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Phoenicia Prince

Lady Phoenicia Prince Hida (a.k.a. Phiphi, Red Mistress)

The daughter of a Crab Clan ronin and a Yobanjin warrior, Phoenicia Prince was born in the village of Sweet Water in the Paradise Valley territory outside the control of the Empire. Raised on the teachings of bushido from her Crab father and the tales of past battles from her Yobanjin mother, Phoenicia grew into a young woman with a love of combat and a sense of honor that blended the cultures of her two parents.   Once the Taint begain to spread on Enroth, her father began to grow more and more erratic. It was soon discovered that he had come in contact with a Tainted item and had subsequently hidden his infection from those around him. This came to a head after he had fought and killed his wife in their home and Phoenicia was forced to finish off her father to protect her own life and the lives of her fellow villagers. When the leadership of the village learned what had happened, they called a Crab shugenja to seek out any further Tainted individuals. Although none were as far gone as the ronin, several townsfolk were also discovered to be Tainted beyond help and were executed for the safety of the village.   During the Night of Shooting Stars, she and a few surviving townsfolk were teleported to the Sorpigal Peninsula just outside the town of New Sorpigal. From there, she and several of her friends traveled to Ironfist in order to inform the court of the danger the event represented. They then travelled the regions around Sorpigal, Darkmoor, and Carator in order to assist Lord Regen Wilbur Humphrey with tasks to assist the Empire while Emperor Roland Ironfist moved to Kriegspire to curb the devils' advance.   Phoenicia Prince married fellow outcast, Drakas of the Scorpion Clan, in 1163 and was granted minor clan status by Regent Wilbur Humphrey in gratitude of the services she had rendered, starting the Crawfish Clan to continue aiding the Empire as a quick reactionary force that could mobilize and contain threats before they did serious harm to the Empire.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Possesses the physical strength of her Yobanjin mother and the endurance of her Crab father.

Specialized Equipment

Especially adept at absorbing physical damage, she utilizes both Bear Yobanjin and Crab techniques to force her foes into submission.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Presents herself as female, though doesn't subscribe to feminine ideals


Heterosexual, isn't shy about sexual matters

Mental Trauma

Forced to kill her Tainted father in self defense. Hometown wiped out during the Night of Shooting Stars

Intellectual Characteristics

Fairly intelligent but doesn't put much stock in book learning.

Morality & Philosophy

Respects the traditions of both her peoples but hates Tainted beings


Will have no dealings with Tainted beings

Personality Characteristics


Protect her family and the Empire, wipe out the devils that destroyed her home, cleanse those Tainted who seek help and destroy those who don't.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

She can hit and take a hit but has very little training in civil court matters

Personality Quirks

Has taken to works of interior art after repeatedly splattering foes against walls


Contacts & Relations

On good terms with both Lord Regent Wilbur Humphrey and Lady Danika Hida

Social Aptitude

Charismatic but blunt, she is more suited to ordering troops and common folk than speaking in court.

Hobbies & Pets

Interior decorating


Speaks fluent common but with a Yobanjin accent learned from her mother.


Phoenicia Prince

Wife (Important)

Towards Drakas




Husband (Important)

Towards Phoenicia Prince




Adventured together as survivors of Sweet Water. Later married after a contest of dominance.

Wealth & Financial state

Has a trade outpost that brings in enough income to supply a minor clan
Neutral Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Head of the Crawfish Clan, Hammer of the Empire
Year of Birth
1138 A.S. 29 Years old
Sweet Water
Drakas (Husband)
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Fluent in common and Yobanjin, has a conversational knowledge of goblin

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