Session 98 Report Report in Embril | World Anvil

Session 98 Report

General Summary

Haymin’s Heroes returned to Rowadin on September 13, 499 AV. They spoke with Haymin Stone and Jenivar Albyn about their most recent adventure and then the conversation turned to the recent news of the visitors from the stars. Titta Morco then suggested a meeting with Lady Dyora Albyn that night to discuss this. Jenivar took on the task of inviting her sister over while the party went to the Green Dragon inn to meet with Gravin Kine, the mage who had come looking for them while they were away.   Gravin Kine was sitting at a table when they arrived and they were directed over to him by the bartender when they inquired about him. Gravin got to business quickly after introductions. He wished to hire them to retrieve his spellbook which he claimed had been taken from him by Rybierith. He told them he could provide them with the location of the green dragon’s lair if they agreed to retrieve the spellbook for him. The party agreed after a quick discussion and then returned to Heroes for Hire. Once they returned to the guild, they discussed the merit of Gravin’s story. Auren Sylynn and Mogi Delvin agreed that they should be cautious about his tale and true motives.   That evening, Dyora did come by for dinner and they discussed the situation with the visitors in Kainan. Titta revealed to everyone that the party had found a metal ship beneath Terra’s Wall and explained to them the origin of the Embrillian gods. After a brief discussion, Dyora had to depart, but Jenivar and Haymin continued to ask further questions about their adventure to Clades’ Wrath.   On September 14, 499 AV, Haymin’s Heroes formulated a plan for how they would go after Rybierith. They discussed several options about how they would reach the island and eventually settled on using Ladigo Farthon’s magic to do so. They also decided on several defensive spells they would employ to protect themselves against the dragon.   In the evening, they celebrated Jenivar’s birthday with a dinner party at Heroes for Hire. Dyora was in attendance and they had a pleasant evening. After the celebration, the party went to sleep, ready for the next day’s adventure.   On September 15, 499 AV, they had breakfast and then prepared for their trip to the island. A few spells were cast to prepare ahead of time. Ladigo transformed into a grizzly bear and put on Fisher’s harnesses. Fisher and Pennig would be left behind, but the rest of the party was put into the Bags of Holding and then placed on Ladigo to carry. He then cast Master Earth to travel to the island, focusing on the stone formation Gravin Kine had informed them served as the entrance to Rybierith’s lair.   When Ladigo, in grizzly bear form appeared out of the stone, he saw that Gravin Kine was also standing on the stone formation, speaking to Rybierith who stood a short distance away in the swamp. There were several other creatures present in the area, including four plant creatures in a vague humanoid form comprised of a tangle of vines, and two draconic forms made up of a green gas that gave off a chlorine odor. Ladigo’s appearance apparently interrupted a conversation between Rybierith and Gravin Kine. They turned to the grizzly bear in surprise before Gravin blasted him with a Lightning Bolt. Then Ladigo used Master Earth to reappear about a quarter mile away to the south.   Ladigo then changed back into his normal form and pulled out everyone from the Bags of Holding. He told them what happened and they decided to go walk north to the location and attack Rybierith and his minions. When they got close, Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone cast Mass Surefooted Stride on the party to help ease their travel through the swamp. Selia Roselyn Maxwell cast Hide from Dragons on the rest of the party and Greater Invisibility on herself. Mogi cast Haste on everyone except Selia who was hanging back a distance and invisible. Then they rushed forward to engage the enemy.   As they did so, the ground beneath them writhed as thorny vines tried unsuccessfully to hinder their progress, thanks to the Mass Surefooted Stride. Titta ran to the closest vine creature cut it to pieces with several swipes of her scimitars. Her attack also broke the Hide from Dragons spell and made everyone except Selia visible again. Pyzar Zim attacked another of the vine creatures. Rybierith and Gravin Kine both turned invisible after they realized they were under attack. The party pressed forward to engage the vine creatures and the dragon shaped gas clouds. Rybierith attacked while invisible, blasting a large number of the party with his chlorine gas breath weapon and biting Kyrie. The party was largely protected from his acidic breath thanks to Kyrie’s Mass Resist Energy. But she certainly felt the bite.   Gravin Kine cast Cloud Kill which weakened several members of the party. Then Selia cast Glitterdust on Rybierith and Gravin, outlining their forms so the rest of the party could see them and focus their attacks. Ladigo cast Greater Dispel Magic on Rybierith and the dragon became entirely visible once more. The spell also removed some of his defensive magic which made it easier for the party to strike him. Mogi cast Orb of Fire at a flying Gravin Kine. This brought him down in one fiery blast. Then the party focused on the dragon. Auren, Titta, and Pyzar surrounded the creature and struck with their magical weapons.   As the dragon’s wounds became numerous, he flew away and turned invisible once more. Then Selia cast Glitterdust on him, illuminating his flying form. Kyrie cast Cometfall, striking him in the back with a large chunk of stone. This knocked Rybierith out of the sky and he came crashing down to the ground. Before he could get up, Titta ran over and finished him off. A short while later, the last of the vine creatures and gas clouds were defeated as well.   Then Haymin’s Heroes claimed Rybierith’s head. Selia cast Gentle Repose upon it to prevent it from rotting in the meantime. When they were done gathering their spoils, they approached the stone slab which was supposed to hide the entrance to Rybierith’s lair. Ladigo cast Stone Shape to create an opening into the cavern hidden below. However, it was empty of anything except earth and fungus. They searched it thoroughly and Mogi sent earth elementals to explore the area around it, but they found nothing. Rybierith’s lair was not there.
The Heart of Embril
Pyzar Zim
Auren Sylynn
Titta Morco
Mogi Delvin
Ladigo Farthon
Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone
Selia Roselyn Maxwell
Report Date
30 Aug 2022


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