Levi Hass

Lord Levi Hass

Levi Hass was raised with all of the accoutrements of upper class society in the young Kingdom of Columba. He was provided with the finest tutors that money could buy in the realm, and began to demonstrate a vast interest in the arcane, even as a child. Unfortunately, his interest in the arcane was not supplemented by any sort of skill in the same crafts. He was met with constant frustration in magical studies, and only ended his efforts to become a wizard upon his marriage to a childhood flame. He stayed in residence at the family home in Weekiburg for several years, when his wife committed suicide shortly after their only son was born. Bereft, he abandoned his family home, and left his child in the care of his parents.   For a time, Levi disappeared from the annals of Columban nobility, and during this time he proved a skilled and able adventurer, having recently come into possession of magical powers. Rumors abound that the death of his wife was in every way intention, for him to secure power from some unknown being or entity. Regardless of the origin, he spent nearly a decade traveling the roads of Emicara as a wandering mercenary and adventurer. Although he avoided most of the western conflicts, he spent most of his time in the Kingdom of Losana, hunting down Losanan pagans in service to the lords there.    In 1037, Levi at last returned to the family estate in Weekiburg, seeking to retire from his life of adventures, and bringing home new friends and treasure that he had recovered during his years abroad. His son, a full grown man, was resentful at his father's belated return, and the rift was well known and public between his family and himself. He surrounded himself with friends made during his adventures, and as the only scion of the family, he took the reigns of management upon his father's death in 1040. He has since continued to expand the family's enterprises, seeking to expand the house's wealth and power through the contacts he made in Losana and Forard during his adventuring days.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lord of Weekiburg
Date of Birth
Newdawn 11, 997
Year of Birth
997 AF 44 Years old
Current Residence
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations


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