Eries Moonsnow

Huntsman Eries Moonsnow

Eries Moonsnow was born into one of the wealthiest and most influential families of the Feywild. When the Feywild itself existed his ancestors were considered to have been some of the richest and most fabulous of their kind, owning tens of thousands of slaves, and possessing some of the most powerful creations ever made by elf artisans. The collapse of the Feywild ended that for his ancestors, and they fled with all the others into Emicara. The family fortune lost, they sold off what remained to the rest of their people, and half of the family even separated to join what became the high elves among the humans. Eries himself was still born into the lap of luxury, and spent much of his youth attempting to behave like his forebears.   For nearly three centuries, decadence and ease of life were Eries' watchwords, and he refused to undertake anything that even slightly stunk of work or labor. Rather than taking new skills or talents, he simply attended parties and relaxed, finding common ground with many others who felt that the only purpose of life was revelry. It would not be until his fourth century that things would turn for him. His parents, still living and often embarrassed by their son, made the slow decision to cut him out of their lives and exile him from the family. With no remaining position and this horrid shame brought upon him, he was shunned by his friends and cast out of society, no longer able to obtain invitations to the most humble of affairs.   There was no where else to turn and feeling a need for vengeance, he determined to join the Olyvia, taking up arms and learning to use them effectively. He joined the ranks of the Tenashi armed forces, and began training with the bow and spear. As another slow century passed, he lost his fervor for revenge, as his mother had already passed away from the rigors of old age, and he made peace with his father as the military seemed at last to be his passion. Serving first as a guard in the outer neighborhoods of Tenashi, he later began undertaking patrols against the monsters that occasionally wandered south from near the old Feywild Gate. He rose slowly through the ranks, and was please with his new manner of life.   The Wingo War was for Eries nearly as large of a shift as it was for the Tenashi Kingdom as a whole. The arrival of refugees from Wingo Mine while he was stationed there proved a major shock. Dwarves, humans, and even elves had been held in brutal conditions and forced into hard labor. Seeing these underfed and mostly unarmed people struggling through the wilderness helped drive Eries and many other dwarves to lobby for intervention against the Kingdom of Alsona. It would not be long before the elves marched to war.   Eries fought in the war and rose through the ranks, being involved in nearly every major battle that the elves participated in. He gained recognition for his role in the Second Battle of Zachari Crossing, and ended up in charge of an elf raiding party that would regularly cross the Efcharistos and assault human villages to spread terror. Rarely fighting alongside dwarves after the initial battles, he developed a mistrust of both them and the humans, and with his attitudes and experience, was the clear choice for the Huntsman of Eva, selected by the Queen expressly for his ability to assume the worst of the ambassadors sent to the town. He has therefore been very diligent in his duties of observing those who would likely spy upon the capabilities of the elves if given less than half a chance.
Date of Birth
Riftwane 13, 281
Year of Birth
281 AF 760 Years old
Current Residence
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations


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