Caeldrim Rachiden

Caeldrim Rachiden

Caeldrim Rachiden was born to Yarabal Rachiden in the distant north of Alsona. He was raised as the house was slowly gaining its strength and fortune, and educated among the finest in what was a young society at the time. He gained a reputation for impeccable honesty, and was rewarded for such with a growing client base and support from his family. He was the first to be sent abroad to explore other places and find new opportunities for expansion, much at the encouragement of his sister. He proved instrumental in establishing the Baton branch of the Rachiden Banking House in the ninth century, in the wake of the Great War.    He has since lived in Losana, eventually moving to Riveraineville when that city gained its independence. His efforts have been on maintaining the stability of the financial sector in the region, and he has built strong ties with House Theriot, the primary merchant and trading organization in the region. He has maintained his distance from the rest of the family and is described as amicably aloof by his kin.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Head of the Losanan Branch, Rachiden Banking House
Date of Birth
Sunscorch 7, 515
Year of Birth
515 AF 526 Years old
Aligned Organization


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