Vadania Rachiden

Vadania Rachiden

Vadania Rachiden is the only daughter and the primary heir to the fortune of the Rachiden Banking House. As a child she had a somewhat close relationship with her father, Yarabal, as he built what was a banking empire throughout Emicara. As she grew older, she was the one who led the push for expansion into Jakonia and other regions in the south and along the Circle Sea. She has always been the commanding figure within the family, and while she allowed the men in the family to become the public faces towards the governments and populations, she became well known for the quieter deals with merchants and the other banking houses.   She proved to be the cornerstone of one of the great movements of the Rachiden Banking House. As the house had originally been confined only to the Kingdom of Alsona, Vadania was able to advocate for her marriage to Paquinal Qivakas, the scion of one of the primary high elf banking houses in Jakonia. The marriage took place immediately before the Great Northern Rebellion. Thanks to the influence of Vadania, Paquinal was out of the Imperial City and the Fruitlands when the main battles took place, and unfortunately, most of his family was slain during the chaos and pogroms that followed. The Qivakas banking infrastructure in the Jakonian Empire was thus subsumed by the Rachiden family, building their wealth to an unprecedented extent.   Since the end of the war, Vadania's meddling in family affairs continues directly from the Imperial City, which she has declared to be the center of the House's efforts. She has had a single daughter, who, although only sixty years old, is shaping out to be every bit her mother's equal. It seems likely that the aggressive expansion and efforts of the Banking House will continue under Vadania's leadership.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Head Proprietor of the Rachiden Banking House, all branches
Date of Birth
Riftwatch 6, 597
Year of Birth
597 AF 444 Years old
Aligned Organization


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