Session 52 Report Report in Embril | World Anvil

Session 52 Report

General Summary

Haymin’s Heroes spent a few days as guests of Kraalin Valathar. They rested and relaxed as Kraalin assumed his role as head of the Valathar clan. He secured Teleport services for Haymin’s Heroes, as well as his fellow former captives who lives outside of Aravess, so they could return home at the end of the week. In the meantime, they all recuperated from their ordeals and celebrated their freedom. Titta Morco spent a lot of time speaking with Kraalin and some of her old friends. But on September 28, 498 AV, she and the party were teleported home to attend to their pressing guild business. Titta promised to visit Kraalin whenever she had the chance.   Back in Rowadin, Haymin’s Heroes walked north to the Wyndemar estate to collect on the bounty for Bloodbeak’s head. Michael Wyndemar II had them paid and asked them to take the gruesome head away. Haymin’s Heroes did so and returned to the city to pay a large sum towards their debt.   With that done, Mogi Delvin asked to visit Trinity Hall. Another recent encounter with Viribus, God of Valor, prompted him to do so as with the deity’s blessing, he took on the role of Deliverer of Viribus. He met some of the clergy at the temple and made arrangements to return tomorrow to begin some formal training.   From there, the party went to the Fearless Huntress to look for a bard. Titta approached Kyle Quen, who was performing there that day, with a business proposition. She would share with him the story of the hunt for Bloodbeak and hire him to write a song about it and help spread their tale. Later that afternoon, Kyle came to Heroes for Hire to get the details. He agreed to write an oratory that he would perform at the local inns and taverns as well as a number of songs detailing the different events of their adventure. Kyle received his payment upfront and left to begin his work.   Two days later, Kyle returned to Heroes for Hire and performed his oratory and songs for Haymin’s Heroes. They were pleased with his efforts and Kyle was excited to premiere them to the public the next day during the Festival of the Ales. On October 1, 498 AV, Jenivar Albyn joined them at the Fearless Huntress for the festivities and to hear Kyle’s performance. The crowd was pleased with the story and toasted Haymin’s Heroes several times.   Haymin’s Heroes spent the next few days selling excess loot, and on October 4, 498 AV, they paid off their debt in full. They even had some profit leftover for themselves. When they paid the debt, Jervis Helmsworth at the Guild of Legal Services presented them with an envelope. They did not open it there. They hurried home first and all gathered in their meeting room, with Belpher Burrows, Patch, and Astri as well.   Inside the envelope was the official deed to the guild, proclaiming them as full owners. Of course, they expected more, so Titta looked in the envelope and found a small scrap of paper that read, “May you stay true in crisis, for adversity betrays low ethical standards.”   At first, they were all stumped. They discussed it some, but did not know what to make of it. Belpher retrieved the three rocks Haymin Stone had bequeathed. They tried reading the phrase, but there was no reaction. Then Titta deciphered the code: Mystic Fables. She hurried to the bookshelf and retrieve the book by that name. The table of contents listed several stories. One of them, “Illusions of Grandeur” was marked by asterisks. She turned to that story and began to read it aloud. It was about an illusionist who used his magic to fool people and take advantage of them. One thing of note was that the illusionist would cast a spell that would make rocks speak. The command word he used was “kotnakscor.” While she read the story, and said the word aloud, nothing happened. But then Auren Sylynn picked up the first stone and said “kotnakscor.”   A mouth appeared on the rock and it began speaking in Haymin’s voice. When the first rock had delivered its message, he repeated the process with the second, then the third. The complete message read:   If you are hearing this, I was murdered. Had to wait to tell you. They read your minds. Ignorance is bliss. Hopefully, enough time passed.   It was the Unseen. Doppelgangers. Mr. King leads them. The three rings and the map to the Heart of Embril. They must not find them.   Seek Amanaxis. Find him at the Guild of Mystic Arts or the Magic Temple. Ask for the golden key. Sorry in advance for the runaround.   Haymin’s Heroes hurried to the Magic Temple. There they found Amanaxis and asked to speak to him privately. They asked him about the golden key. Amanaxis told them they should go speak somewhere even more private. He told them to meet him at his home later that evening. Titta asked if there was some code they could use to verify his identity the next time they met. He said, “kotnakscor.”   A few hours later, they met Amanaxis at his small house at the eastern edge of the city, just a short walk from the Magic Temple and the Guild of Mystic Arts. Amanaxis confessed that he had the golden key and assured them it was safe. However, he told them that per his agreement with Haymin, they would have to complete three tasks for him before he would hand it over. Titta asked him for the first task. Amanaxis asked them to investigate a small mining town named Flint. It was located on the northern edge of the Lioden Peaks. He suspected something might be amiss in Flint because he had not heard from a friend of his there. This friend, named Delyra, was only ten years old. Amanaxis did not have more information than that. He was considering going there himself, but as luck would have it, they seemed to need something productive to do. As far as the second and third tasks, he had not thought of them yet.   Haymin’s Heroes agreed to leave for Flint in the next couple days. They spent the rest of that day and October 5th, 498 AV, preparing for their journey. Using Mogi’s new connection at Trinity Hall, they purchased healing potions at a considerable discount, as well as augment crystals for some of their weapons for fighting undead. Selia Roselyn Maxwell spent both those nights writing new spells in her spellbook. Ladigo Farthon had also recently learned a new spell which he said would double their traveling speed.   On the morning of October 6, 498 AV, they were ready to set off for Flint.
The Heart of Embril
Pyzar Zim
Auren Sylynn
Titta Morco
Mogi Delvin
Ladigo Farthon
Selia Roselyn Maxwell
Report Date
25 May 2021


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