Serafeim Vassos

Count Serafeim Vassos

As the only son of Serafeim Vassos' mother, the former Countess of Teva, there was little contest at who would succeed her. Serafeim was therefore provided with a full education at the University of Pegrama to learn the arts of statecraft and diplomacy. He was given a number of elective courses to round out his education further, and actually developed a middling ability at the violin, although it was clear he would never be a true bard. He performed in the university orchestra in a minor seat, but never progressed beyond that position. He returned home a bit humbled, but with a new wife, a woman met in the orchestra.    Serafeim and his wife had three children together, and began building a happy life before his mother died in 991 AF, and he was forced to assume the mantle of Count of Teva. Appointed with the blessing of the Queen, he took up his duties with gusto, turning towards the statecraft of running one of the most productive counties in the kingdom. With his wife and children, he performed admirably, preserving order when the refugees of dwarves began pouring in across the border. In 1004, however, the house was wracked with scandal when it was revealed that his wife was selling information on the defenses of Alsona to unknown buyers. She was arrested and executed for treason, with the Count being forced to renounce his relationship with her.    The death of his wife led to the Count falling into a depression, secluding himself within the walls of his manor, only somewhat becoming involved in affairs of state. A growing tide of crime and unrest forced him to exit this stupor in 1014, as he began reengaging with the world around him. His old life beckoned back to him, and he did what he could to stem the tide and rebuild the reputation of the House, with the support of his children. Eventually his path led him back to the University of Pegrama, where he met Rena. A whirlwind romance occurred, despite her youth, marrying in 1019. Life came back to him, although he was quickly estranged from his older children, who were older than his new wife.    The Wingo War was a disaster for the Count, just as his life was on the mend. The dwarven rebellion and their alliance with the elves forced the Queen of Alsona to call up all available levies to aid in the suppression of the revolt. The Count organized the much neglected levies of Teva and marched west. He was the last to arrive, before the army could be marched against the rebels. The other counts and countesses of Alsona had similarly mustered their forces, but there was little order or cohesion to the advance. At the First Battle of Zachari Crossing, Serafeim's levies were decimated by the enemy forces, and he was badly wounded. He was sent home for recovery, but despite his injuries suspicions that he was a traitor began to reemerge along with the story of his first wife.   The count spent much of the war in recovery, and even when healed, he declined to rejoin the war effort, focusing on preserving order among the dwarves at home. The shadow of his first wife's activities have continued haunt him after the war ended, with some claiming that his sympathies lay more with the dwarves than they do his own kingdom. He has suffered these claims in silence, choosing not to engage his critics, but instead, to focus on improving the lives of all of his people to the best of his ability.


Serafeim Vassos


Towards Rena Vassos

Rena Vassos


Towards Serafeim Vassos

Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Count of the County Teva
Date of Birth
Bloodset 13, 965
Year of Birth
965 AF 76 Years old
Rena Vassos (spouse)
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations


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