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Ian Griswold

Ambassador to the King

Ian Fraser Griswold (a.k.a. Veren, Ezekiel, Inara)

Ian is a changeling, capable of sorcerous magic. He is the fiancee of Eldin Krind Sol.   He is a charasmatic guy, able to read a room and adapt to the environment to fit, both mentally and physically. His sense of self is lopsided, and he is still trying to figure himself out a year after The Calamity's end, despite rarely showing it. He's gullible, boyish, and a slob at times, but he is highly intelligent, especially when it comes to anything magic, plants, or machine related as well as understanding people.   He has become the moral compass of the party, as it seems he is the only one not willing to kill everyone who opposes the party. He has been changed with the party's influence, so he doesn't see why others can't be changed, too. He helps the party fight, but has yet to deal a killing blow to another humanoid. He doesn't mind that it makes him seem weak to the others.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

As a changeling, Ian can only be definitively identified by his changeling mark. Yet, it is also worth noting that any hair that is cut off of him will turn mint green an hour after.

Apparel & Accessories

He is seen always wearing a bracelet given to him by Eldin as well as a set of earring, most commonly his topaz ones, but frequently also ones stolen from Eldin's jewelry box.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Ian grew up just with him and his parents. He thinks back on his childhood fondly despite the hardships. Many days, he'd have to chose between eating breakfast, or saving the meal for dinner; only ever getting lunch on days he had school. Even so, his parents did everything they could for him. They loved him and gave him everything they could. They loved him even though he was quite a problem, espeically when he had magical outbursts as a child. Safah and Bren never punished him when he did wrong, only explained that there were natural consequences for everything in the world. They let the gods teach Ian his lessons.   That's why Ian believes that, maybe, if he were a better son and didn't take his parents for granted while he was young, they would still be alive today.   When he was 12 years old, he came home from playing with a few friends after school, he found his parents dead in their bedroom, their skin sliced with blades and scorched with magic. He doesn't remember much of that day afterwards, except for that he ran to Hamilyn's, his best friend at the time, house. He found no comfort there, and so he returned home and didn't leave for weeks. To rub salt in the wound, guards now followed his every move when he did try to go outside, and they interogated him weekly, seeing if he somehow had thoughts of being rebelious against the king. That is how Ian came to the conclusion that the government killed his parents. The guards were more concerned about the possibility of Ian being a vigilante than catching his parents' killers.   That's when he met Tashana Zevass Mossizi. She snuck into his house and kept him company. He didn't like it at first, she was inconsiderate and her sense of humor was demented, but it was better to have noise to drown out his thoughts. When he learned that Tasha was a part of the group his parents were in, named The Family, Ian suddenly liked Tasha a lot more. He became devoted to her. Damn the gods, all they had done was take his parents away. Tasha promised change for this nation, promised freedom for the people who have been hurt by the king.   Ian didn't have much to live for anyway, so he took the necklace -- the metal noose that hung on his neck for 5 years after that, waiting to tighten and kill him -- proudly. He would use his few measily years of life to collect others that felt the same as him, broken and useless, and then he would die and finally get to see his parents again.   Years went on, though, and as the clock ticked down, he found himself still scared to die. He tried to bargain with Tasha, insisting that there must be some other way to rid this land of the beasts. Tasha told him that if he found the way, she would listen, but she was older, smarter, and had been trying to find a solution for years longer than him. Ian read every book he could on the matter, but never found anything that would help.   When he was 16, he woke up and discovered he was a changeling. That was how he met the leader of the Family. The leader was a changeling, too, and they helped him get back to looking like his normal self. After that, he spent a fair bit of time with the leader, and he began to look up to them, seeing them as an older sister of sorts. He didn't learn that it was Raylin until he was 17, and didn't learn that they were actually related until he was 20.   Ian made a stupid decision when he was 19 that wound up changing the course of his life. He was to use his magical skills and a magic circle made by one of the crazy "Family" members Tasha recruited to turn people into beasts temporarily, then book it out of there as fast as possible. That was the plan, but he dumbly decided to stay and help fight the new military recruits that were sent to guard the event. If it weren't for luck, he would have died that day.   He was put into prison, and only thanks to the prison guards' lack of care did he not reveal his changeling status by the mark on his back. In his time in prison, he met the party, and more importantly, the man who spared his life: Eldin Krind Sol. Eldin proved to be a sympathetic man, and with a few visits to Ian's cell, Ian managed to recruit the man. Ian didn't mean to also develop feelings for the noble.   Time went on, and their feelings for each other developed into a relationship. It was stupid for Ian to get so attached just a few months before he was intended to die. Each time he put on the necklace began to feel like putting scalding iron on his neck, but seeing Eldin do the same was like a sword through his heart. And so he hid the necklace, buried it in some random person's lawn, and hoped Eldin would never notice until it was too late. That did not happen, and instead, Eldin learned the truth of the machine, of the necklaces, of the Family. Eldin, of course, did not take this well, and insisted there was another way. With the help of Eldin's friends and the notes from his dead father, Eldiwin, they managed to stop the machine and fix it to make it not have to use a single soul.   Now, Ian is trying to figure out what to do with his life. He expected to be dead by 20, but is alive past 21. He's taken up the stressful role of the Ambassador of Aeris, technically making him the boss of Eldin and their mutual friends Ankhthelia Mekhi-Ashmoon, Azotharant Craft, and Sylthiel Ashmoon-Mekhi.


Ian is pansexual, finding attaction in many different parts of both masculinity and femininity. It was surprising to him despite his first crush being a feminine non-binary person who was born male. But he brushed it off, thinking he was only attracted to them because they wore dresses and had a care for people around them, not the fact that they were much taller than him, or the fact he liked them since third year, or anything like that. Just the feminine traits, surely. Nothing came of it anyway, so it didn't matter.   His first partner was a female at birth, then transitioned to being male midway through their relationship. He was still insistant he didn't like masculine traits, and didn't know if he would continue to be attracted to Grac when he transitioned, but he was, even if he knew from the start the relationship between him and Grac wouldn't last very long. If anything, he found the slight amount of confidence Grac gained from transitioning more attractive, that at least made it easier to love him in between their constant fights.   When he met Eldin, he hated that the man was so beautiful. He was a noble, and he hated nobility. Little did he know he would be down on one knee, proposing to the man a year later.


Ian's first job was an under-the-table job for the "Family", also known by the party as The Serpents. He would do jobs when he wasn't in school, and in return Tasha would give him groceries and spending money each week she remembered to do so. He did this from the ages of 12-20.   Ian graduated when he was 17 and was sent into the Agricutural District, where he sewed the seeds and tended to the livestock while he waited for the plants to grow. He loved this job, it gave him purpose and let him befriend a lot of people, but he was fired from the Districts entirely when he was arrested for terrorism. He did this job from the ages of 17-19.   Now, he works as the Ambassador of Aeris, one of the highest positions one can work in all of Gallison, now sitting parallel to the The Royal Council. It terrifies him, but he enjoys being able to see the world and make connections. It's an added bonus that he gets to do this job with his husband and his friends, too. He doesn't feel so alone anymore.

Mental Trauma

Ian is plagued by nightmares from his past and he cannot wear necklaces without feeling a suffocating sense of dread. He almost killed over 100 people he personally bonded with, but he was never proud of it. He was intending to die with them, as he couldn't live with the guilt. Yet, now he lives with the guilt of almost having blood on his hands. On top of that, he knows that he turned into an egotistical asshole in his time spent with Tasha. He pushed away his friends, his first crush, and was destroying his life, drowning it in "Calm Emotions" and alcohol after.   He tries to not abuse magic nor alcohol anymore, but he does have relapses in times of extreme stress. Tasha is a sore spot for him. She's an echo in his mind, embodying his regrets and self hatred. He notably never refers to her by name anymore, only ever calling her Raven.


Eldin Sol

Fiance (Vital)

Towards Ian Griswold



Ian Griswold

Fiance (Vital)

Towards Eldin Sol




Eldin and Ian started dating after meeting each other in jail.

Raylin Trowven

sister (Important)

Towards Ian Griswold



Ian Griswold

brother (Important)

Towards Raylin Trowven




Siblings seperated at birth.

Yerrow Griswold

Adoptive Son (Vital)

Towards Ian Griswold



Ian Griswold

Adoptive Father (Important)

Towards Yerrow Griswold



Neutral Good
Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Date of Birth
Ladorshund 3rd, 17 A.C.
Eldin Sol (Fiance)
Raylin Trowven (sister)
He / Him
Dark brown
Short brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5' 10"
Approx. 180lbs
Corellon Larethian
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common, Elven, Thieves Cant


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