Si Xiang Organization in Emynea | World Anvil

Si Xiang (Shur See-Ahng)

As seen in
Long before the Kingdom of Accia conquered Zhongguo, four dynasties have vied for control and rule the empire in the interests of Ralgotar the Volcanic. Ralgotar himself, who they call Huangdi, spends long stretches of time hibernating within the volcano his Seat is nestled inside of, Penglai Shan. All members of these dynasties are his descendants and only they are capable of living within the palace, set afloat in the mouth of Penglai Shan which Yanjing is built around. When he awakens, Huangdi assesses the state of Zhongguo and his court, choosing one of these four dynasties to rule before he sleeps again.

Each of these dynasties possess a unique and rare Racial Magic which originally impressed Huangdi. Each are themed after one sacred beast of lore, one of the four guardians: Qinglong, Zhuque, Baihu and Xuanwu. The divine blood of this Aethid further strengthened the features granted by these unique manifestations, allowing for more drastic transformations only a Divine Descendant is capable of. These four beasts are the Azure Dragon, the Vermillion Phoenix, the Alabaster Tiger and the Obsidian Tortoise. Each of these dynasties are named after these colors as well.



While the head of one dynasty will act as emperor while their patron sleeps, the remaining three dynasties still play an active role within the government. They act as advisors, ministers and the like, still exerting considerable influence. There is also a complex web of laws, institutions and traditions in place which all descendants are able to operate within and try to out compete each other. Huangdi finds amusement in the scheming and politics of his children but does not allow them to kill each other directly. He prefers more clever tactics. Any violation of his rules, especially the latter, will result in their patron violently wiping their entire clan from his court before siring a new line in their place. The same can happen if they fail or disappoint him in any way, leading to a high stakes environment within his palace.


Each clan of the current four dynasties is known to inherit the features of a given beast but they also inherit magic directly from their patron, Ralgotar the Volcanic. Ralgotar's Body or Blade are commonly inherited, allowing casters to turn their body into lava or to generate obsidian blades. These are very dangerous but very temperamental magics. The rest of their abilities differ by dynasty.

Azure Dragon

Tianlan Wangchao
Azure Dynasty

Those of the azure clan are able to take on features of a Qinglong, an azure dragon. This includes blue dragon scales, claws, eyes, tails and horns. These scales are very hardy and render them immune to both energy and water magic. They are also able to move through and on all water freely whether this is liquid, vapor or ice. Yet, unlike most other water dragons, qinglong are intolerant to colder environments. Finally, as long as they possess a special pearl from an azure dragon, they can summon rain. The current emperor, who is under the watchful eye of the Kingdom of Accia, belongs to Tianlan Wangchao.

Vermillion Phoenix

Zhuhong Wangchao
Vermillion Dynasty

Those of the vermillion clan are able to take on features of a, Zhuque, a vermillion phoenix. These rare creatures have a unique version of Flithmar's Diet which allows them to absorb heat and fire and use it to heal themselves, even from the brink of death. It is their divine blood that allows clan members to unlock this ability as well. Otherwise they are able to manifest red feathers all across their body and six long tail feathers resembling a peackock's. These tailfeathers incinerate all they touch when activated, possessing Shil's Touch. Some of this clan fly but this isn't a given, each individual different.

Baihu Stare

Alabaster Dynasty Crest

Baise Wangchao
Alabaster Dynasty

Those of the alabaster clan are able to take on the features of a Baihu Tiger, an alabaster tiger. These imposing creatures grant these casters with a simple appearance compared to the other clans but it's magic isn't to be overlooked. They can manifest the fur, eyes, ears, claws, tail and fangs of the white tiger. They can also inherit Gokrilvek Aura or Movement (See Gokrilvek). This grants them unshakeable balance, sturdiness, inertia and steadiness regardless of what hits them alongside increased strength and damage resistance. They become heavier as a side effect. Finally, thanks to their divine blood they also gain the beasts second racial magic, Martor's Shield, granting them immunity to all metal magic. They cannot be harmed by even natural metals including metal weapons. Those of this clan are an imposing, stahlwart force in battle.

Obsidian Tortoise

Heiyaoshi Wangchao
Obsidian Dynasty

Those of the obsidian clan are able to take on the features of a Xuanwu, an obsidian tortoise. This creature is far less combative than the other three and is instead able to divine the future and see past deception. It possesses a unique version of Irkath's Empathy, able to tap into the subconscious of those in their proximity. This can be used to divine the fate of those around them or to sniff out their secrets. Like the other clans, they also gain features of the tortoise such as their shell, scaly skin, long and retractable neck and even beak. Oddly enough, rather than another elemental power these tortoises are instead blessed by Lunil to have a snake as their tail. This peculiar snake tail, thanks to the dark magic of the tortoise itself, can see past deception and lies. These casters have a similar tail which whispers to them the secrets of those caught in its gaze.

Zhuque Decorative Emblem


All members members of these dynasties are Huaren and are revered as divine, possessing the blood of a raw expression of nature. While Huangdi is the eternal emperor of Zhongguo, it is his mother Ylithuum, their earthen goddess, who is revered above all others. The descendants of these divines live within a palace inside the maw of Penglai Shan which Huangdi sleeps within. Only his descendants can live within the palace, those members of their families unable to withstand the environment living along the grounds built into the sides of the volcano or in palaces within the northern wards of Yanjing. It is a lofty and refined lifestyle, a life of luxury and revered position despite the harsh politics.

Decorative Emblem Obsidian Dynasty


Ordinarily, the politics of these dynasties remained within the walls of the palace or at the very least within Yaxiya. These dynasties were ordinarily concerned with their internal competition for power. However, after losing their autonomy to the Kingdom of Accia, the landscape of their politics has changed. While the kingdom allows these dynasties to continue their usual form of government for the sake of stability, they ultimately answer to the whims of their western conquerors. Worst of all, there have been signs their patron will awaken very soon. All four dynasties are scrambling to regain control in some form or another, fearful of Huangdi's fury with their failures. The Azure Dynasty in particular is desperate as this loss occured during their reign. Their princess, Wu Zetian has her sights set firmly on the Accian prince, Aldric Syltharis, hoping to marry into their royal line. She believes it is their only hope and will stop at nothing to secure this alliance.

Alabaster Tiger Mom


Zhongguo is a large and wealthy empire with many resources. From the rare gems and ores within Dizhenbei Dong to the agricultural powerhouses Huiyun Sanjiaozhou and Zhongxin Pingyuan, the Si Xiang rules over a well off nation. They even have healthy naval and terrestrial trade and a bountiful natural region. Whether this trade is with Nippon and Joseon along their eastern borders or with the Bharat, Mongol Uls and the Frozen Wastes to their north. They are a wealthy nation and for this reason, Accia will do whatever it takes to retain this territory.

Ralgotar's Form


Most members of these dynasties revere their divine ancestors as deities. This includes both Ralgotar and Ylithuum, who they call Xi Wangmu. They also revere Ylithuum's Seat which they call Kunlun Shan.


Children within these dynasties receive the best tutors available with a wide range of topics. These can include politics, literature, art, history and magic. Since the kingdom forces all citizens to serve in the military they have scrambled to train their heirs in combat as well whether this be with their magic, weapons or even martial arts. The Azure princess Wu Zetian has been trained in various martial arts styles and is quite apt.

Notable Members


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Jul 15, 2023 00:36 by Jacqueline Yang

Oh, I love this so much! I honestly love Asian culture, and this just makes me like it that much more! Even though the Phoenix is a little lacking, I still love the art!

Jul 15, 2023 04:54 by Lee Stepp

Thanks, I really tried to respect the cultural inspirations. And yeah I had a bit of trouble with that one. The AI generator can be temperamental especially with animals (the kraken was by far the hardest!! Man did I get some silly results) I'll probably keep trying so the actual article for the phoenix can really show off it's beauty.

Aug 6, 2023 05:05 by Zero Sum Games

I really like this article - super creative. Do you speak Chinese? You pretty clearly know at least some (maybe a lot?) about Chinese history. I've been studying Chinese history and culture for many years, and I'm able to speak and read Chinese fairly well (though I'm not fluent). Your artwork is also really, really good! What tools/software do you use, if I might ask?

Aug 6, 2023 06:38 by Lee Stepp

Oh I actually don't read or speak any Chinese (it's probably the language I struggle to pronounce the most). I suppose my name might lead people to wonder if I do but I'm not Asian at all. I just did careful research on place names and the like. And I only know a bit about Chinese history but I do really enjoy learning what I can on my own!(and wish they would teach more than just American/European history where I live) That's the fun bit about research and basing creative projects off of existing stuff, you learn a lot in the process.   I've been using an AI generator quite a bit recently, I only have rudimentary art skills myself. The app is called Dream but I think the company is wombo? Just a little phone app and it takes a lot of fanangling, careful wording and patience. Not gonna get anything really quality or get things EXACTLY as you want them like with a real artist but it's really handy for articles, probably more if you know how to touch them up. I can't tell you how many silly and hilarious pictures you get along the way!