Session 3 Report Report in Embril | World Anvil

Session 3 Report

General Summary

The youths engaged in a conversation about their prospective roles in their adventuring party. At least a few of them were undecided. Only Titta Morco, Sinjin Fairchild, and Mogi Delvin seemed to have a clear direction, while the rest were still considering options. Titta wishes to continue her training as a ranger. Sinjin is set on learning more of the monk fighting traditions. Mogi a sorcerer-fighter hybrid, a battle sorcerer, he called it.   After dinner, Mogi expressed the desire to check out the town at night. Selia Roselyn Maxwell accompanied him. In their evening stroll, they encountered another group of youths, eight in total, who became quiet when Selia and Mogi came near, watching them walk past with skeptical, if not menacing, looks. At the Home Away From Home, the rest of the youths engaged in further conversation while Haymin Stone and Jenivar Albyn.   Selia and Mogi returned and the group overheard some locals discuss recent thefts reported at some of the visiting merchant caravans. The talked with the locals and learned about the possibility of a criminal underworld in Karavale. Sinjin then approached an adventuring party at a nearby table to discuss these rumors. Soon the youths were invited to their table and spent some time speaking with the adventurers, Luthian Steel, as they are known. In talking to them, the youths heard about the local gravedigger/groundskeeper reporting seeing undead in the cemetery. Luthian Steel informed them that the House of the Holy Triumvirate checked the cemetery for undead, using magic, and found nothing.   The next morning, the youths gathered around the breakfast table with Jenivar and Haymin. Luthian Steel was also finishing up their breakfast before setting out towards Blacktooth Gap. The youths wished them well before seeing Haymin off as well, as he was set to begin his journey back to Rowadin. In their morning conversation, Titta Morco referred to the group as Haymin’s Heroes. Jenivar rolled her eyes, but for the time being the name stuck.   After seeing Haymin off at the south entrance of town, Haymin’s Heroes returned to the Home Away From Home. Shortly thereafter, the group Selia and Mogi saw the night before walked in and attempted to collect what appeared like protection money from Jenivar. Jenivar threw these youths out, pulling the half-elf by the ear. Haymin’s heroes learned that someone going by the Shadow is behind the criminal underworld in Karavale. Or as Jenivar put it, “Some two bit thief thinks he’s running a thieves’ guild.”   Haymin’s Heroes decided to follow these youths. But on the way out they heard a rumor about a farmer in a nearby village finding another one of his sheep shorn overnight. They decided to follow the youths and soon found themselves confronted by them. This gang of kids tried to intimidate them and it appeared the two parties might come to blows in the middle of the street. But them Captain Brice of the city watch appeared with a pair of guards and broke it up. Haymin’s Heroes learned that this gang was known as The Gray Wolves. They then decided to investigate the undead rumor and let Captain Brice handle the Gray Wolves, informing him about their collection attempt at the Home Away From Home.   Their investigation took them to the House of the Holy Triumvirate where they receive an account of the investigation of undead at the cemetery. Morgan Devoh, Adjudicator of Iustitia told them how Remington Wohl came to the temple one night reporting seeing a zombie walking towards him. He ran immediately to the temple to seek help. But the clergy’s magic found no sign of undead. A couple days later, Remington saw a ghoul. Again, the clerics found nothing. From there, Haymin’s Heroes went to the cemetery. They spoke to Remington and got his firsthand account. They investigated the crypts nearest to where he had reported seeing the undead. In both crypts they found signs of forced entry. In searching the remaining family crypts, they saw only one that was not broken into.   They discussed further actions, the party split between informing the authorities and dealing with it themselves. Titta championed the cause of self-action, citing that if there were to become adventurers, they might as well start acting like them now. Auren Sylynn was foremost in favor of informing the authorities. Ultimately, they decided to continue investigating, at least until they learned some more and had some solid evidence to present to Captain Brice.   Done with the cemetery, the group went back to the Home Away From Home for lunch, and to discuss planning some nighttime surveillance at the cemetery to possibly catch the culprit in action.
The Heart of Embril
Pyzar Zim
Auren Sylynn
Titta Morco
Mogi Delvin
Ladigo Farthon
Selia Roselyn Maxwell
Sinjin Fairchild
Player Journals
Haymin's Heroes and the Shakedown Kids, the Woolen Zombie, and other tales! by Titta Morco
Report Date
11 May 2020


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