Session 40 Report Report in Embril | World Anvil

Session 40 Report

General Summary

The next morning, the trip to Karavale was postponed for a couple of days, until after Valorous Day. Instead, the party prepared for their journey, inquiring about the possibility of renting a carriage to make the ride back more comfortable for the pregnant Astri. That day, Selia Roselyn Maxwell  spent most of it at the library of the Guild of Mystic Arts, studying her craft. While there, she spoke with Lady Dyora Albyn  and asked her about Jenivar Albyn. Lady Dyora admitted they had been in frequent contact since reconnecting, and assured Selia, that Jenivar was doing well in Karavale.   That evening, Auren Sylynn went out to check in with the Black Glove Society, after some admonishing from Titta Morco. When he returned, he was accompanied by Jenivar who admitted to being the leader of the thieves’ guild. She explained that their ruse had been undone by Astri’s letter and had become too much trouble to maintain. She was offered the position as leader of the Black Glove Society by her sister as they used their influence and power to attempt to unravel the mystery behind Haymin Stone’s death. They wished to keep this secret from Haymin’s Heroes in order to protect them from plunging headlong into something that might be beyond their ability to contend with. Thus far, however, her efforts have failed to reveal Haymin’s killer or locate Mr. King. The only progress she has made was to eliminate any influence the Unseen may have had with the Black Glove Society. However, the Unseen remain a mystery she has been unable to crack.   They discussed Haymin’s Heroes’ recent adventure in Luthia and the reverie situation. Jenivar drew parallels between the post-overdose blackout experienced by Aedwine Humfrith to that of Haymin Stone’s blackout many years ago on the night Edmar Maratino was killed by the green dragon. She speculated that perhaps he had been affected by a precursor to reverie.   June 21, 498 AV was Valorous Day. Everyone from Heroes for Hire spent the day enjoying the celebrations throughout the city, including the reenactment of the Battle of York put on by Trinity Hall and the parade through the city streets. They also finalized preparation for their trek to Karavale. The plan was to ride up on horseback and then for Mogi Delvin and Selia to accompany Astri by boat back to Rowadin. The rest of the party would take the horses back to the city. In the meantime, Belpher Burrows and Patch would begin working on building a stable for the horses at Heroes for Hire.   The journey to Karavale was a pleasant one along the lakeside road. They left Rowadin on June 22, 498 AV and arrived in Karavale on the afternoon of June 25, 498 AV. They went to the Home Away From Home first and reunited with their old friends. Astri had not yet arrived for her shift but would be there soon. Mogi decided to seek her out at her home first and speak with her privately. When he returned to the Home Away From Home with Astri, the couple announced her pregnancy to everyone at the inn. In addition, they announced their intention to marry. The mood at the Home Away From Home was joyous that evening and celebrated with several drinks.   The next morning, Haymin’s Heroes visited Captain Brice to say hello. From there they proceeded to see Quelkin Braze while Mogi and Ladigo Farthon inquired at the docks as to ship passage to Rowadin. A trip to the Dovin’s General Store and Ponya’s Needle and Thread followed where Selia commissioned a baby blanket to be made by the seamstress.   As a group, they all went to see Astri next. They offered her a job with them at Heroes for Hire, which she accepted. Then the conversation switched to their wedding, and ultimately it was decided to have it done before they left Karavale. However, Astri wanted Jenivar present. After some discussion, the wedding was set for July 6, 498 AV. This would give the rest of the party to ride to Rowadin to inform Jenivar and then ride back, hopefully with her. Mogi would remain in Karavale with Astri preparing for the wedding.   The party planned to leave that very afternoon. But first, Titta and Selia took Astri and her mother to Ponya’s to have dresses commissioned for all of them. Afterwards, Pyzar Zim, Auren, Ladigo, Sinjin Fairchild, and Mogi went to have new outfits commissioned for them as well. Arrangements were made to have the wedding at the Home Away From Home. Jolund would close the taproom for the private event that afternoon and rent it out to them. After lunch, the rest of the party left on horseback for Rowadin. Mogi remained in Karavale with Astri to continue planning for the event.   They reached Rowadin on June 29, 498 AV and found that Belpher and Patch had already begun construction of the stables. They informed Jenivar about the wedding and she agreed to return Karavale, but would speak to Dyora about it, first. On June 30, 498 AV, the party ran some errands, including purchasing the rings as per Mogi’s request and acquiring dress outfits for Belpher and Patch who would be attending the wedding as well. Later that day, Jenivar and Lady Dyora came to Heroes for Hire to confirm they would both be going to the wedding. Lady Dyora also offered to teleport them all to Karavale as well as back to make the journey easier for the pregnant bride. It was settled that they would leave on the morning of July 5, 498 AV.   The morning of July 5, 498 AV rolled around and the familiar Cantlin and Uclar arrived at the Heroes for Hire with Jenivar and a third wizard in tow. His name was Palathar Inanji. They asked him about his accent and he revealed that he was from the island nation of Jaathridarr. Lady Dyora was not with them, but would go to Karavale the next day before the event.   Just before they left, a courier arrived with a letter for Titta. After reading it, her demeanor turned dour. The party questioned this and she revealed the letter came from a friend of her elven family’s in Aravess. Her elven stepbrother, Kraalin Valathar, whom she had written to weeks ago to reconnect with, had disappeared five years ago when he hunted after the orcs that killed his father, Alouicious Valathar. Kraalin, and the entire hunting party of elves never returned from that expedition and are presumed dead. Furthermore, it appeared that the Valathar lands would eventually be handed over to a new noble family, according to elven law, if no heirs come forth within 10 years. No one of the family had stepped forward as many in Aravess believed the Valathar lands to be cursed after such defeat from their ancient enemy, the orcs.   The sudden revelation of her stepbrother’s fate seemed to hit Titta hard, especially given circumstances of how they parted and the length of their estrangement. But after she composed herself, the three mages split the group into three and they each cast Teleport. Next, they all found themselves in Karavale.
The Heart of Embril
Pyzar Zim
Auren Sylynn
Titta Morco
Mogi Delvin
Ladigo Farthon
Selia Roselyn Maxwell
Sinjin Fairchild
Report Date
23 Feb 2021


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