
In the Sypi Confederacy, Kingdom of Populres, and the assorted goblin and orc tribes of the Apps Mountains, barbarians are the revered type of warrior. The majority of tribal fighters are barbarians and they form the backbone of the Confederacy’s war machine when it comes to times of conflict. If the player is a barbarian of a specific tribe, they can expect to be honored and offered free food and lodging from that tribe or any allied tribes. Anywhere else, they are constantly given the respect and wide berth that any moderately intelligent tribesman or soft inhabitant of so-called civilization gives a powerful warrior. The majority of barbarians are typically humans from the Sypi Confederacy, orcs, goblins, or half-giants.   Path of the Berserker barbarians can emerge, surprisingly, from nearly any walk of life. These veteran warriors, forged in the constant battles that mar the world, eventually simply snap and give in to their rage. Berserkers are know in every army, and most military forces, when a warrior enters into such a state, allow them to simply rampage until their bloodlust is sated. These barbarians are more feared than respected, and often obtain quite a reputation among their fellow warriors.   Path of the Totem Warrior barbarians, unlike berserkers, are essentially unheard of in the eastern parts of Emicara. Most of these warriors emerge from the tribes of the half-giants, the Sypi Confederacy, or from the oldest of Apps dwarven strongholds. These are barbarians who are more attuned to nature and the elements, and often are seen as cooperating with Druids and shamans within the wilds.    Path of the Ancestral Guardian barbarians are unique to the people of the Shin Empire. These barbarians channel their people's worship of the ancestors into a powerful rage that fuels them on the battlefield. Shinist philosophy typically frowns upon the channeling of the ancestors into such relentless combat, but few who have ever faced a Shin barbarian in battle would doubt their capability.    Path of the Storm Herald barbarians typically emerge from an unusual source. Rather than from the barbaric west, instead, Storm Heralds typically emerge from the Bahami Federation. Usually blessed by local djinn, Storm Heralds are some of the most feared corsairs and pirates on the high seas. Occasionally it has also been said that when a catfolk slave has been treated too harshly or thrown into the sea, they can rise up as a Storm Herald themselves and wreak vengeance upon those who abused them.    Path of the Zealot barbarians have been found among the faithful of nearly every religion, and their appearance on a battlefield can be terrifying to those who do not follow their faith. Rumors claim that the Church of the One Sun maintains an order of Zealots to be unleashed upon the battlefield should the Church find itself at war once again. These individuals are said to be kept in a secret monastery, taught to hate anyone not loyal to the Church and release this rage upon all who would oppose them. If true, this would surely be a fierce force to face in fighting.    Path of the Battlerager barbarians are found almost exclusively among Orcs throughout Emicara. Although the use of spiked armor has fallen out of favor among the orcs of Populres, they retain popularity among the tribes of the Badlands. These warriors are typically heavily armored and used to slaughtering entire trade caravans on their lonesome, laughing manically as arrows and blades bounce off their chest pieces.    Path of the Beast barbarians are predominantly elves from the Tenashi Kingdom. The Tenashi elves have worked closely in the past with the forest life and animals, many of which were brought into the world through the Feywild Gate during the elves' exile from their home. Sometimes this became close, and those who worked with the animals took on some of their traits, and used this nature to aid them in combat. Stories have been told of similar warriors emerging in other frontier territories, and surprisingly, Bamard has numerous legends about such fighters.   Path of Wild Magic barbarians are rare, and considered a destabilizing force by most magical authorities. Similar to Sorcerers, those who are identified as being touched by wild magic are assumed to be dangerous and should be contained. The Monastic Brotherhood in particular has taken it as a matter of pride to hunt down and eliminate or subdue any wild magic barbarians that could threaten people in Emicara.    Adventurer Disclaimer: As an adventurer you are automatically an exception to racial rules! The story is about you, and therefore, you can be expected to break boundaries the majority of people in the world of Emicara are typically restrained to.


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