzar Zim suggested they go out to a local tavern or inn to learn whatever they could about current events and potential adventuring leads. They all agreed and ventured off to the Alehouse, a nearby tavern. There they had a few drinks while either conversing or listening in on others’ conversations. Titta joined a game of Three Dragon Ante and conversed with the other players. Later Auren joined in on the game, and then Ladigo Farthon as well. Mogi Delvin sat at the bar staying quiet while attempting to listen to the talk around him. Selia, Sinjin, and Pyzar made some idle conversation trying to learn what they could. Haymin’s Heroes did not stay late at the Alehouse and tipped their waitress, Jule, well.   When they returned to Heroes for Hire they discussed some of the rumors they had heard. The Black Glove Society has a new leader. The thieves’ guild no longer endorses the sale of reverie. People have gone missing in the night and, so far, there are no leads. Someone recommended to Selia that they should take on the Hollow Moon Pack to bring Heroes for Hire more exposure. And alchemists have discovered that a type of mushroom is a prime ingredient in the making of reverie. This mushroom is known to grow in wetlands.   During this discussion, a somewhat inebriated Titta claimed that she knew the identity of the new leader of the Black Glove Society. Jenivar Albyn. She surmised that Jenivar made Draven return the money and is responsible for the guild’s new direction. Titta referenced the business Dyora had with Jenivar, believing that she recruited her sister to run the guild after dealing with the Asp. She also believes it has something to do with investigating Haymin Stone’s death.   On April 25, 498 AV, Haymin’s Heroes departed for the ravine once more. When they reached the location on April 26, they avoided the ravine and found a spot to camp for the night, preferring to approach the caves in the daytime. The night was eerily quiet and lacked much of the natural animal noises they had been accustomed to.   Around midmorning on April 27, 498 AV, they ventured into the ravine once more, set on infiltrating the orc cave. But what they found in the ravine caught them by surprise. It was inhabited by several creatures, slowly lumbering around. At first, it appeared like kobolds, goblins, and hobgoblins. But at closer inspection, they realized they were all undead, a mix of skeletons and zombies, the reanimated corpses of the foes they had already vanquished. And amongst the undead was the skeletal remains of the ogre, wielding a large bone as a club.
The Heart of Embril
Pyzar Zim
Auren Sylynn
Titta Morco
Mogi Delvin
Ladigo Farthon
Selia Roselyn Maxwell
Sinjin Fairchild
Report Date
04 Nov 2020


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