Odo Wolfordshire

Odo Wolfordshire

Odo Wolfordshire was born into a lower middle class family in the Jakonian town of Haven. On the edges of the Villages and the halfling communities there, his family was deeply involved in the supply of trading goods, wagons, and other materials needed for overland trading caravans. When Odo's father died, Odo took charge, along with his young wife, Gila. With her support, Odo turned a minor trading company into a powerful economic force throughout the Villages and the Jakonian Peninsula. He even dabbled and ended up controlling a fair amount of shipping on the Circle Sea.    Fortunes took a favorable turn for Odo and his family with the marriage of his daughter Cassandra into the Rachiden high elf banking family. The wealth of the Rachidens helped to further bolster the Wolfordshire business and shipping interests, helping him to take new risks and thrive even more financially. In exchange, he provided the Rachidens with ships and caravans to help them transport money and other items of interest to the high elves. He lived luxuriously for years off of his income, although in time, after his daughter had departed for Alsona, he suffered a fatal stroke, killing him in his townhouse in the Imperial City.


Odo Wolfordshire


Towards Gila Wolfordshire

Gila Wolfordshire


Towards Odo Wolfordshire

Date of Birth
Rainsbane 11, 958
958 AF 1030 AF 72 years old
Circumstances of Death
Died of a stroke
Aligned Organization


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