Gila Wolfordshire

Gila Wolfordshire

Gila Wolfordshire was born to a lower class family in the Jakonian Empire, during the time of its decline. Raised in the town of Haven, she fell in love with a struggling caravan supplier named Odo. They were smitten and married at an incredibly young age, but failed to have any children for some time, until the birth of their daughter, Cassandra. As a Jakonian woman, she was very traditional and stayed out of the family business, instead focusing on rearing Cassandra and grooming her for life in the upper middle class of the Empire. Everything changed when Cassandra met a high elf named Euritria Rachiden.   The resultant marriage dramatically changed the life of the Wolfordshire family. The Rachiden banking fortune helped provide great wealth to the family business. Cassandra eventually moved away with her husband to distant Alsona, but Gila remained in the Empire. Odo's death in 1030 changed her desire to remain, as all that existed of her family was in Alsona, so she moved north with the money she obtained as the Rachidens assumed control of the Wolfordshire shipping enterprise. She has remained in effective retirement, occasionally visited by her daughter and half-elf grandchildren in Parthenonas.


Odo Wolfordshire


Towards Gila Wolfordshire

Gila Wolfordshire


Towards Odo Wolfordshire

Current Location
Date of Birth
Riftwane 25, 969
Year of Birth
969 AF 72 Years old
Odo Wolfordshire (spouse)


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