Session 96 Report Report in Embril | World Anvil

Session 96 Report

General Summary

Titta Morco and Traegandar, invisible thanks to Selia Roselyn Maxwell’s spells, followed the water elementals down into the pool. At about fifty feet below it turned into a corridor which was inhabited by two aboleths. The water elementals swam towards them and attacked while Traegandar and Titta swam past to a platform out of the water. Traegandar exited the water first and emptied the Bag of Holding containing Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone, Mogi Delvin, and Ladigo Farthon. Then Titta emptied the bag containing Selia, Auren Sylynn , and Pyzar Zim.   The aboleths killed the water elementals quickly and turned their attention to the party that just appeared behind them. One of them swam to the water’s edge and attacked with its tentacles. The other cast a spell from farther out. The spell’s effect was not apparent at first, but when Titta tried to run forward to join in the fight, she found her way blocked by an invisible wall. Selia then cast Disintegrate and brought down the Wall of Force.   The closest aboleth was killed quickly by the party’s spells, but the one farther out proved to be more problematic. It recast Wall of Force and split the party again. Traegandar flew up along the walls edge and found that it was only ten feet high. When he landed on the other side, Mogi and Kyrie climbed on so he could fly back over and allow them to rejoin the fight. Auren jumped and found the top of the wall, pulling himself up and over. Titta and Pyzar, situated near the platform’s edge, shot arrows at the remaining aboleth. It turned invisible, but Selia used Glitterdust to outline most of its form.   Eventually, when it was significantly wounded, it started to swim away, but Titta and Traegandar gave chase. They caught the aboleth and killed it down a tunnel beneath the platform. The tunnel split in two directions. They made a note of this and returned to the party.   Haymin’s Heroes decided to continue towards the inner sanctum. One of the underwater tunnels seemed to go in that direction, the other in the opposite, presumably to the aboleths’ lair. Around the corner from the platform a corridor led to a door. Mogi sensed evil beyond it. They opened the door and saw two mind flayers, but Selia and Kyrie, enchanted by True Seeing, also saw a huge creature standing upright on two legs with a mass of tentacles and eyes above its abdomen.   Titta rushed one of the mind flayers. Auren attacked the other. Selia used Glitterdust, allowing the rest to see the huge tentacled creature in the back. Outnumbering their enemy, Haymin’s Heroes overwhelmed the mind flayers and killed the invisible monster.   Then they regrouped and prepared to enter the inner sanctum by casting some spells. When they opened the door to the chamber they saw Vanimelda tied up atop a dais with two clerics around her. One of them held a dagger to her and demanded that the party lay their weapons down and surrender. There were also three mind flayers and a mage in the room between the party and the dais. Beyond the dais and along the sides of the room, there was a large pool of water.   Auren ignored him and ran forward until he got close enough to use his Transposer Cloak to swap places with himself and Vanimelda. Caught somewhat off guard, the clerics each tried to cast a spell. One of the spells fizzled as he focused too much on Auren than on his magic. The other succeeded in his casting and his hand began glowing with black energy. This cleric then reached out to touch Auren, but accidentally struck the other cleric instead who dropped dead from the Slay Living spell.   The party attacked, going after the mind flayers first, the closest targets. The mind flayers unleashed with their mind blasts, but Haymin’s Heroes’ defensive magic kept them safe. From the water behind the dais, a huge, monstrous, winged creature emerged, looking much like the statue of Cthulhu. It lashed out with the tentacles on its face and grabbed Auren as it started to crush the life out of him. Kyrie hit the creature with a Blade Barrier, causing it to release its hold on Auren or have its long tentacles chopped off. Auren then swapped places with Pyzar using the Transposer Cloak.   The majority of the party continued to battle the mind flayers, killing them one by one. The huge monster grabbed Pyzar with his tentacles and began crushing the life out of him. As the mind flayers, the mage, and the other cleric were defeated, Haymin’s Heroes focused on the monster. Kyrie blasted it with a spell and it released a heavily wounded Pyzar. Then Auren used the Ring of Light to cast Heal on his wounded ally. Between an onslaught of spells and weapon attacks, the creature began to weaken. Then a casting of Mass Snake’s Swiftness by Ladigo gave the attackers around it another opportunity to strike. This finally brought the monster down.   After they made sure it was dead, Haymin’s Heroes wasted no time gathering Vanimelda and leaving the inner sanctum. On the way out, Traegandar swam to the aboleth’s lair and collected a treasure chest he found there. When the party returned to the temple chamber above, they briefly spoke to the mage they left tied up there. Ultimately, they left him tied up, but Auren did leave light cuts on his bonds to give him a chance to break free eventually. Then the party ran out and headed for the gate.   On the other side of the gate, they reunited with the waiting Pennig and Fisher. They did not know how to close the gate so they used their Sending Stone to contact Haymin Stone and ask him to find Amanaxis and Lady Dyora Albyn for them. Several minutes later, Lady Dyora and Amanaxis teleported in. They explained to them what had transpired and informed them about the gate. Amanaxis told them there were spells that can permanently close gates, but he did not have any such magic currently available to cast. He recommended that Kyrie pray to Viribus, God of Valor, for such magic in the morning, believing such gate closing spells to be multi-disciplined.   After the discussion, Lady Dyora and Amanaxis teleported away, leaving Haymin’s Heroes to rest. Vanimelda was reunited with her father while the party remained by the gate to protect against any creatures that might come through. Luckily, none did that night.
The Heart of Embril
Pyzar Zim
Auren Sylynn
Titta Morco
Mogi Delvin
Ladigo Farthon
Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone
Selia Roselyn Maxwell
Report Date
16 Aug 2022


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