
There are many who will call this continent Accia rather than its true name because the Kingdom of Accia rules over nearly every reach of it. The Eluzian Valley is the heart of this continent and the kingdom, rolling hills, sprawling plains and rocky hummocks are hugged along the north and south by two separate mountain ranges, the Tenebrous Chain and the Ural'skaya Belt. Sheer cliffs, dropping harshly into the sea, overlook the islands of Hellas, cutting off the east coast of Eluziar except for a pincer shaped bay located centrally, hosting the port city of Sicilia. An imposing mesa looms over the western edges of the valley, acting as a natural barrier to all but a small peninsula jutting into the frigid Keyh Sea.
This squall wrapped tableland is called Skaney while the canyon complex weaving below, stark cliffs and winding rivers fed by inummberable waterfalls, is Flumen Pontem. While Flumen Pontem is a longstanding member of the kingdom, Skaney is one of the few territories within Eluziar which remains independent! Sesli Plato waits on the other side of the mesa, and is considered part of the kingdom, but geographically it bridges Eluziar to Alkelbulan.

South of the Tenebrous Chain, Mexica is a large, swamp-ridden peninsula, no longer a part of the kingdom. It remains hazardously impenetrateable to outsiders due to plentiful decay magic, poorly understood in the current age. Mexica juts into the ocean, connected by a river to the great rainforest to its west, Musi Kongo. Musi Kongo stretches west, skirting along southern Skaney before connecting to Alkelbulan. The southernmost region of Eluziar is the Isthmus of the Huntsman, connecting to the mysterious Continent Beyond. Meanwhile, the Ural'skaya Belt is the northernmost reach of Eluziar, fairly seismic with plentiful ores. Its jagged, pine-dressed ridges stretch north and is one of the vastest frigid regions humans can survive without ice, beast or plant magic. It is skirted in its north edge by the Frozen Wastes, the northernmost region of Emynea, Verglas Ridge separating these two continents.




Cover image: by Lee Stepp


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