Elewyth Rachiden

Elewyth Rachiden

Elewyth Rachiden's family was originally refugees from the Feywild that chose to settle in the north, rather than following most of their brethren to the distant south. Unwilling to stay with the barbaric notions of their forest elf brothers, they settled in what eventually became the Kingdom of Alsona. They managed to keep their heads low, living like beggars under the shadow of the human nations. Elewyth was discontent with this situation, and soon found herself enraptured with a high elf man who had chosen to take a more active role. Yarabal Rachiden had taken it upon himself to form a banking house within the young Alsonan state, helping to provide the sturdy financial bedrock that the young kingdom required after the War of the Five Hammers. He was equally smitten with Elewyth, and soon brought her from her impoverished parents into his house. Most of her remaining family disappeared into the forests to join the Tenashi elves instead.   Elewyth fully engaged herself in the world of banking and finance, providing numerous key insights and supports to her husband. She encouraged him to branch out of Alsona, taking advantage of chaos further south in the wake of the Great War. Using the chaotic times of the decline of the Jakonian Empire, she was able to finagle the House's efforts into supplanting several lesser high elf houses and securing a strong foundation for the future in the south. She spear-headed the efforts to move south, and soon became a leading figure in Jakonian popular society throughout the Imperial City. Her efforts have led to the stability of the house, but over the past fifty years she has withdrawn from the business in favor of allowing her children freer reign and independence. Reports say that following her husband's death in 1040, she has entered into total seclusion.


Yarabal Rachiden


Towards Elewyth Rachiden

Elewyth Rachiden


Towards Yarabal Rachiden

Current Location
Date of Birth
Ashfall 18, 314
Year of Birth
314 AF 727 Years old
Yarabal Rachiden (spouse)
Aligned Organization


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