Yarabal Rachiden

Yarabal Rachiden

Yarabal's parents were some of the refugees who fled from the collapse of the Feywild. They chose originally to remain behind with the Tenashi and build a new civilization echoing their old one in the woods of the north. They had Yarabal as their single child, and they were easily some of the lowest socially ranking individuals in most of the Tenashi state. Many of their other relatives had already left for human lands, and this stain of shame never quite left them. Yarabal was only 90 years old when his parents were slain during infighting between forest elf clans, and this led to his rapid departure, to accomplish what he could among the humans instead.   He arrived in Alsona at an opportune time as the young kingdom had just won its independence from the Shin Empire. The nation was in desperate need of a backed currency and support, and the minor wealth Yarabal brought with him allowed him to step him and help build a financial system from scratch. He met another elf named Elewyth who appreciated his desire to build something among the humans, and with their marriage, they continued to thrive and prosper in the lands of the Alsonans for centuries. The Rachiden banking family became a trustworthy name throughout the north, although they occasionally struggled with the suspicion the humans have for elfkind.    The children of Elewyth and Yarabal proved to be a new breed of elf, finding it to be their right to achieve greatness among the humans. His daughter in particular pushed hard for an expansion of the family interests, and Yarabal agreed with the opportunities the fall of the Jakonian Empire represented. Yarabal oversaw the movement of the family into the south, establishing branches in Jakonia and Riveraineville, exploiting opportunities caused by the instability of the human nations. The wealth of the family grew, and with his daughter's encouragement, he moved south to the Imperial City. After the move, he delegated more and more responsibilities to his children, taking the time to enjoy relationships with his grandchildren and relax. He eventually passed away due to complications from his great age.


Yarabal Rachiden


Towards Elewyth Rachiden

Elewyth Rachiden


Towards Yarabal Rachiden

Honorary & Occupational Titles
Head of the Rachiden Banking House
Date of Birth
Rainburst 5, 230
230 AF 1040 AF 810 years old
Circumstances of Death
Died of natural causes contributed to by old age
Elewyth Rachiden (spouse)
Aligned Organization


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