Session 45 Report Report in Embril | World Anvil

Session 45 Report

General Summary

Haymin’s Heroes visited various libraries the next day to study lore about liches and their phylacteries. They continued their research for the next few days, while also looking for an adventuring job. During this time, they had not seen or heard from Amanaxis. He finally reappeared on August 29, 498 AV, coming to Heroes for Hire with some news.   Amanaxis had been conducting research of his own on Auren Sylynn’s situation. He had learned in Grenace, Kainan that there was a secret sect of the church of Solis, God of the Sun, known as the Order of the Cleansing Flame. This order’s primary mission was to destroy a lich named Beldryss, the Mother of Bones. Over 1,000 years ago, Beldryss became a lich by somehow creating a phylactery out of her bloodline. In the event of her destruction, she would arise as a lich, so long as a blood relative existed. Therefore, the Order of the Cleansing Flame have sought ever since to destroy Beldryss’ bloodline. It was safe to assume that Auren was now her last blood relative and that the Order of the Cleansing Flame would be coming after him soon.   On the night of August 30, 498 AV, Auren experienced what seemed like a dream. He saw Beldryss standing over him as he lie on a cold table in a dark laboratory. He could not move as she cut out a small chunk of flesh from his leg. This dream came in snippets until he eventually woke up on the morning of August 31, 498 AV. His leg was in pain. There was a bandage around his left thigh. And indeed, a chunk of flesh had been cut out.   The party sought Amanaxis and they learned of a spell called Clone which required a cubic inch of flesh as its primary component. If Beldryss had indeed cast that spell, then she was growing a clone of Auren. And in the event of his death, his soul would transfer to the clone body and he would continue to live.   Haymin’s Heroes decided that they should get out of Rowadin for a while, preferably on an adventure or quest. They discussed their options and settled on venturing to the High Hills to seek out the orcs that had killed Titta Morco’s elven family. It had obviously been on Titta’s mind and there would hopefully be loot from the orcs that would make it worth their while financially. Along the way, they might even look for Bloodbeak. Killing the infamous owlbear would boost their reputation and fame.   They planned to have Jenivar Albyn over for dinner on September 1, 498 AV, so they could celebrate her birthday early. It was possible that they would be away for a few weeks and might not make it back for her actual birthday on the 14th.   That day before dinner they prepared for their journey, trading a set of enchanted bracers for a Field Provisions Box which could magically provide food for several people. Without the need to purchase food, they bought healing potions instead to replenish their stock. And Selia Roselyn Maxwell spent most of the day preparing some scrolls to boost her spellcasting capabilities.   It was late morning when they received a knock on their door. The man who came calling was named Gile Porter. He was the valet of the late, Michael Wyndemar III, and now served his father, Michael Wyndemar II. His late master had been killed by Bloodbeak while on a hunting expedition. Michael Senior had filed an open contract with the Guild of Legal Services that morning in the sum of 5,000 crowns for whomever brought him Bloodbeak’s head. The other guilds of the city had already been informed, namely the League of Extraordinary Treasure Seekers and the Society of Hunters and Trappers.   Fate smiled on Haymin’s Heroes that day as the journey they were already preparing for now had a greater purpose, and a well-paying one. Shortly after Gile Porter left, they received more visitors. This time it was the Knights of the Valley. They came to warn Haymin’s Heroes that the Gray Wolves had been asking about them and that they were likely planning to ambush them while out hunting for Bloodbeak.   That evening, they celebrated Jenivar’s early birthday and informed her of their new quest. She told them to be careful and wished them luck. On September 2, 498 AV, Haymin’s Heroes set out for the High Hills on foot, boosted by a Lively Step spell from Selia.   They past a number of adventuring parties on the way thanks to their increased speed. Some friendly competitive banter was shared between a few of them as they were all targeting the same thing. When they approached Karavale, Haymin’s Heroes decided to bypass the town to avoid any of the competition, particularly the Gray Wolves. By the end of the day on September 5, 498 AV, they stopped to rest at the Penkin’s farm. The Penkins allowed them to sleep in their barn to get out of the rain. And they informed the adventurers that several other parties had already ventured into the High Hills on the hunt for Bloodbeak.   The next morning they set out into the forest at the edge of the High Hills. Titta noticed many sets of tracks, adventuring groups that fanned out in every direction. As they rested in the evening, they could see the distant glow of campfires here and there. Wildlife seemed sparse for the woods, likely scared away by so many intruders.   On September 7, 498 AV, they caught signs of Bloodbeak’s trail and followed it. Along the way, they bypassed a pack of wolves that were dining on a pair of deer. Ladigo Farthon had used his Wild Shape ability to transform into an eagle and scouted ahead from above, giving the party plenty of warning. Later in the day, they came upon the remains of adventurers. Their bodies had been shredded and torn by large claws. Huge footprints were easily spotted at the scene. Titta estimated that this had occurred within the last twenty-four hours.   On September 8, 498 AV, as the party set to rest for lunch, their animals began to seem agitated. The party noticed a sword sticking out from beneath a large bush. At a closer look, a boot containing a severed leg could also be seen. As Titta approached, she realized that the bush was actually a living plant creature. It lifted up with vine-like tentacles and a gaping maw. Simultaneously, two other plantlike creatures began creeping down a nearby tree from the other side of the party. These appeared more like living vines. They defeated these creatures easily enough, however, the huge bush creature appeared to regenerate. It took some considerable effort to ensure that it was completely dead.   Later that day, Ladigo spotted Bloodbeak while flying overhead as an eagle. He flew down and signaled Titta. The party approached cautiously. They saw the massive owlbear dining upon the remains of another group of adventurers he had recently killed. When Bloodbeak saw them, it charged immediately.   Pyzar Zim was unfortunate enough to be directly in the creature’s path. Bloodbeak lifted him off the ground with a massive paw and Pyzar could not break its grip. Mogi Delvin cast Ray of Enfeeblement on Bloodbeak, weakening it some. Despite this, Bloodbeak still tore at Pyzar with both claws, rending his chest, knocking him unconscious, and throwing him to the ground. In the same motion, Bloodbeak lashed out at Titta with its beak. She was bruised, but not yet bloodied. Thankfully, Ladigo had already cast Mass Lesser Vigor on the frontline and Pyzar began to heal. The battle turned when Selia cast Glitterdust on Bloodbeak. With the owlbear blinded it became much less of a threat, though it still managed to kill an earth elemental Mogi had summoned. But it was unable to connect with any more party members. After some more spells and weapon strikes, Bloodbeak was heavily wounded, though it appeared the creature’s body was healing on its own. Ladigo healed Pyzar and he rejoined the fight, bringing Bloodbeak down with his greatsword.   Haymin’s Heroes caught their breath and Ladigo cast a cure spell on Pyzar. He was still heavily wounded, but before they could regroup further, the vegetation around them began to grasp at them. They were in the middle of an Entangle spell, though none of the party was held fast, just hindered. Vyness of the Gray Wolves appeared beyond the edge of the Entangle. Clouds also formed suddenly at the top of the trees, and Moxley appeared near Vyness. The Gray Wolves were there, springing their ambush upon them, as had been expected. However, Haymin’s Heroes still could not see the rest of the enemy.
The Heart of Embril
Pyzar Zim
Auren Sylynn
Titta Morco
Mogi Delvin
Ladigo Farthon
Selia Roselyn Maxwell
Report Date
10 Apr 2021


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