Elding Timbr

High above Skaney and atop Thorreyjar, a unique form of timber can be found. Those who call these islands home, various Storm Viking clans, are infamous on their use of this resource to craft boats which sail through thunderstorms. They sweep into the Eluzian Valley or Keyh Sea, raid ships and villages and disappear just as quickly. Storm Viking Longships are able to do so thanks to ancient Ostmen techniques, drawing out the innate material magic of trees native to Thorreyjar. These can include birch, pine, elm and even oak, each village different.

All trees native to Thorreyjar have the kaithur  Beranok's Movement and Diet. While the islands of Fljotareyjar hover over Eldingfjord thanks to iron deposits at their core, these islands remain centered within their eternal thunderstorm because the trees dressing them are able to move along electrical currents. These trees constantly utilize their magic to stay centered within the storm which they derive sustenance from. As they are able to absorb electricity rather than sunlight for energy, these never ending storms are their ideal habitat. It is the kaithur of these trees which grants elding timbr it's own unique ability to sail along any storm and even repair itself with electricity.


Elding timbr is exceptionally light compared to cousin species found elsewhere. Bright yellow streaks are ingrained into the wood itself, twisting and weaving throughout. The timber is naturally drawn towards electricity like iron to a magnet, it's yellow highlights glowing the closer it gets or when contacting electricity directly. Where other woods are insulatory when dry, elding timbr conducts electricity independant of moisture. It will never burn or catch fire from any charge, no matter how intense. In fact, when enchanted properly this material absorbs electricity and repairs itself with the energy! This self-repairing quality has led to Ostmen superstitions about ships constructed of this lumber, believing they are living organisms with a soul and, at times, its own mind.


Storm Viking Longships are the primary use for elding timbr but both warriors and mystics make use of tools and weapons crafted of this wood. Spiritual and magical tools of a vitki shaman are believed to channel the will of Raegeric and Beranok, the wood acting as a conduit. Though wood from Yggdrasil is preferable for these tools, elding timbr is more accessible. Ostmen warriors make weapons such as spears or staves with this material so that they can draw a weapon back to them with lightning magic or craft shields which can repair themselves with electricity.

Despite their reliance on elding timbr for their ships and tools, locals must be careful not to deforest their islands too quickly. It is the magic of these trees that keeps their islands anchored to the thunderheads of Skaney. If they are too greedy, their island may just lag behind the storm, becoming just another Ferrous Isles—or worse, plummet from the sky. Preservation of tools and constructs of elding timbr aren't much different than any other wood, needing some kind of varnish, laquer or treatment to prevent decay. However, enchantmented elding timbr can also be repaired with electrical charges, natural or magical. In its natural environment, there are creatures and insects that are able to consume elding timbr and return the fallen tree back into the ecosystem. However, to the Storm Vikings, these insects are a pest they must remain ever wary of.

Cover image: by Lee Stepp


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