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History of Jadame

A history of the continent of Jadame, as recorded by the Oracle of Enroth.

  • 8500 B.S.

    Settlement of Enroth
    Population Migration / Travel

    The colonists from Varn arrive on Enroth landing on the continent of the same name. The archive core, along with the archive construct, are moved to a more accessible location. Colonists spread from Enroth to Jadame and Antagarich. The control center of the archive allows communication between the different installations on different worlds while avatars of the gods help keep watch on the lands.

  • 8400 B.S.

    Foundation of Civilization

    The Colonial Government, created to help govern the people and aid in their spread, is established. Using a combination of arcane and divine magic, systems of the ark were enhanced in order to create works of wonder. Tools for building and farming, as well as weapons and armor to fend off the new world's dangers, are created at great speed and spread to all continents.

  • 8000 B.S.

    Founding of Ravenshore

    The city of Ravenshore is founded by various races over an entrance to the underground on Jadame.

  • 7500 B.S.

    Conflux of Dragons
    Gathering / Conference

    Bahamut and Tiamat, with the combined worship of all the dragons of Enroth, give birth to the Great Wyrms, the ten divine dragons. Each dragon would travel the world to understand it better and use that knowledge to shape history as they saw fit.

  • 6800 B.S.

    Assassination of Akodo
    Life, Death

    Through subterfuge and cunning, the Kolat are able to assasinate the divine avatar, Akodo, founder of the Lion Clan of Enroth.  With his death, the world was plunged into chaos.  The Kolat comes to public light but planted evidence across the world confuses who they are working for.  The avatars of each other deity become suspicious and move away from helping each other.

  • 6500 B.S.

    5500 B.S.

    War of the Divines
    Military action

    After the assassination of Akodo, the other gods grew suspicious of each other.  The founders of the other Great Clans began building alliances with other gods around the world.  Suspicion grew to hostility until the avatars of Enroth broke out into open conflict.  With their divine sources busy fighting of the demons and devils on the outer planes, the avatars of Enroth were destroyed almost entirely.  The few that remain decide to remove themselves from mortal affairs entirely unless sought out.

  • 5100 B.S.

    Collapse of the Colonial Government

    With the devastation caused by recent wars and the loss of so many deific avatars, the Colonial Government that was established to monitor and control colonization can no longer maintain the facilities necessary to keep control. Antagarich, Enroth, and Jadame separate into individual territories, each fragmenting further into regions and individual kingdoms. The gods no longer have direct control over Enroth.

  • 300 B.S.

    The Nameless Creates the Elemental chimes
    Artistic creation

    The Nameless, after centuries studying the Twilight Gems, creates the Elemental Chimes to focus the energies of the elements into physical objects. With their creation, The Nameless is one step closer to ascension.  The Nameless hands off the Twilight Gems to agents who sneak them out of Enroth to Jadame and Antagarich so that they can't be traced back.

  • 0 B.S.

    The Silence
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The nameless performs the Ritual of Undeath Ascension by casting his name into the Void.  All written and remembered instances of his name are erased from minds and records.  Doing this focused the energies of the elemental planes and the planes of ether and shadow into his being, raising him to godhood.  He takes the name Vec Na, Keeper of the Secret, as he swears never to reveal the details of the ritual as it had a secondary effect.  As he was raised to godhood, the planar boundaries between the core planes and Outer Planes are strained to the point of almost breaking.  Any further planar travel would damage them further, risking their collapse entirely.   All planar communication between the core planes and the Outer Planes, as well as between Enroth and other worlds, is cut off, denying access to even the most powerful of deities. A new age of the world dawns.

  • 20 A.S.

    600 A.S.

    Fall of Magic
    Civil action

    With the coming of the Silence, divine magic is completely negated and all magical enchantments that relied on divine magic have faded. The citizens of the world turn against any and all spellcasters, blaming the separation from the gods on the irresponsible use of magic. Divine casters, who had occasionally lorded over the citizenry, were without power and banished. Sorcerers, viewed as a cancer, were hunted to near extinction. Druids, while depowered, retreated into the wilds and could not be found. The surviving wizards secluded themselves in their towers in different regions of the world, reinforcing their defenses in isolation.   With the disconnect from the gods, the Heavenly Forges begin to break down.  Weapons and armor continue to be crafted but the number of people capable of maintaining them begins to dwindle.

  • 100 A.S.

    The Quickening
    Cultural event

    Without the connection to divine magic, elves discover that their enhanced lifespan is greatly reduced.  Where before elves could live a thousand years or more, they were now lucky to live more than two hundred.  However, their ability to reproduce quickens to match their reduced lifespan.  Due to this, much of the old elven lore and magic fades as there aren't enough elves that live long enough to remember them.

  • 160 A.S.

    Founding of the Sun and Moon

    In order to protect the Twilight Gems from further misuse, The Church of the Sun and Church of the Moon are founded.  They establish themselves on the island of Karigor within the temples the Twilight Gems were initially found in.  The Temples of Sun and Moon spread to all continents, and the Twilight Gems are moved between each one at random by the high priest in order to keep them safe.

  • 550 A.S.

    Life, Death

    In an effort to destroy any hostile magical beings, humans of Jadame slay Tiamat.  Bahamut, enraged at the loss of his wife, decree that his children are to cut mortals off from their assistance.  The only exceptions are those that have already established an accord with a mortal group.  The Divine Wyrms may select a representative to act on their behalf but they are not to interfere or offer assistance to any mortal party or movement.

  • 800 A.S.

    Return of Magic
    Discovery, Scientific

    The old hatreds toward magic have begun to dissipate.  Although many of the old magics remain lost, new forms of magic are developed to fill the gaps and schools of martial technique are created to simulate the enhancement that magic would have on swordplay.  Wizards and recently repowered druids come forth from seclusion in order to teach and identify the new forms of magic being developed.

  • 854 A.S.

    28 Tiamat
    855 A.S.

    1 Bahamut

    Scattering of the Beasts
    Population Migration / Travel

    After several incidents of minotaurs breaking free and attacking civilians, the Boar Clan of Blackshire mobilizes the civilians into a militia and arms them with superior equipment. They are able to push to Kriegspire, holding the passes into Edenbrook. Without the ability to resupply their cavalry with fresh horses and the minotaur causing more and more losses, the Unicorn turn against Shinjo Agar. Word is sent to Morgan Ironfist of the Clan's surrender on the condition of ejecting Agar from Castle Kriegspire. Morgan Ironfist leads a team to attack the castle, scattering the remaining minotaur and forcing Agar to leave the castle and hiding in the northern wastes. The minotaurs move west into paradise valley and then to Jadame and Nighon.   Morgan Ironfist, with the other six Great Clans under his control, with the Mantis giving him transport and the Boar supplying his armies with arms, now effectively controls Enroth

  • 900 A.S.

    War of Dove and Crow
    Military action

    The Church of the Sun declares war on the Church of the Moon after centuries of discord between the two.  What starts as a battle between the two on Jadame quickly spills over into the rest of the world.  The Church of the Sun Destroys the Jadame chapter of the Church of the Moon, which is absorbed into the Necromancer's Guild.

  • 1073 A.S.

    1083 A.S.

    War of Twilight
    Military action

    High Priest Leopold VII, leader of the Enroth Church of the Sun, declares war on the Church of the Moon while under the influence of the artifact Arthur.  Both Churches are ground into poverty and fall apart by 1083.

  • 1140 A.S.

    Tainting of Enroth
    Plague / Epidemic

    At several locations throughout Enroth, a spreading sickness is discovered that rots earth, flesh, and soul alike. As the corruption spreads, it begins warping everything in its path. Species thought extinct are revived as horrific perversions of their former selves and any who come in contact with these beings or travel through areas corrupted by the Taint become Tainted themselves.   While means have been found to slow the spread of the Taint, and even reduce its effect on living creatures already Tainted, there exists no known means of stopping the spread.

  • 1150 A.S.

    Founding of the Church of Baa

    The Church of Baa is founded, displaying the first god-based magic since the Silence.  Their influence spreads to all parts of the world with a focus on helping those displaced by war and supporting the common citizens without having to rely on regional governments.  With the motto of "We were too proud. We must be as sheep for the gods to return," their willingness to accept any comers and provide charity for those in need quickly draw people into the worship of She Who Speaks, the divine source of their faith.  Priests of Baa frequently learn to bind the spirit of Amon in order to display sheep's horns as a display of faith.   This is all a front by the Kolat to undermine the power of the governments of Enroth to establish themselves as the real rulers.  With the assistance of an ancient child of a dragon god, they create a religion that draws in as many worshipers as possible to grant their new leader as much power as possible.  The one known only as She Who Speaks promises rewards of power if they can get her strong enough to call to her allies.

  • 1162 A.S.

    5 Bahamut

    Night of Shooting Stars
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Demons and Devils fall from the skies over Sweet Water in Enroth, Garrote Gorge in Jadame, and Eoful in Antagarich using the power of She Who Speaks as a beacon. Their vessels, resembling hives more than actual ships, set down as colonies for the demons.   The demons in Sweet Water, under the direct command of She Who Speaks, destroy the town and begin to capture lands farther and farther south. The residents of Sweet Water that survived the initial assault gather in the town square where the Archmage Falagar teleports them all to New Sorpigal in Lion territory.   The demons in Eoful, under the command of the demon lord Xenofex, begin to spread but are slowed by the efforts of the halflings that live there, as well as the dragons that live in the mountains.   The demons in Garrote Gorge land between the dragons of the region, the keep containing the Order of the Silver Flame, and the Murmurwoods filled with shifters. Without the need of local governments to authorize their actions, all three groups assault the demons and destroy them before they can gain a foothold.

  • 1162 A.S.

    2 Olidamarra

    Mobilization of the Arcane Order
    Life, Relocation

    Gavin Magnus calls in the wizards of the Jadame chapter of the Arcane Order in order to prevent the necromancers of Nighon from taking control of Antagarich, believing that spellcasters had no business ruling over political organizations. He allies himself with Catherine Gryphonheart and provides magical assistance to counter the necromancers' influence on Erathia. Without the full power of the Necromantic Order, Nicolas Gryphonheart is forced to fortify himself in Castle Gryphonheart using only the knights under his command lead by Knight-Commander William Setag.

    Additional timelines