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Yerrow Griswold

Yerrow Jeremy Griswold (a.k.a. The Boy)

Previously known as The Boy Who Cried Wolf, or simply: The Boy. Yerrow now has been adopted by Eldin and Ian, taking Ian's last name, pairing the two orphans together.   Yerrow is a chipper boy, happy to be living live and grateful for anything and everything he gets. He's been a little skittish since the wolf attack, but the change in scenery seems to be helping him a lot.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Yerrow is a scrawny boy with wavy blond hair. Due to it's previous matting, it has been cut to a short bob, and the surviving hair is dented from the tight knots that Eldin managed to get out. He has noticable tan lines from the clothes he wears, revealing a very pale natural tone where the shirt and shorts fit for a grown adult sat in his body.   Eldin and Ian have given him better fitted clothes to wear, but it's proven difficult for Yerrow to wear, as he is not used to his clothes touching him so much. At least the elven robes feel a little better, and Eldin said he can work up to wearing other types of clothes. Preferably as he also gains some weight as well, as Yerrow isn't much more than skin and bones currently. The only fat he's got is in his baby face, softening his face and matching his round eyes and round curve of his hair.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The Boy's entire life was watching the sheep. All of his memories are in "The Church" and out in the field with his sheep. It was a lonely life, sheep didn't make for good conversation, and the other kids didn't want to play with him since he wore raggedy clothes and smelled like barn.   His life was a blur of days, eating, sleeping, watching the sheep. That was, until, wereholves began to creep out of The Dark and Dreary Woods. He cried for help and ran to the Cleric. A crowd followed him to see this so called "wolf", only to find the sheep unharmed and no wolf. This routine repeated week after week, and just as the village stopped believing him, a group of adventurers from another plane came by and went to check it out. They believed him, and a sheep-looking lady talked to the sheep to get more information. Through listening to their conversations, The Boy learned the people's names to be Ankh, Eldin, Az, Ian, and Sylthiel. Ankh was the sheep lady -- that's what he'd call her in secret. Sheep lady also gave him a name, Jeremy. He never a name before, and he was elated to have it.   After the Feywild and the Material Plane were put back together, Eldin and Ian decided to come back for Jeremy and adopted him, bringing him back to the Material Plane. They cleaned him up and got him all a child could need, promising to give him a much better life, as well as letting him chose his name: Yerrow.


Yerrow notably has not had any formal education. He knows enough to get by, such as counting on his fingers, but he has a lot to learn before he is caught up with his age group for school.

Mental Trauma

Yerrow owes his life to the strange adventurers. He saw a wolf on the outskirts of the village, but he tried to believe it would stay on the outskirts, that if he just stayed a little bit away and held his ground, the wolf wouldn't bother him. He held his staff tightly and prayed it would leave him alone. Then he could get a cake for his 11th birthday, just as the Cleric promised.   Yet, the werewolf lunged at him, and he screamed and ran. The sheep did too, running off and leaving Yerrow in the dust. As Yerrow was knocked to the ground, his staff went flying, and he felt as his back was torn open the length of his back. That was when the adventurers saved him, although it's all a blur to him.   Now, even in the Material Plane, he is plagued by the wolf that got him. He is having these things Ian called "dreams", which he said is the Astreal Plane affecting his mind while he sleeps. That knowledge doesn't help though, only feeling the warmth of someone else, only having something to hold on to, gets him to sleep through the night.

Personality Characteristics


Yerrow is in the process of learning personal hygiene. There is a hair brush to replace his fingers, and a toothbrush and toothpicks to replace his nails. His clothes are to be worn for only a day instead of a week or two -- whenever Yerrow had the time to dunk himself and his clothes into the river, and bathing was to be done at least three times a week. It's all strange to him, but the kids in Tattle Town did call him smelly and gross, so he knows this is probably right.


Family Ties

Eldin and Ian have taken him in recently, and yet they haven't pushed much of a definition on their relationship. Yerrow doesn't know if he should ask about it, or to not potentially make them upset by pestering them with stupid questions.


Yerrow Griswold

Nephew (Important)

Towards Ankhthelia Mekhi-Ashmoon



Ankhthelia Mekhi-Ashmoon


Towards Yerrow Griswold



She was the first person to ever give him a name, and although Yerrow did not keep the name Jeremy as his first name, he hopes Ankh still knows how much it meant to him.

Yerrow Griswold

Adoptive Son (Vital)

Towards Eldin Sol



Eldin Sol

Adoptive Father (Important)

Towards Yerrow Griswold



Relationship Reasoning

Eldin saw an abused child and couldn't stand for it.

Yerrow Griswold

Adoptive Son (Vital)

Towards Ian Griswold



Ian Griswold

Adoptive Father (Important)

Towards Yerrow Griswold



Yerrow Griswold


Towards Azotharant Craft



Azotharant Craft


Towards Yerrow Griswold


Parents (Adopting)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Known Languages
Common, Sylvan


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