Albert Monet

Albert Monet

Albert Fascinated

16 years
Enhancement Division
Enhancement Support
Midrange Combatant
( Quarterstaff)
( Enchated Staff)
Kingdom of Accia
Accian Colleges
Accian Military Training Program
Unit Z909

Sonildaz's Will

Using Sonildaz's Will, Albert can produce sound or music which amplifies the magic of others upon being heard or extend this effect into sounds already present.
Kanilwyr's Binding

Kanilwyr's Binding allows Albert to bind all facts, knowledge and memories to his mind endlessly, remembering everything perfectly. He can also bind memories or knowledge to other people's minds but is still practicing this technique.

Albert is a young man of many talents, being a capable scholar, musician and strategist training within the Accian Military Training Program. Briefly before enlistment, Albert works as a tutor for the main character Tia Minx, teaching her magic concepts and Accian history. But over time, he and his best friend Ifani Brandt end up becoming Tia's closest allies!

Albert the Knowledgable
Albert tends to keep a close eye on Ifani in new environments because of her neurodivergence but both of them are protective of each other in their own ways. He hopes to see her branch out socially, to form more relationships than just her friendship with him. While Tia and Ifani have a rough start, Albert is thrilled to see Ifani trying to forge a new friendship with Tia. While Ifani and Albert tend to be polar opposites in personality, they also compensate each other's shortcomings. Ifani does become frustrated with Albert's lack of confidence despite his various talents while Albert often worries about how she is coping with the changes upon joining the Accian Military Training Program.

While utterly hopeless as a warrior, Albert became a certified scholar at a record age thanks to his kaithur and comprehensive skills. He is also an adept musician and strategist. Despite his aptitude, Albert is insecure and lacks the confidence to perform his own original music. Albert is a devoted academic, utilizing his inner library of knowledge to its full extent and seeking out truth. He enjoys comparing, consolidating and theorizing using the knowledge he collects. During their training, he tries to sharpen not just the knowledge he possesses but his comprehensive abilities and strategic skills. He even has some skill with material magic, continuing to study within AMTP. He is naturally kind, gentle and hopes to add some good to the world despite the terrible histories he has learned of. It is partially this kindness that makes him an aweful warrior, extending out to even to strangers and enemies. He is quick to defend anyone who is different or who is treated as an outsider too but is generally distrustful of nobility.


Cis Male
(168 cm)
120 lbs
(54 kg)
Skin Tone
Dirty Blonde
and Curly
Pale Ivory

Scrawny and gangly, Albert is underweight and unathletic after spending far too much time cooped up in libraries. While Ifani drags him into daily training, he often forgets to eat when sucked into research. Keen, attentive bluegreen eyes are set below a frock of danging blonde curls, framing his almost cherubic face. In his magic form Albert gains teal markings on his hands and throat as well as ivory stripes along his scalp and forehead, framing his face. He can even change his haircolor to cream white!

Albert Monet


Despite being a commoner, Albert actually grew up in the capital city of Accia. His mother, who is a well regarded scholar, fulfills the prestigious position of head librarian of the royal library. This meant Albert was constantly rubbing shoulders with nobles and royalty but he was never considered their equal. This is part of why he is so timid and reserved—he was expected to remain demure and submissive to his peers. There were many noble children who took pleasure from tormenting him or toying with him, knowing there would be little to no consequence. This left Albert distrustful and he developped a severe distaste for bullying.

Albert Fascinated


Albert can be sheepish, insecure and reserved but Albert is also naturally kind, hopeful and has a endlessly big heart, always looking out for fellow rejects and victims of abuse. Simultaneously, he is cynical, mistrustful, shrewd, firm and unrelenting, his trust both hard earned and easily lost. It depends on circumstance and company. While usually nervous and insecure, he is astonishingly firm when it comes to defending his friends. He is completely intolerant of bullying and excessively wary of manipulation. Despite his keen mind and many talents, he lacks confidence. It is only in the defense of his friends or any outsider that his stalwart, uncompromising and cut throat side emerges.


Despite his reservations, Albert strives towards a brighter future. He is hopeful Accia is redeemable, clinging to the better qualities he sees in rejects and outcasts. He tenuously believes Aldric is capable of being a better king than his father, if he can learn to be his own man. He wants to help push towards this future, Tia further fanning these hopes. These dreams are uncertain and brittle but he clings to them nonetheless, doing all he can so he and his friends can stride forward.


Albert was bullied constantly growing up and witnessed much maltreatment of anyone considered other, especially growing up as a commoner in the capital. He has a severe distaste for bullying, maltreatment of outsiders or oddballs and general haughtiness. However, he also automatically defers to the power system he grew up under the thumb of. This has unfortunately made him very mistrustful and reactive to manipulation, toxic behavior or general deception.

Education and Career

Albert is a fully certified scholar and he is the youngest to pass their qualification exam. He often works in the royal library with his mother, the head librarian, as well as occasionally being contracted as a tutor. Those in the academic community look forward to his career if he can survive service. He has a skill for consolidating data.
Albert likes to be prepared for any situation, almost always carrying his satchel with him, overstuffed with various tools, materials and even instruments. Even in battle he totes his bag around, especially as he is capable of material magic.


Beyond his magic and his background, Albert has a genuine enjoyment of and fascination with knowledge. He enjoys rooting out the truth behind hidden histories as well as learning about the most obscure of places. He can get lost in his explanations and forget not everyone can understand more vague subjects.

His dream is finding Zalikar's secret library mentioned in an old journal within the royal library. He also has a good ear for music but doesn't believe he has the skill to compose his own music.

Friends and Allies

Ifani Laughing

Ifani Brandt is his childhood friend but he was once friends with Prince Aldric Syltharis. It isn't clear what happened but Albert keeps his bitterness well concealed. Tia becomes an unexpected and at times astonishing friend for he and Ifani, becoming quite the trio. Albert and Inge Erling get along naturally and he enjoys experiencing all Bolorbataar's and Zhou Longwei's culture have to offer. He never once let's his guard down with Orin Philippe, sometimes causing strain within their unit, unit Unit Z909-Storm Unit.


Albert is gay but is rather private about it, given his environment growing up. He has a massive crush on Sirius Cato but isn't confident enough to approach him on his own. Albert admires his musical career at a distance until Tia works to bring them together, giving them the smallest push towards each other. The two quickly take to a secret but passionate romance, strained at times by Albert's anxieties and mistrust, Sirius' ardent secrecy and the difference in their stations.

Sirius Cato
Character | May 31, 2024



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