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Lord Drakas Prince

A member of a branch family of the Scorpion clan, Drakas and his parents traveled as entertainers and performers.  Due to the nature of this travel, and the general mistrust displayed toward the Scorpion clan, Drakas did not find many friends his own age.  His environment damaged his mental stability, causing a minor verbal tic and severe feelings of isolation.  It was during this time that he started hearing voices that spoke to him.  His parents, off put by this display of mental instability, further isolated him not realizing that he was actually speaking to spirits that were trapped outside the core planes.  This isolation caused him to start wearing full-face masks instead of the half-masks traditionally worn by the Scorpion Clan and giving a selfish outlook on life.   After leaving his family behind, Drakas managed to work out how to temporarily pull these spirits into the material world, figuring out how to bind vestiges without being taught by a mentor.  Without a place to call home, he found himself living in the town of Sweet Water in the northern part of Paradise Valley.  During the Night of Shooting Stars, he was transported to New Sorpigal along with the remaining survivors.   Drakas is the co-founder of the Crawfish Clan along with Phoenicia Prince.  In order to settle who would lead the Crawfish, he challenged Phoenicia to a duel. Although he lost the challenge, Phoenicia respected him enough to take him as her husband.  While Phoenicia is the head of the Clan, Drakas runs the day-to-day administrative and ambassador work.

Physical Description

Special abilities

An extremely talented binder who has managed to befriend several vestiges

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity



Single-target, toward his wife


Although he only received basic schooling, his upbringing gave him a talent for speaking with people.


Administrator of the Crawfish Clan

Accomplishments & Achievements

Co-founded the Crawfish Clan

Failures & Embarrassments

Managed to so thoroughly convince a target that he was someone they knew, he managed to convince himself and required aid to remember who he was again.

Mental Trauma

Grew up in extreme isolation, causing him to disassociate from the world around him at times


Extreme discomfort at the idea of removing his mask so keeps it on unless requested by Phoencia to remove it

Personality Characteristics

Personality Quirks

Involuntary giggles in conversation and speech repetition


Social Aptitude

Extremely charismatic and skilled at manipulating conversation and people


Phoenicia Prince

Wife (Important)

Towards Drakas




Husband (Important)

Towards Phoenicia Prince




Adventured together as survivors of Sweet Water. Later married after a contest of dominance.

Neutral Evil
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lord of the Crawfish
Year of Birth
1140 A.S. 27 Years old
Aligned Organization

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